This is the second segment of an essay in six parts. Part 1 is here.
I have a problem when deviant adults attempt to force their personal fantasies onto others and turn their pretend lives into everyone's dystopian reality. They especially target kids.
Abusing every child's need for belonging, affirmation, and praise, they drag innocent trusting kids into the transgender craziness. Children do not know better. They just don't. They don't have that "inner knowledge" precious to gender activists who use that fallacious argument to claim "child consent". Children cannot consent. Childhood is a time of pretending, role playing and make believe. Children have no sense of long-term implications because they live in here and now.
It's truly the vilest form of abuse to push children towards permanently altering their bodies and crippling their sexual and reproductive abilities when they are unable to fully grasp the repercussions of such actions. And this is done to them, while making them believe it was their choice when it was culturally suggested and imposed upon them - a result of social contagion, through social media, peer pressure and the influence of deranged adults.
As someone said, a child is as much trans as a cat is vegan. Kids go along with the garbage fed to them because they trust the adults in charge. They are not mature and experienced enough to know better.
When suffering from gender dysphoria, detransitioners like Chloe Cole and many others, really needed space and time - time to figure out their feelings, explore their identities and let it play out on its own, without activists pushing them into a cult which wants to grow its ranks, unconcerned with long term consequences.
I have a problem when trans influencers confuse young people by encouraging them to transition and convincing them (like Jeffrey Marsh) to go “no contact” with those who truly love and care for them when all their family may have done is to raise concerns about trans ideology and urge caution. Some of those "influencers" cross dress, use heavy make-up and sing the glories of gender transition, while, at the same time, being very careful not to harm their own healthy bodies in the trans process. They masquerade as females or play "fluid" while remaining flat chested with a "bulge" proudly protruding from their cute dresses. All while encouraging children to mutilate their bodies in the quest to be their “true selves”.
They make me think of those parasites who enrich themselves by sucking the life out of their "hosts".
How convenient to get the social recognition and the corporate sponsorships that come with being a trans celebrity while still enjoying the perks associated with having a penis in working condition.
That may be why Oli London, a UK detransitioner, once called Dylan Mulvaney a fraud.
By the way, Dylan Mulvaney is a good case study to refer to for parents trying to convince their son to think twice before pursuing bottom surgery (aka getting their dicks cut off). That guy has no boobs, his dick and balls are intact, and he was still named "woman of the year" by Attitude magazine. And in the "What is a woman?" film by Matt Walsh, a trans “expert” asserts that "some women have a penis". Conclusion: no need for surgery to be a woman. As parents, you don't have to believe it. You're just stating (crazy assumptions presented as) facts. Who knows? It could help save your son from a lifetime of misery. "Lost in Trans Nation" by Miriam Grossman is invaluable resources for parents dealing with the gender madness.
I have a problem with the "gender affirming" medical industry, which is truly a life ruining business, pocketing billions of dollars every year.1
So called “experts” in trans care present trans therapies as harmless as aspirin and as reversible as a haircut. Unbiased scientific research, data and real-life cases refute all that.
Gender affirming care harms “consenting victims" by leading them to remove/mutilate healthy body parts, to live their lives sterilized, emotionally scarred and often in constant physical pain and dealing with deep regrets. The "recipients of harm" are often too young, too naive, too lost, or too indoctrinated to fully understand the lasting damage done to them.
In addition, the recipients of gender affirming care are made lifelong patients requiring regular medication to maintain their "true selves". Many are on long term antidepressants and therapy to cope with their "happiness" as transgenders.
And regardless of how convinced the kids are of their trans identity or of the fact that they have signed an informed consent document, the responsibility for this malpractice rests squarely on those "medical professionals" who are inflicting this “cure” on them.
The reason the filthy wealthy trans business is so successful is because it provides a wrong answer to a really difficult issue.
Gender dysphoria is a deeply anchored pernicious mental illness that makes you hate your own body. It’s akin to a kind of flesh-eating bacteria of the mind that pushes you to extremes in an attempt to literally jump out of your own skin because you sincerely feel trapped in some hideous scary stranger's body.
As a result, you don't mind what's being done to your body since it's not yours. And the feverish need to be rescued from that sick self-perception of an inner "monster" is the reason why transgenders push back so hard against any attempt to reason with them. It’s why they are deaf to their families' pleas not to hurt themselves and refer to any effort to ban those gruesome trans surgeries as transphobic or criminal.
Some might jump to the conclusion that transitioning saves them by allowing them to feel at peace with their true body. Baloney. The sickness is in the mind. The body is just fine. Medically harming people because that's "how they feel and what they want" is not providing a lasting solution. Gender dysphoria is similar to anorexia where one is convinced they are disgustingly fat when truly only skin and bones are left. I had the "privilege" of suffering from both gender dysphoria and anorexia. The twin sisters from hell.
Gender dysphoria is insidious. It gets so deeply ingrained that it leads a girlie girl to wear uncomfortable binders and packers. It may even lead a girl to opt for a double mastectomy or to have phalloplasty, often with high risk of infections. Handsome masculine boys may start tucking, implanting fake silicone boobs in their chests and maybe even electing to chop off their genitals and get a makeshift vagina (that needs daily dilation) through vaginoplasty.
It's an evil mental disease that doesn't take prisoners. It destroys you.
The "monsters" causing the suffering of gender dysphoria are really only in the heads of these confused children and young adults. The only efficient and compassionate care for this terrible mental illness is through gender reconciliation oriented, long-term therapy. The goal is to bring the mind in alignment with the body. Not to undergo bodily mutilation in a failed attempt to align the body with the mind. It's the only way out.
Europe is scaling down big time with their gender affirming approach in favor of more comprehensive therapeutic care.2
It's heartbreaking to read of transgenders in Europe and Canada who, realizing that transitioning didn't bring them the relief and happiness they were seeking and unable to deal with the mess doctors have made of their bodies, ask to be placed on the AID (Aid in Dying) list. That's code for euthanasia. Transgenderism kills.3
I wish that, despite our ambient culture of death, they would choose life. They are still valuable. They once were little kids loved by their parents. And despite the hot mess that ideologues' social experiments have inflicted upon their bodies, they still have a future. They are still an important part of the human community, and their stories can potentially prevent others from experiencing the same nightmare. In other words, they matter.
Trans activists often ask why people like me care so much about what trans individuals do with their own bodies and lives. Neil DeGrasse Tyson even asked:" What business is it of yours to require that I fulfill your inability to think of gender on a spectrum?". It's actually very much my business. And here is why. To paraphrase Elon Musk, adults can do whatever makes them happy as long as it doesn't hurt others. When young people are (wrongly) convinced that they were "born in the wrong body" and the only solution to stay alive and be happy is to undergo irreversible body modifications through hormones and surgeries, a lot of people get hurt in the process. Also, to believe that gender is on a spectrum requires the rest of us to affirm the delusion that people can change sexes. Science matters. As an astrophysicist, you should know that, Neil.
One's health, wallet, mental stability, future plans, long term happiness, family, friends and, by extension society, become collateral damage to the "solution".
That's why we care so much, sir.
To be continued…
"Financial interests make transgender movement successful" CNE News, 10/03/2022, "Sex reassignment surgery market", Global Market Insights/trend report 2023,
"How the medical industry is profiting off transgender people", Sydney Warson, YouTube, 5/31/2020
"European countries restrict trans healthcare for minors", US News, 7/12/2023, "Europe adopts a cautious approach to gender affirming care",, 6/6/2023
"Trans individual seek euthanasia after gender affirming care", The American Spectator, 8/26/2023, "How many more mutilated victims of transgender ideology will choose assisted suicide?", Jonathon Van Maren, 12/15/2022
> Neil DeGrasse Tyson even asked:" What business is it of yours to require that I fulfill your inability to think of gender on a spectrum?".
What a disgraceful comment from someone who claims to be a scientist! We're entirely capable of thinking of gender on a spectrum. That's a well-articulated hypothesis. Then we look at the research that has tested that hypothesis and clearly demonstrated it to be both false and harmful, and so the hypothesis has been rejected by the scientific method.
Amazing essay. As a bullied teen in the 80’s, I recall being obsessed with body image. I was devastated when a girl pointed out body hair growing on my shoulder and my hairy legs. My eyebrows were too thick. I spent hours obsessing. Ironically, as an adult, women often compliment me on being attractive. I believe the vast majority of teens obsess over one thing or another and wish to be in the body of “the popular kids” and simply to fit in. I was pleased to read yesterday about a couple in Michigan who’s suing the district for socially transitioning their daughter behind their backs. The daughter is doing great not that they pulled her out of that district. This is America. We can’t wait for science and reason to rescue our kids. We need to do it the American way...sue the bad guys into bankruptcy.