I know……All too well, and my heart breaks for you, me and all the others. I could have written these exact words, except for my daughter, not son. Hell on earth. 😭

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Though I have not as of yet had these experiences but as a parent and grandmother I am torn apart by your stories. My biggest fear is that my grandchildren both girls will be indoctrinated and I am helpless, so helpless

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I am relieved Marie. Treat yourself kindly please.

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This is ripping. Pray & hope there is at least one human with whom you can release & let this all spill forth...

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Yes, there are a few people with whom I can talk. Those are the people who sit with me, cry with me and pray with us for our son. Even better, those are the people who say his name, his real name and who remember him for the real man that he is.

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I could’ve written every single detail of this. Everything you wrote is my life... is my son. Everything. I’m so sorry we share this agonizing pain. I send you strength to get through tomorrow.

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My heart breaks for you. I hear you. I support you. I feel your pain.♥️♥️♥️♥️

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So hard. I dont know what to do and how to communicate any more either.

Its PTSD per Dr Grossman, that at least helped me name how feel everyday . I feel your pain and support your process. I am a 62 yo newbie, my old life is gone. helpless hopeless angry confused.

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I really related to your piece and shared it with several people 👍 Your story is so similar to my story. I do speak up though (as you obviously have to get the comments you mentioned) and tell people about my son. I am judged for sure, but most people of my faith see this trans ideology as wrong. Some do think I should use his preferred name and pronouns and I feel judged by that, but I fasted and prayed and asked the Lord what he wanted me to do when my son told me he wanted me to change what I called him. I received the answer to speak truth and not use the preferred name and pronouns. I’ve caved in my mind and heart many times and wanted to use the preferred name and pronouns to just feel close to my son again, to maybe make him happy, or gain his approval. Each time the Lord has stopped me through making me so nauseous my mouth began to water like I was actually going to throw up, making me sweat profusely in a cold room until sweat was rolling down my back, or making me sick to my stomach and it seems I feel His gentle rebuke - don’t go there, I already told you no, don’t do it, and I continue to choose God over my son’s comfort, love, approval, etc. I have zero reasons to trust my son after what he has done and how he has treated me and EVERY reason to trust God who gives me my daily breath, helped me retire my wheelchair and sends angels to bear me up! 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

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Trannies cannot be trusted. They lie, cheat and deceive. The enemy rules them and you are 100% correct that you cannot trust them. Despite having been honest in the past, our children are no longer the same once the poison has been fully injested in the form of gender ideology. They are lying to themselves first and it spreads to all those willing to perpetuate the deceit. We must keep praying and make God our priority. Stick to the Truth! 🙏

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Just wanted to send you a little love. ❤️ I know how dark and heavy it is to carry such things around in our hearts, I’m glad you can unload some of that burden here.

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Everything you described is exactly how I feel too. Afraid of the look of sympathy or the look of condemnation. So I am hiding from the world and I am working on the courage and strength that I will need to combat those looks. I truly believe we are all too silent with the torture we are going through. We all need to stand up against this cult, the people that encourage it, and the people that feel sorry for us. If not to save our children but to save the future children and parents that will inevitably suffer our same fate. I am praying for all of us to find the courage to rise up against the destruction of our children.

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We have your back. Challening pronouns, affirmation, and the cult from inside the complex. Keep faith.

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Same. I think about it a lot. I am an open book and absurdly honest by nature. It eats me from the inside to feel like I am not being honest with people. She was my stepdaughter her dad died. I still lived her. But now, I just pretend those 10 years of raising her never happened...the people at my new job don't even know she exists. My daughter does the same thing. It hurts every day...hurts us both.

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So true! It hurts us both.

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This is a destructive, evil and insidious cult which is supported and championed by oblivious politicians and funding oriented “World “Professional” Association of Transgender Health” which is a pretend organisation of nefarious intentions started by so called medical “experts” who experimented on babies and children who ultimately had their bodies destroyed and their lives ruined ie: “Dr”John Money and his abominable treatment of the Reimer twins. It’s unfathomable that our lawmakers and actual medical professionals accept the WPATH Standards of Care Version 8 as their guide for treating a mental illness (quite often of the parent's) of these unfortunate children who are actually being physically and mentally and medically abused by an insane cult Worldwide! People! Worldwide! We must expose this for what it is-a deeply disturbing destruction of our future and our children’s futures.

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I am soooo sorry, I feel distraught and horror for you and each parent going thru this. The evil is unimaginable…..may your child become free ….for those that can get your child to a farm or somewhere to be with nature. Here is a website that offers opportunities…. https://wwoof.net/

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This is very interesting. I read a story of a mom that sent her daughter to a horse farm for the summer. No cell phone and no internet and the daughter came back with a clear head and wanted to be a girl again.

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Yes, another thought I had today. If you cannot get your child out of his/her dangerous spaces, perhaps a dog may be of help. A dog requires two little walks a day, feeding, petting and cuddling……getting the child out and about, away from the devices, also dogs have qualities that are healing. Having the child take the focus off oneself and put somewhere else is sooooo helpful.

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You have captured my internal struggle so beautifully. It’s like you have read my mind. And tonight is Halloween, Thanksgiving and Xmas to follow. How to get through with endless family members and friends asking how is your son doing or worse the ones who know not mentioning his name. How to put a smile and ensure your kid does not feel isolated or hurt around the family table. I for one will be happy when the holidays come and go. Maybe the new year will bring hope.

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