I am so sorry for your loss. I have no words. My son was brainwashed 3years ago and it has been a living nightmare. I pray God gives you strength and comforts you like only He can.

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This is so painful. I read this a few days ago, while in the car with my husband and audibly gasped. I worry about my son, even though he too has detransitioned. I worry that life is just too hard for him. I often think this is a bigger issue some of our children are facing.

You are good, loving parents.

My son has talked about taking care of us in our old age too since detransitioning, and about wanting a family someday, and a good job that can support that.

I do worry that all of this, and the ability to handle what life has thrown at him, may be too much at times. I don't know how to help him. I know focusing on gender is distracting from the real issues he is dealing with.

My heart hurts for you, for your spouse, and your family. I'm so sorry. I know that doesn't help you much. Thank you for sharing your very personal story, and for trying to use your pain to help others. It will not be in vain. God bless you.

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Sorry for your loss. I have no words and can only imagine the pain you’ve suffered. The one positive is that your son’s final words were, “I love you, Mom.”

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This breaks my heart. Missing my daughter too. It’s been a year and a half since she was captured.

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I was so hopeful when you said your son came home - there aren’t any words that I can say to express the grief. You and your son were robbed of so many memories. I’m sure he’s in heaven and at much more peace - this world can be evil as we all know on this Substack. I’m so glad you got to see him come home - he knew how much he was loved

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I am so sorry.

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I am deeply saddened to read about the pain you and your son have felt. My sincere condolences.

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Democrats are destroying us by forcing everyone to kowtow to the ridiculous: "The Transgender Emperor": https://daveziffer.substack.com/p/the-transgender-emperor

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How many more must die or otherwise be destroyed before parents stop sending their children into the jaws of the enemy? GET YOUR KIDS OUT: https://www.publicschoolexit.com/

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I am so sorry.

This school-to-trans pipeline will not stop until we the majority who know it's BS speak up and step up, and take control of our schools' policies and curricula. Right now they are in the hands of zealots with a radical-minority viewpoint.

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I doubt that this is any kind of help at this point,

but several excellent studies have found that transgender youth usually have 3-5 initial personality problems before they stumble onto gender as a fix for what ails them

So very sorry for your loss.

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Horrific. It sounds like the school taught your vulnerable son an ideology that isolated him from you- they set him up to run away to a shelter? When he needed to be at home, getting actual mental health care? Sounds like a lawsuit to me. Surely there’s grounds for some kind of manslaughter charge when an adult responsible for kids’ safety tells a vulnerable kid with psychiatric issues “your parents don’t love who you really are” and then facilitates an emotional and then physical separation between that kid and their parents. Child endangerment charges? Can it be proven that the separation that was facilitated prevented the parents from getting the child psychiatric help?

I’m so, so sorry for your loss.

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Heartbreaking story. Have no words. So sorry for the loss your family have suffered.

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There are no word. So very sorry for your loss. I hope you win this fight. Someone needs to pay!

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Hi Everyone!

I've been following a male Detransitioner named Alexander who is around 28? He has made a video on how to communicate to your child depending on where you stand on the issue. It's really worth watching. Link: https://youtu.be/y5HrfGo5CNc?si=AO_zenzOUEVirrNu

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No words. I'm so very sorry for your loss. This teacher shouldn't be working with children.

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