I was trying to express how I perceive what non-believers think about the religious. I used to be in that camp but have increasingly come to admire faith or belief in God as a traditional bulwark against the madness of the modern world. I just don't think I can do it myself. I've been to church, maybe I will turn to the Good book and try again. I'm sorry if I didn't communicate that well... I genuinely thought it might be helpful to hear that from someone without faith. Despite what you think, I have huge sympathy for parents going through any type of loss caused by this dreadful movement.

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I so appreciate your post, your story is similar to ours, only our son decided to become a female at age 40. Three children and then a divorce, and comes to me and tells me this. At 40. I have maintained a relationship until recently, asked him to come to Christmas, and instead he fought with me about not accepting him as our daughter and cut off all communication. You all know how devastating it as a parent. And no, God does not make mistakes, which they refuse to acknowledge.

We are living in dark times, and I appreciate this community to share and realize we are not alone and hopefully one day, we will have our children back. All we can do is pray. And continue to fight against this hideous future "they" want. Prayers for all of you.

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So incredibly sorry for the loss of your husband and now your son. Please know that you are not alone in this horrendous fight - we are here for you and God is by your side. Cling to hope and do not stop praying. I have seen many miracles in my 66 years on this earth and I know firsthand that God answers prayers - especially in ways that I did not expect. My nephew returned home before Christmas and desisted. My sister was very sad and heartbroken for several years but now she is reunited with her son and her happiness is beginning to return. There are stories on this sub stack that give us hope and encouragement and being reunited with our lost loved one is what we all want in the long run. I pray for you and your son. Hold fast to your faith and never stop asking for a miracle. God hears our prayers.

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Thank you for your article and your link. My heart, my prayers, are with you. As the grandmother of three confused young adults living as the opposite sex, and the grandmother of a young woman living with a man dressing as a woman, your words and Laura's words have eased some of my pain. We, who love, but who live in reality, also live with many questions. "If, if only, if only I." Your story helps us to remember to go to the Source of all peace, the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. The glorious thing about Christianity, is that we can face the truth about ourselves, and come to the understanding that through Him, though we are flawed, as all human beings are, we are loved and forgiven. We are made in His image, no other of His creatures are. He has plans for us. No matter how transhumanism (and all its aspects) is pushed and pounded into our society, tormenting us and our loved ones who succumb to it, His truth will prevail. In the meantime, we are to fight the good fight. Thank you for fighting. Love, Indio

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Your comments and quotes about faith are reminding me of a realisation I believe I have raised before about how many parents are religious on this site. I'm an atheist, one that loves Christian culture and morals (mostly) but can't believe but would have loved to. I can't even support a football team, let alone believe in God. Your quote about you having your faith I have mine so demonstrates the weakness of faith in the modern, increasingly secular world. Let me tell you you are seen by most non-believers as rather stupid for believing what you believe. It makes no sense at all to non-believers. If you imagine how secular society amplifies such sentiments it's easy to see how your authority is grossly and wrongly undermined, especially in relation to your children. I don't mean this as a criticism from me, just an observation about something that seems important in a lot of families, especially in the US. I don't know how this helps you, it just seems real to me. It reinforces the sense that authoritative parenting might be a really important aspect of the whole trans debacle. My sister in law is a Catholic but holds her children very close to her, home schooling her huge brood. I can't imagine them being infected by trans... we shall see... perhaps this is (not overtly) authoritarian parenting that amounts to something authoritative. I wish you the very best.

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Perhaps you should read the bible and get past your disdain for it. Everything happening in this world is foretold there - research it. And anyone who has faith in God, not necessarily religion, has reason to be comforted about our future, do you amid all this chaos? Don't want an argument, just letting you know the other half sees your lack of belief as "rather stupid" as well, but I never would have said that to someone mourning the loss of a family member.

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I’m sorry for your loss in so many ways. My husband and I feel like we aren’t going to make it half the time. Our daughter threw this in our faces during 2020. I lost my mind almost and tried to divorce him. I felt so much guilt and still do for every little thing I did from the moment she was born. I have realized that she is not going to come around anytime soon. If doctors and therapists as well as schools and peer groups and the damn government sellouts didn’t affirm this, we’d have a better chance. She keeps insisting I call her my son and calls us horrible names if we don’t do what she wants. I’m so tired of it. We gave and kept hiving her everything. My heart is shattered. I pray from guidance but nothing works. So I pray for you. For all parents who are being tortured by these monsters manipulating our children’s minds and bodies.

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Please accept my heart felt love and condolences for your devastating loss. I am not surprised that your son’s news would cause your husband to die of a broken heart. I pray for you to have strength to continue to fight for truth. Thank you for sharing your words.

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The problem with religious argument.

>> He said something like, "You have your faith and I have mine." <<

On that premise he has a valid point. If the discussion becomes about deep feelings and sincere belief, then his position is as philosophically credible as yours.


As I have delved into the reasons and causes for the transgender phenomenon it appears to me more and more that it is part of the larger postmodernist and transhumanist agenda. This is why I warn against trying to turn this controversy into yet another partisan issue. Republican vs. Democrat; liberal vs. conservative; Christian vs. unbelievers; etc.; is not going to turn the tide. Indeed, in my estimation, it plays right into the hands of the extremists on both sides.

Many transhumanists are techno-libertarians eg. billionaires Peter Theil and (the flakey brain chip proponent) Elon Musk, also Ray Kurzweil, et al. I recommend this article on Quillette that explains the reach of transhumanism and its convergence with transgenderism. Here is an alarming excerpt:

>> Liberating the body from reproduction liberates humanity from our own physical continuation. At first glance, reproductive advocates may tout this as progress, but removing reproduction from our bodily purview does not only liberate us from the body, it also subjects us to the tyranny of the mind. Removing the body from reproduction is primarily the elimination of women from the process of creating human beings. Liberation from reproduction is liberation from sex, both in act and biology. At which point, gender truly becomes fashion with no remaining foundations in the story of human origins. <<


At the heart of this is the spread of postmodernism thought among both political persuasions in the U.S. On the right it manifests itself as reactionary postmodernism, ie., Trumpism, QAnon, anti-vaxx, climate denial, etc. On the left (and more pertinent to this forum) is revolutionary postmodernism.

Postmodernism generally involves the notion that there is no such thing as objective truth; that all revolves around relative cultural experiences and that consequently there is no such thing as objective morality; the assertion that science is not objectively true and just one “narrative” among many “narratives”; and the view that no words/language can have a fixed meaning intended by its author.

Almost everything you read or hear from transgender activists and ideologues stems from political postmodernists and particularly from the proponents of ‘queer theory’. These are the people who have indeed become so nihilistic and harebrained that they maintain even human biological sex is a “social construct”.

We’ve got to now the battleground in order to prevail … transgender ideology is a product of postmodern political philosophy and that is where we have to fight.

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Thanks for posting. Ms. Aboli mentions "Singularity" as it applies to transhumanism, but the roots of it are found millennium ago with the lie of "oneness," the unity of all phenomena which is essential to mystic traditions in both East and West especially Hinduism, Buddhism, and Wicca with everything becoming one with everything and everyone else materially and spiritually, with every individual distinction absorbed into the One. There can be no division, no binary. Androgyny is part of godhood. It is all a lie straight from the pit of hell. Camille Paglia (atheist, feminist, social critic, art professor) famously observed years ago that in her exploration of androgyny throughout art history, it wasn't the individual expression but the acceptance of it by a society that signaled its soon destruction. God explains it clearly in Romans 1:18-32. Trans is androgyny on steroids - literally.

We can see the growing spread of Oneness in the bigger picture of convergence with movement towards a one-world government, earth worship through radical climate change, a universal religion through the interfaith movement.

My heart always goes out to those who post to this site, because so many are walking in the dark. We do not live in a spiritual vacuum. Please, please ask the Lord to show you the truth. Choose this day whom you will follow. I am praying for you all.

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Start this video at 30 minute mark for those with time constraints….exposes the upside down , lies, and who is behind the trans movement and why…… https://rumble.com/v41hh1h-uncensored-breaking-us-moves-to-exit-the-who-and-the-un-ft.-dr.-rima-laibow.html

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The link produces a video that has no time.

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Sorry about that, maybe this will work.. https://www.bitchute.com/video/ppAkLrYOhy1…..if not, go about half way thru the video, the most pertinent parts start there. The whole video is very informative and important but I realize peoples time can be limited. ❤️ This is also very relevant… https://preventgenocide2030.org/

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The above link is not about the middle East conflict but about the world happening

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At 40:00 minute mark in video she explains beautifully the how and why and who of destruction of family and child’s connection to parent(s) for healthy mind and social health.

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Very profound analysis and great plug for this U.K. speech. Excited to listen. Thanks.

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How sad to see one faith based belief replaced by another. For a simple atheist like me faith is not necessary to dismantle the trans delusion. A trans woman is not a woman, this can easily be established by scientific means.

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Yes, it can be easily established by scientific means, but that hasn't stopped gender ideology from almost completely overtaking medicine, science, business and government today. Not sure what you mean by one faith-based belief replaced by another. Christianity did not produce the trans delusion.

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I agree Christianity did not produce the trans delusion but neither is it likely to bring about it’s demise because it is based on faith and not on evidence. It is only necessary to attack those elements of the trans movement that cause harm such as invasion of woman’s space and sterilisation of minors by exposing the harm they cause.

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This is obviously not a site for debate on religions, but there are actually many evidences of the truth of Scripture historically, archeologically, scientifically, and especially prophetically. The truth of biological science is being ignored and denied exactly because of the spiritual battle being fought over the lives of those who are gender confused. The greater the level of illogic, the greater the level of deception. There is a spiritual dimension to the trans cult that is recognized by those who are adherents of various pagan expressions of spirituality. We do not live in a spiritual vacuum, even those who deny spiritual realities worship something, even if it's only themself. Like Bob Dylan said, ya gotta serve somebody. It's how we were made.

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Love this comment!

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If Christians want to pray for God’s help as they work to overcome gender ideology, that seems find to me. One doesn’t preclude the other. So far, all our “science” hasn’t been very successful. On the contrary, it has succumbed.

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I submit prayer is not going to achieve more than exposure of the harms of trans ideology, much as previous medical ‘cults’ like lobectomy and hysteria (conversion disorder) were dismantled by exposure and ridicule.

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So? That’s your opinion. How does it hurt? It doesn’t, and if you are wrong, it may help. Again, prayer doesn’t preclude work. Now, I think we need to agree to disagree. It’s very late and I am sleepy!

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Sleep well

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During most of my adult life, I saw this coming. A serious bible and prophecy student, I would often ask myself "How?", "why?" when reading changes in global action that defied what I knew to be true at the time. One by one, mechanisms, organizations and ethos became evident that moved in the direction I saw unfolding in scripture. Now that the hidden global forces moving toward global thought, global economy, global control, global religion etc., have emerged with their agenda on full display, the only thing that I can do is become filled armed with spiritual equipment to fight this deeply spiritual battle. Primarily, praying like my life depends on it. It does as it is for all those I love. If you mocked a friend or loved one who talked about such things, rethink, revisit. Get armed!

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Happy that more folks are learning just how insidious this movement is.

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I'm not falling for this "transhumanism" conspiracy theory. Let's stay focused on gender ideology, please.

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Well I've researched the topic and I can say Laura Aboli absolutely nails it in her speech.

The term 'conspiracy theory' is no different to 'transphobe' in that it's designed to halt discussion, open minded enquiry and free thought by imposing a social stigma on these things.

In any case, the transhumanist movement is completely out in the open and it only relies on the general public being too distracted to notice what is going on. The UK government put out a 50 odd page booklet on their official website a couple of years ago detailing their plans for brain-computer interfaces, implants, nanotech etc and genetic engineering.

As with all of these nefarious agendas, it's vociferously denied and ridiculed as preposterous, while at the same time being implemented right in front of our faces (AKA gaslighting).

The WEF (who have groomed most 'world leaders' through their 'young global leaders' program, and most movers and shakers through their 'global shapers' program) cannot stop talking about it either. Schwab boasts the 4th Industrial Revolution will "change our physical, digital and biological identities" and that we won't be human when we emerge from it.

In truth there is no 'gender ideology' and no 'political correctness' and no 'wokeness'..... these are all smokescreens and intellectual quagmires to stop the masses comprehending what is actually a very cold, calculated and pragmatic agenda to de-gender the masses (and our culture) and create a population of genderless, sterilised grey worker drones (but covered in rainbow stickers, fluorescent hair dye and glitter and with a pseudo gender of their choice).

With artificial wombs a decade away and AI 'education' on the horizon the ruling class simply have no need for a gender, pair bonding, parenting, families or natural reproduction.

What they want for humanity is no more 'conspiratorial' than the changes we've seen in farming over the past 50+ years. Cows don't need convincing which is why farmers don't bother to invent 'progressive ideologies' to rationalise the changes they are making to farming practices.

The truth is it's just more convenient and profitable for Big Agra to factory farm cows ...... and the same pragmatic and boring reasoning applies to managing the human herd too. If you're a technocrat you obviously want an atomised, weak, confused, dependent population.... not a population of loving families with a strong cohesive culture and sense of community and tradition.

If we want to remain human and maintain something vaguely resembling a high civilisation we have to be as pragmatic as the ruling class (but in the opposite direction). That means ditching smartphones and all wireless gadgets, feminist ideology, the TV, Hollywood, state schooling and higher education and Big Pharma drugs... and bringing back stay-at-home mothers (or fathers if that suits a couple better) and home schooling as the default.

Simply analysing 'woke ideology' and engaging in endless intellectual hand wringing (or soul searching) - or ranting at school boards - is going to achieve absolutely nothing in terms of stopping the transhuman agenda.

For the first time in 5000 years of technological progress, if we are going to achieve more progress (or just maintain our current level of civilisation), we are going to have to start REJECTING new technologies just as often as we embrace them ... and reject them with a passion! :)

We should thank Schwab and his cronies for dangling their digital sword of transhumanism above our heads. Our humanity and connection to nature and the divine is no longer a given. It must be desired and actively embraced, or it WILL be erased and replaced by a technological (artificial) substitute.

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Well, maybe if you'd ditched your smartphone and wireless gadgets you wouldn't have "done your research" and fallen down this particular rabbit hole. Laura Aboli is no scientist or researcher of any kind, and no authority on the subject. She's a public speaker and entrepreneur. And she wears fake eyelashes. Makes her look like a doe, but that's her business.

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"Well, maybe if you'd ditched your smartphone and wireless gadgets you wouldn't have "done your research" and fallen down this particular rabbit hole"

That's a very weak argument. As I explained the transhuman agenda is completely out in the open. In fact it is being enthusiastically promoted. It is being normalised.

Dismissing it out of hand for being a 'rabbit hole' is just an admission that you don't want to think beyond the surface. My point was that surface level thinking makes us incapable of comprehending - let alone resisting - such agendas.

Surface level thinking on 'trans' issues is when people say "everyone has a right to free expression and we should support them by affirming their identity and not being such a nasty transphobe". For surface level thinkers, anything more nuanced and complex than that is regarded as a 'rabbit hole' and dismissed.

FYI I don't use a smartphone or any wireless gadgets and it's perfectly possible to use the internet without frying your brain, and killing all the insects and birds. Just use an ethernet cable (it's faster and more secure too).

Wifi is already being removed from schools in many countries (and even outlawed) because it's making the kids sick and unable to concentrate. FWIW I think it is also a contributing factor in ROGD, given that microwaves are known to cause anxiety, depression, mood swings, anhedonia and a general feeling of 'wrongness'. Throw in teenage angst, the disembodiment of online 'socialising' and the transhumanist agenda and you have the prefect recipe for a trans identity.

" Laura Aboli is no scientist or researcher of any kind, and no authority on the subject. "

The 'argument from authority' is a logical fallacy. In any case it makes no sense to put 'authority' on a pedestal when trans medicalisation is being affirmed by the sme authority figures (politicians, doctors, scientists, teachers etc).

The fact that Laura Aboli is not a scientist means she can speak the truth on trans issues without having her funding pulled and her career destroyed.

The fact that she enhances her female features to make herself more attractive makes her a normal woman. I agree that the arms race in eyelashes (and makeup generally) is getting a little out of hand, but it's harmless compared to the trend for tattoos, piercings, fluorescent hair, high cut leotards, and transhumanist outfits and accessories that have become the standard uniform for all the pop stars and celebs (and teachers) who influence our children.

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Well, you've definitely convinced me. Anyone with false eyelashes obviously couldn't know what they're talking about.

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It is coming, but fighting the battle before you is the only option we have. You can't fight the thousand things that might happen.

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I am sorry for the loss of your husband. I too cannot lie to my daughter who fell into the trans rabbit hole. She did eventually reconnect. I do not think it was because of anything her family said or did but perhaps because that little bit of family love that was hidden inside her for years began to reemerge among the lies and deceit. Our love never left us and she knew we would not abandon her. This is the message I made clear to her in the estranged years. She could cut us off again, as truth and love are my only offerings. May your son one day wake up. Our gender mistakes, aka our children, are merely fodder for the principalities and powers that want children and young adults for their agendas. Exposing them is key.

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