You nailed it.

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Incredible two letters. Thank you for your raw anger.

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Oh yeah! You tell him straight! 👏 The time for being a "good German" is over!!

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Who amongst you will be the first to write a children’s book from the perspective of a detransitioner? Don’t we need a balanced perspective to “I am Jazz” hitting libraries in stories like “I am Chloe” to inform the little ones?

How long will it take to get one to Amazon press? Not long - I know shitty writers who can knock off a children’s book every 3 months working full time and self publish on Amazon with no capital investment. Amongst all of the PITT writers, there are some remarkable writers with deeply touching stories. How bout it Helene and others? Ya already got the story. Illustrators are cheap and I strongly suspect there are many on here who are creative enough to self illustrate or who will offer their services. Cut and paste if you can’t draw or draw stick men.

There are many of us who will buy the stories and to write book reviews to boost sales. Some of us who will walk these books into schools and libraries and donate them or put them on the shelves. Write under a pseudonym. Not like that hasn’t been done.

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Me. I started one.

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Thank you for doing that. Please let us know when it is finished and if you need any help or support. Let’s go people: we buy these stories, we boost their sales and we start walking them into schools and libraries everywhere.

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Vulnerable adults do NOT have autonomy and full control over their bodies.

An adult, any adult, who presents to a doctor saying: "I feel like I am the opposite sex. I want you to help me to achieve my dream" is deluded and if he/she persists he/she is psychotic, cut off from reality.

No one can change sex. No doctor should tell a patient a lie.

Any "treatment" which promotes this patient's delusion is unethical and a breach of the Hypocratic Oath "Do No Harm" because any intervention, even just "social transition", is absurd and dangerous.

So NO. Reality matters. Nothing else.

"I believe in facing the truth even if it hurts very much". This is what I wrote in 2007 just after my Trans then-H had left us after 10 years of gas-lighting, and I still believe it.

Truth matters.

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I have not been personally affected (yet) by this madness but I have read enough about it to burn with fury. At some point those responsible must be held accountable for the lives they have destroyed.

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'Inform yourself. Then do something about it. That is the “comfort and support” I need.' Perfect tough love bomb for your 'friend'. Definitely send it. Your gifted son (I have one of those, long estranged but not trans, as far as I know) is likely looking for big answers to his big brain frustrations, and a sex change, on the face of it, seemed to fit that bill in the absence of healthier societal stimulation and opportunities to put his gift to good use. That our bright young sons and daughters are being given the means and motive to sterilise themselves (and worse) in the name of some human rights crusade to let people 'be their true selves', is arguably the worst, most depraved corruption ever to stalk humanity, which is saying something. I admire your courageous truth telling and righteous rage. Your friend doesn't sound like he deserves you.

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And one more thing, the school shooter in Georgia was reported via his Discord buds. His account there posted trans activist stuff. That's going to the memory hole faster than you can read it.

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This has been proven to be false, sorry. The discord user in question could not be verified to belong to the shooter; however, if it was, the rest of the revealed dialogue in screen shots showed that the shooter was very much an trans and lgbt activist, the anti-lgbt and anti-trans kind.

Local police noted in a report that the allegation that the Discord account belonged to Colin or Colt Gray “cannot be substantiated.”

“let me give you an example of why I’m doing this,” the user wrote, posting a photo of a family holding signs showing support for their trans daughter. “I need to put an end to that. … im on the edge of a lgbtq massacre”

Some direct quotes from an article.

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I have not told many people about my son. Of those I have, some people understand and some people are willing to learn. Some people get some of it and apparently, I now have a certain blank stare that lets these people know they have crossed a line, so our relationship survives. And sadly there are some people who just don’t seem to have the intellectual capacity….

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I just got a general election online poll. I've ignored them most of the time. I've started using any fill in the blank to say,"I'll vote for the candidate who will take male rapists out of women's prisons and stop sterilizing gay and autistic kids"

Sadly I don't think the message will ever get through.

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You are describing my son. IQ over 150, ASD, few people to talk to on his own level, few friends, obsessive. We are estranged as well - at least, he has estranged himself from me. I know your pain

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I have a gifted daughter who has transitioned. I have heard nothing from the gifted community about the higher incidence in gifted individuals. Does anyone know of any good research studies?

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Thank you, Melissa, for those links. And just so you know, Theresa, SENG (Supporting Emotional Needs of the Gifted, who gave my son an award when he was a kid) is all on board with gender ideology, citting Ph.D. and Ed.D. Terry Friedrichs's estimate that 30% of gifted children are LGBTQ+ because "gifted kids are able to consider and question the validity of things other children may deem 'normal' or 'just how it is'" (SENG's words). Like biological sex.

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Huh! 'Able to consider and question the validity... I think the gifted kids are often ASD and have black and white thinking. My son would have huge enthusiasms about particular things and trans was the latest. What I find difficult to understand is how a gifted kid can be taken in by this flimsy ideology. Mine had already dismantled religion as being an ideology that could not be proven, so how come he doesn't make make the same connection with this one? It baffles me.

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I hear you. And gender affirmation promises so much to the kid who feels like a misfit (perhaps because they think on a different plane from their peers). False promises, as you pointed out, and transparently so to us, but not to them, evidently.

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Selfishly, I pray you come to the decision to send it.

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Right, after losing both my sons I just don’t have the energy or inclination to deal with someone who thinks this is acceptable. particuarly if they want to see themselves as compassionate.

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Now that you've written draft one from your heart, and hopefully taken a walk, you can return and fine tune it so it's received and taken into consideration so the friend can offer the support you/we need. If then it falls on def ears or infifference, then you know the position and capacity of the friend or anyone. You have to move with the movers on the battle that's taken your child away.

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Not enough for you to be a "good German". I'm going to be using that ALOT.

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I agree. I am told by my family that just because they don’t necessarily agree with me (non affirming) it doesn’t mean they don’t love me. I see that as a false kind of love, it’s a patronizing kindness. To me love and support go hand in hand. Their belief in all of this does not show support.

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It's their belief unsupported by any independent, intelligent verification that bothers me. Sincere disagreement I can handle. Dogmatic condescension and doctrinaire superiority? I'm done with that.

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