Fits my son exactly. Will be checking out your site. Thanks!

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This is my story too, no need for the same details! Thank you for the resource!

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is this real

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Well done -- we parents of ROGD girls wish you all the best. We are your best ALLIES.

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Thank you! Every effort is a step forward. ♥️

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I'm glad there is a place for the parents of these young boys to support each other in their unique struggles

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Thank you so much what everything you've been doing. As a mother of now desisted boy, I could have written this word for word (except the part where you actually did the hard work of getting it all together and helping others!) This website and community of the parents of boys are very much needed. The number of comments on this post is telling...It is sad how these boys are treated, how this issue doesn't seem to be important for other parents. As you say, these boys grow up to be the best kind of men, marriage material, and it is devastating what has been happening to them. They are ignored at best and called predatory, dangerous fetishists at worst--including by GC therapists (talks about labelling them AGP while they are still teens!)

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is describes my son exactly. We are very recently speaking again and he is moving back home with me, taking a gap year from college. I didn’t think he was on estrogen but found out yesterday that he is. Now he’s moving home. I miss him with my whole heart but I don’t know how to navigate all this because I cannot affirm his choices. And he will not talk about it with me. Frankly, I’m so anxious about him coming to live with me….. he comes home today and this all happened inside of 5 days. Any advice would be greatly appreciated. 🙏🏼

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I'm sorry your son is on estrogen, but I'm very happy for you that you are talking again and that he is coming home. Things might be stressful and scary for you, but you can do it! He is reaching out. Be there for him, do things that improve your relationship, keep being truthful and honest, and take it one day at a time. Be gentle with yourself and him. Sending you and your boy lost of love.

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Small wounded animals are looking for a place to hide. Small prey animals blend into their environment primarily through natural coloration that matches their surroundings and allows them to disguise themselves. The awkward ROGD boys stick out like a sore thumb in the harsh environment of high school, and like chameleons who change color, changing their sex allows them to hide.

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The whole subject is sad. Young adults are being pushed to experiment with same sex partners while kids are being lied to that gender itself is interchangeable. Kids aren’t dolls with interchangeable parts. The survival of our species relies upon males and females in relation to one another. It is clear that this push has kids confused, guessing and self diagnosing. This isn’t good, right or natural. There have always been awkward kids. They usually find their way out of awkward stages and gravitate to groups where they can fit in.

What have we done? Lives have been destroyed and it just continues. I don’t understand how this has occurred.

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I can tell you how this occurred but most people won’t like the answer. I suspect you may know too.

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Great news for another social platform that people struggling with this cult can find safety and friendships. What would we have done without PITT? Thank you for your hard work and dedication in creating the safe haven ROGD. No one wants to be connected to the trans-ideology but we are, and brave and strong mother’s are helping us fight for our children and their futures. Never give up!

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Thank you for setting up a site for ROGD boys and young men. I appreciate your rejecting the idea of pasting a single narrative — like AGP— in favor of recognizing there are many paths and gateways into being trans. May I suggest, to put it most generally, that it encompass any young man who is vulnerable, in whatever way? Thanks again for shining a spotlight on this w your website.

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Bravo for educating yourselves and forming a group. These lovers of trans don't want your kids to grow into functioning adults, do they? Puberty is normal but the trans crowd makes it sound like a disease the kids need rescuing from, a very destructive pattern. In the 60s, we all looked forward to growing up; we didn't want to be kids forever. It seems to be the other way around with the trans movement to stay in a child's body with experimental surgeries, puberty blockers and wrong-sex hormones along with a life of surgeries and doctors.

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P S I don't believe that AGP is a motivator. He told me he didn't want to be a man on one of the rare occasions I managed to get him to talk. It's hard to be a man if you are being bombarded with negative things about men and porn is probably a great influencer.

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Your description of my son is spot on - and I've lost him to this cult. Quirky, nerdy, not fitting in, on the spectrum. I wish I'd had time to see him become a loving, kind person who would be in demand as husband/partner material.

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Thank you for all you are doing. You perfectly described my 18 year old son. We have been in this gender mess for 2 years. No meds yet, so I’m still hopeful.

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I believe there is a lot of hope! Hang in there! My son identified as trans for two years and desisted at 18.

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