Re "... entering puberty before she was emotionally ready..."

I have long wondered if the era of nervous overparenting and protectiveness might not be playing a role in the trans epidemic. Perhaps if kids were allowed to experience some of life's rougher edges they might be a tad more prepared for puberty? Just a thought.

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I wish every medical and educational professional read this. I hope you and your daughter are doing better.

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Awkward, gifted, lonely adolescent female...connect the dots and you get social contagion, ROGD, an epidemic. How can an MD call it a testosterone deciciency? Thank you for sharing your story-I am sorry you and your daughter were treated so badly.

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"It makes them SO HAPPY!"--This is from an alleged medical professional. We're back to giving junkies dope on the one hand, i.e., hormones without therapeutic insight, and lobotomizing the psychotic, i.e., surgery. This is insane and has to stop.

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This is flagrant professional negligence by the schools, and possibly criminal grooming of children, like the spreading of other cults in schools in the past . Surely parents must get together and sue the schools collectively for betraying the trust which parents place in schools to WORK WITH parents to teach and raise their children, and keep them from harmful influences (safeguarding).

Here in the UK there is less secrecy, but there are still many confused kids. TransgenderTrend.com and safeschoolsallianceUK.net are challenging the legal basis for "guidance" to schools from Dept for Education, with "quiet word in the ear" approach, which is finally yielding results.

In addition an interim report from Dr Hilary Cass, past President of the Royal College of Paediatrics, into the treatment offered to children by the Gender Identity Service at the Tavistock Centre, London was published last week. It was scathing, and called for therapists and psychiatrists to look at children "in the round" and NOT focus on "gender" issues to the exclusion of other co-morbidities. This is the latest criticism of the Tavistock: in October 2021 the Care Quality Commission rated the GIS at the Tavistock "inadequate" and demanded a change of leader and proper, evidence-based treatment with long-term follow-up of patients.

The temperature is beginning to drop a bit over here. Thank God that the Royal College of Paediatrics is truly independent and not corrupted by big pharma or medical insurers (yet!)

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This is so wrong.. expose the clinic... at minimum on https://www.gendermapper.org/

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Wow! I’m so sorry this happened and I hope you can keep your daughter safe. This is so reckless of the Michigan clinic, but sadly it’s happening all over the country. When will the madness stop? My school board put the guidelines in place in late 2014 to keep parents in the dark regarding their children identifying as transgender. They stated it’s because the parents were too “dangerous”. At least the counselor told you about the guidelines because I was kept in the dark about it and lied to by the school. I did my own research and found when the school board implemented the new rules. I think it should be against the law for the school to change our children’s names and gender. Also, the testosterone will eventually cause a lot of irreversible mental and physical problems and cause a lot more anger (“roid” rage) than happiness. These poor kids are being lied to and sold a bill of goods and it’s just so sad for them and their families.

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Wow entiendo por lo que estás pasando, mi hija esta pasando por la misma situación, todo comenzó por el tic tok y una aplicación llamada discor conoció a una persona trans el cual a influenciado mucho sobre ella, y también descubrí conversaciones con un niño del colegio que dice ser trans el cual me asuste ya que el mi hija me confesó que se se tía niño y que había ido al psicólogo y el mismo le dijo que se lo dijera a mas gente para ella sentirse bien, nunca me llamaron del colegio simplemente no les importa, cambie a mi hija a un colegio catolico privado, ella intento cambiar su nombre con sus compañeras el cual notificaron a sus padres de la situación de mi hija y enseguida llamaron al colegio que esas actitudes no se deben permitir, mi hija llegó llorando asustada porque no quería que todo el colegio se enterara, hoy en día estamos lidiando con sus sentimientos y junto a su psicólogo privado. Tengo esperanza de que mejore pero trabajo duro porque no me gustaría volviera al colegio público.

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"It makes them SO HAPPY"????? So that's now the criteria by which we prescribe medical treatments? Evidence based treatments are overrated, I guess.

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This doctor should not be a doctor.

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I did not know what my school's policy was until this school year. Indeed, we have the same policy. It takes some knowledge of this issue to even see what the problem is with "privacy" in these cases. I have been trying to gently spread the word among parents but it is tough because everyone has been fed the "affirm or suicide" false dichotomy. It is very scary.

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I’m sorry that your dealing with this! I live in Michigan as well and have dealt with the same situation with my daughter in her school. My daughter was 14 when she secretively “socially transitioned” at her very small rural school. I only found out that she was leading a double life at school when a co-worker informed me of this, as her son went to the same school. Apparently there were a whole group of girls (all in my daughter’s friend group) that were identifying as trans and non-binary. Wouldn’t you think the school would have thought that this was a social contagion or a fad and maybe notified me of this? My daughter never showed any sign of having issues with her gender. Just a couple months before her “social transition” she asked for a finger nail kit and makeup for Xmas and was wearing feminine clothing. I joined a parent support group ASAP that advised me to stay away from gender clinics, thankfully. I’m familiar with the University of Michigan gender clinic and how they operate after researching. Since this incident I pulled my daughter out of this school and cut all social ties with this friend group. It has cost my family dearly in many ways. We now pay around $8,000 a year in for private school tuition and not to mention the mental anguish that we as parents deal with. It is outrageous that parents and children have to go through so much pain and hardships because school systems think it’s their “duty” to “protect” children identifying as trans ect. Had the school notified me of this, I could have gotten her the help that she needed sooner. My daughter also had other secrets… Since she “came out” she was cutting herself, threatening suicide, and had disordered eating. Since switching her schools and social group, she is much happier and is living life as a female. I do see signs at times that make me wonder if she is still thinking about her gender though…. Not a perfect ending but a work in progress I suppose. Best of luck to you and your family!

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Just wow. Why not give them opioids too? I mean. And, let's take them out of school and give them candy and have them stay online all day, if it makes them happy. What on earth is this????

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