I'm not a parent of a trans-identifying child, but for six years my brother was involved in the Satanic panic, falsely claiming "repressed memories" of Satanic abuse and Multiple Personality Disorder. There is no question that we are now living through another moral panic, this time targetting even younger people: the Trans panic.
Then read the FBI document that shows the tunnels under the mcmartin preschool were real. The only thing that transgenderism and satanic panic have in common is that both are a product of religious people. Transgenderism is THE state sanctioned secular religion. Satanism is also a religion that inspires people to do heinous things. I guess Aleister Crowley never existed, never appeared thrice on the Beetles sgt pepper album and didn’t have a huge legacy in art and entertainment.
This is fascinating personal account, thanks for sharing.
There are many victims of satanic ritual abuse and it feels important to state that not all accounts of satanic panic are made up falsities. Satanic Ritual Abuse is happening today, few survive to tell about it.
This is an amazing piece! I don't have a trans child either, but I am involved with issues of free speech and cult recruitment, ideation, and what makes people vulnerable to this kind of thinking.
As you point out, the pattern and how it plays out with people's issues and narcissism is extremely congruent. I will be linking back to this story for sure.
I too believe this panic will pass, but how many lives will it destroy before it does? My daughter is one of them, taking testosterone for at least 6 months and getting ready for top surgery in January. I pray daily she will change her mind and return, but I also know if she does, she will do so changed and not the happy girl she used to be.
Are you aware that Diane Ehrensaft, a former high-profile proponent of the Satanic ritual abuse narrative, is now at UCSF where she is pushing "gender identity" -- she is the one who has famously said that infants who tear out their barrettes or pull open their onesies could be telegraphing that they're really the opposite sex. You can find stuff about her on Google and YouTube.
I lived through the Satanic Panic years in real time, not as closely linked as you. The McMartin PreSchool (at the time, the prosecution of the McMartins was the longest criminal trial in history, and based on Satanic abuse) was in my area. It was on all the chat shows, the way transgenderism is now -- though with the influence of social media and the support of world governments, etc., the present manufactured contagion is even more pervasive and harmful than Satanic Panic -- which, though widely publicized and believed, did not seem to affect as many people, at least in my large urban city. Thanks for telling so many details of this complex and disturbing story.
Thank you. This reads like a bad novel and you had to live it. Awful. One of my cousins did repressed memory and my experience with that upheaval (she has since retracted but plenty of damage was done) has caused me to be suspicious of all intersections between pop-culture and psychology. Both multiple personality and repressed memory had pop-culture cache, Hollywood got onboard too. CA, OR and WA, among other states, required insurance companies cover wacko therapies. (Democratic majorities) So, when I started to see trans I worried we were doing the next pop-culture/psychology fraud, and we are, but trans is much worse, and has devastating cultural traction. Yesterday I had my 22yr niece, who is a nanny in Seattle, over at my house to use my sewing machine. We had some good conversations. She reported that when she picked up the kids from elementary school the other day the trans/rainbow flag was flying on the pole under the American flag. Repressed memory never had a flag.
Wow--that is a crazy saga, and I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all that. I pray that you find solace and peace and contentment. And thank you for sharing, and for pointing out the connection you’ve made between the two moral panics.
This panic will not go quietly into the night. Too much money can be made off of it by hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. The Democratic party can wield power through it and the Republicans are too scared to stand against it for fear of offending all the faggots, who are very much in favor of this panic. Sure, there is a small minority in the LGBTQ movement who oppose it but they are mostly old and quiet.
Very soon the LGBTQ movement will openly embrace pedophilia which is currently being rebranded as Minor Attraction and all of the "bigots" who dare to use the "p" word will be cancelled.
Unless society is willing to reject all forms of sexual deviancy this madness will continue.
The first step was tolerating homosexuality, the last will be children forcibly removed from loving families and sent to sexual education camps run by men dressed as caricatures of women who proudly proclaim "Love is love".
Unless you are willing to stand against the LGBTQ movement and all of its members, you are a part of the problem.
Yes. We need to return to a culture where deviant sexual behavior is treated as something to be ashamed of and language used to reflect that. The ship is sinking. You can either throw your sensitive feelings about your LGBTQLMNOP friends and family overboard and help patch the gaping moral hole or continue to clutch your pearls and watch everybody drown.
Thank you so much for writing this. As another reader said, you should consider writing a book. It is fascinating to witness a person's transformation over time and see how that transformation affects family (such as in Shannon Thrace's book "18 Months.") Showing the parallels with the trans phenomenon could wake up people who aren't experiencing this in their lives. I would definitely buy your book :)
I read the book, and the personality changes her husband underwent are almost identical to the changes I saw in my son. The two men even said many of the same things, talking points that come directly from transactivists. I think the phenomenon for girls is different in many ways from the phenomenon boys, for whom it’s more likely to have a fetish component. In my opinion, even for boys it is very different from a traditional male trans trajectory, which starts at a much younger age and isn’t supported by a strident “support” network demanding absolute loyalty. Traditional trans men weren’t deluded about what their biological sex was, and they didn’t demand confirmation of their delusions from everyone else. They didn’t go around suing women who wouldn’t wax their balls or give them “gynecological exams,” for example.
Thank you so much for revisiting a deeply painful time, and allowing it to be published, in order to give hope to others who are now walking through strikingly similar circumstances. As your family experienced, it’s hard to have hope when the rest of the world supports and encourages the break from reality. Just like the detransitioners bravely speaking up, your experience gives us hope that our children will return to reality eventually.
This was a harrowing and fascinating read. Thank you for sharing your story. Magical thinking tries to spellbind the audience but in reality, truth really is stranger than fiction after all! As they say, you really CAN’T make this stuff up!
I hope this wave of trans deception rolls over us soon, but I think we might be in for a long storm because of its enormous support from all major institutions and its money making promises. FYI. The McMartin Preschool ritual satanic abuse trials of the 80’s-90’s were one of the most expensive criminal trials in our history, if not the most. Finally the imagined testimony of 3 and 4 year olds under adult lawyers’ leading questions and the schizophrenic mom who first brought the charges to the police were all found baseless. Those poor teachers, esp the last two to be cleared out of the 7.
One big difference between Satanic panic and trans panic is that the lines of Satan vs God or evil vs good engages our black and white thinking. Gender fluidity is not black and white unless you want to label one sex evil and one good. And so there is so much “gray” in this confusing tempest.
Thank you for sharing this harrowing story. Although I see the parallels between the social contagion of satanic abuse and the trans craze, I don't share your optimism that the trans craze will wither on the vine and die. Here's why:
1. There's an enormous amount of money being made through the medicalization of people's bodies. The industry of so-called transgender medicine is thriving and has the support of the universities, the medical schools, and the medical journals.
2. There is enormous political influence and power to be garnered on the Democrat/Progressive side through championing this anti-scientific debacle. Our current president has signed the Equality Act, which eradicates the protections of Title IX for biological females, i.e. women, who are no longer a protected class. He speaks openly of supporting the "rights of trans kids." Despite the judicious policies being instituted in Sweden and other Western European countries, here in the States we operate under our own special cloud of progressive arrogance and stupidity.
3. There is huge personal self-aggrandizement available to anybody who supports this cause, and instant cancellation for anyone who opposes it. The satanic panic was promoted by and affected a relatively small group of individuals, but trans ideology is promoted by teachers at every level of education, all the way up to college administrators. The theory of an unlimited number of genders has supplanted the human sexual binary as the basis of human biology. The churches in my progressive neighborhood all have LGBTQ flags and signs plastered on them. Even the U.S. military is willing to go along with gender ideology rather than get involved in a brouhaha with woke activists. Name me one institution of society that has not been infected by it.
4. For each child or young adult who detransitions, there are fifty more being prescribed puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones as I type this. I know some people in their mid-30s who grew up with this ideology, and even though they're not necessarily trans, they accept it wholeheartedly. They take it as basic truth and assume they're all somewhere on the gender spectrum. Capture the minds of children and rule the future.
5. In short, this is a "cause" with so much power and influence that something overwhelmingly catastrophic would have to happen to turn the tide against it on all these institutional levels. I see it lasting indefinitely. You mentioned Jennifer Bilek's research (the 11th Hour Blog), which is a fantastic resource. But do you think the billionaire activists who have invested everything in trans-humanism are intending to drop out and move to a cabin in the woods any time soon?
You have articulated all the reasons that came to my mind when I read the author’s optimism. I pray she’s right and we’re wrong, but this is not simply a temporary craze. It is deeply rooted in Queer Theory, which is a society-warping, boundary-destroying ideology that has made tremendous headway through all the West’s institutions via its Postmodern origins. We are in for a very long and painful ride. Let’s hope we end up back in sane reality.
This is how I see it too. No matter what side of this issue people are on, very few take the time or have the interest in educating themselves about the breadth of this social contagion. A friend of mine who consumes woke media exclusively (NY TImes, NPR, MSNBC, CNN) asked me recently, "isn't this whole trans thing a conspiracy theory? I mean, how many trans kids have you actually met?" This woman is childless, 72 years-old, and knows no school-aged kids. Meanwhile, the ideology has implanted itself like a virus at the cellular level in every organ and institution of society. As you say, a long and painful ride is in progress and I don't see it fully abating any time soon.
However, I've always felt the key to change would come both from detransitioners and parents, acting together or separately in the legal sphere. Lawsuits and a lot of public speaking will create some balance as detransitioners become influencers and role models. But will we ever be able to completely debunk the belief that "gender" is a legitimate human phenomenon that takes precedence over sex? Doubtful, especially as long as there continues to be a class of activists teachers with nothing better to do than groom children.
I agree that detransitioners and parents will be key in bringing things around. I don't believe gender ideology, or even transhumanism, can win the day in the end, though they might be well-funded and do tremendous damage for a while. But material reality cannot be ignored indefinitely. It will reassert itself because it exists. I just hope it won't take too many decades, destroy too many innocent lives before that happens.
Perhaps medical malpractice lawsuits and resulting $$ money damages awarded to former patients who were mutilated when they were minors? These cases won’t be easy, though, due to waivers of liability and consent forms the patients would have signed.
Perhaps any waivers the minors signed can be voided based on the minors' lack of full understanding about what they were agreeing to?
I don't think these consent forms hold any water. Even when people sign forms agreeing to arbitration of money matters they can always sue in a court of law. And there's this:
"Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
I agree with you that the issue of informed consent (what you call waivers) is good grounds for malpractice and lawsuits that have some teeth. Children lack the capacity to give informed consent for a variety of reasons, not least of which is the fact that the affirmative model instructs therapists to avoid any discussion of the emotional issues that might push a kid to believe they are trans. Many people who detransition state after the fact that they had no idea their gender dysphoria was really a reaction to sexual abuse or trauma, internalized homophobia, or autism. The affirmative model had denied them access to crucial insight they would have needed to make a wise decision regarding hormones and surgeries. Signing a piece of paper with some possible medical risks on it and calling it “informed consent” is one thing, but having no idea of your own motivations is quite another. How can a child be said to have given informed consent when they have no idea who they are and what is actually driving their desire to transition?
Enough of these lawsuits could have a huge impact…and it’s certainly worth it to mount them, particularly as class actions.
A class action lawsuit would be good. I think this Radical Ideology needs to be destroyed at the K- high school education level. It is like 1930s Germany when people visited schools to measure head sizes and lecture on the future of humanity/the "race".
It is difficult though because no one seems to be alarmed about it unless they are personally affected. The few "non-believers" I've shared with seem to be bored - now that I've been sounding the same thing for 5 years. Like, shouldn't I move on - people should do whatever - and anyone who believes this stuff must be messed up anyway... but we are talking about children primarily. And, did those old men like Walt Heyer deserve this? I'm mad. This is not medicine. This is Nazi stuff. Progressives today are deluded and conservatives don't fight "cultural issues" I bet the Nazi Party was considered Progressive in Germany back in the day - LM
This is a product of queer theory and social deconstruction - both intent to create chaos and worse. This ideology started first in university and now has spread to the mainstream. A lot of people latch on to the 'feel good aspect' without any idea how sinister the ideology is. Keep truth telling, it can't stand up to truth.
Perhaps we could call it the "New Eugenics." Because of self-interested and anti-scientific theories, groups of people are being led (this time, with their consent) to sterilization. Gender ideology promotes genetic eradication of homosexuals, autistic people, and other people who don't conform with gender stereotypes.
I like that alot. Perhaps any time people spout "Don't say gay" we could point out that this is a New Eugenics movement. Only with New Eugenics the naive (and children) are indoctrinated with cult skill so that they "consent".
People behind the Old Eugenics thought they were being progressive.
I remember the satanic panic era; it was like an ugly blot on society like an attack of locusts. I didn't know whether to believe it or not. What you've written makes complete sense. It's tragic to think how many victims the transgender panic is going to leave in its wake. We need to look to our creator instead of humans becoming gods unto themselves, creating panic after panic.
Thank you for sharing your story and pointing out the huge number of parallels between the Satanic Panic and transgenderism. I remember hearing some of the “remembered” stories from that time and wondering how anyone could believe the obvious fictions - tales of children being mutilated with knives yet absolutely no physical evidence this occurred.
Unfortunately this time, kids are actually being mutilated with knives, and they will carry this evidence forever.
This is great, and comprehensive, but there is one glaring omission: the name Diane Ehrensaft.
Ehrensaft, you may recall, came to the Satanic Panic rather late in the game, after the Presidio day care case had been debunked, lawsuits settled, and the Army moved on. She insisted that the "recovered memories" of children were real, that patently-absurd memories they reported were real enough, and that the two girls she interviewed were "speaking in tongues" about their prior abuse. Again, she did this AFTER the whole world had moved on.
And what is Diane Ehrensaft doing today? Why, she is one of the most prominent advocates of the "trans child." She has whole presentations on YouTube about "the gender angels" in your kids and the "gender ghosts" that want to make your kids sad with their invalidating sorcery. https://thedistance.substack.com/p/diane-ehrensaft-satanic-panic-woo
This nutcase gives me such creeps, I feel physically sick reading the article and looking at her picture, it makes my skin crawl. I am shocked that UCSF hasn't gotten ridden of her (not because it's an ethical thing to do, I am not that naive , but because she is a clear liability, a huge lawsuit waiting to happen). The fact that she is still gainfully employed in a major , well-respected institution makes me paranoid. What the heck is going on ? Who is behind this nightmare? It can't be just greed. She seems insane even among the affirming nutcases. Drs Ehensaft, Olson-Kennedy, Forcier, and Gallagher are the worst of the worst . I am not a vindictive person but I hope they will pay one day for the enormous harm they caused.
false memory syndrome foundation went under. this comparison isn't even accurate. they are NOT the same and BOTH are real.
Yes, moral panics are real.
Thank you for noticing.
If you have any integrity please research false memory syndrome foundation, started by a man to basically gaslight his own daughter…
Then read the FBI document that shows the tunnels under the mcmartin preschool were real. The only thing that transgenderism and satanic panic have in common is that both are a product of religious people. Transgenderism is THE state sanctioned secular religion. Satanism is also a religion that inspires people to do heinous things. I guess Aleister Crowley never existed, never appeared thrice on the Beetles sgt pepper album and didn’t have a huge legacy in art and entertainment.
This is fascinating personal account, thanks for sharing.
There are many victims of satanic ritual abuse and it feels important to state that not all accounts of satanic panic are made up falsities. Satanic Ritual Abuse is happening today, few survive to tell about it.
This is an amazing piece! I don't have a trans child either, but I am involved with issues of free speech and cult recruitment, ideation, and what makes people vulnerable to this kind of thinking.
As you point out, the pattern and how it plays out with people's issues and narcissism is extremely congruent. I will be linking back to this story for sure.
I too believe this panic will pass, but how many lives will it destroy before it does? My daughter is one of them, taking testosterone for at least 6 months and getting ready for top surgery in January. I pray daily she will change her mind and return, but I also know if she does, she will do so changed and not the happy girl she used to be.
Are you aware that Diane Ehrensaft, a former high-profile proponent of the Satanic ritual abuse narrative, is now at UCSF where she is pushing "gender identity" -- she is the one who has famously said that infants who tear out their barrettes or pull open their onesies could be telegraphing that they're really the opposite sex. You can find stuff about her on Google and YouTube.
I lived through the Satanic Panic years in real time, not as closely linked as you. The McMartin PreSchool (at the time, the prosecution of the McMartins was the longest criminal trial in history, and based on Satanic abuse) was in my area. It was on all the chat shows, the way transgenderism is now -- though with the influence of social media and the support of world governments, etc., the present manufactured contagion is even more pervasive and harmful than Satanic Panic -- which, though widely publicized and believed, did not seem to affect as many people, at least in my large urban city. Thanks for telling so many details of this complex and disturbing story.
Thank you. This reads like a bad novel and you had to live it. Awful. One of my cousins did repressed memory and my experience with that upheaval (she has since retracted but plenty of damage was done) has caused me to be suspicious of all intersections between pop-culture and psychology. Both multiple personality and repressed memory had pop-culture cache, Hollywood got onboard too. CA, OR and WA, among other states, required insurance companies cover wacko therapies. (Democratic majorities) So, when I started to see trans I worried we were doing the next pop-culture/psychology fraud, and we are, but trans is much worse, and has devastating cultural traction. Yesterday I had my 22yr niece, who is a nanny in Seattle, over at my house to use my sewing machine. We had some good conversations. She reported that when she picked up the kids from elementary school the other day the trans/rainbow flag was flying on the pole under the American flag. Repressed memory never had a flag.
Wow--that is a crazy saga, and I’m sorry you’ve had to go through all that. I pray that you find solace and peace and contentment. And thank you for sharing, and for pointing out the connection you’ve made between the two moral panics.
This panic will not go quietly into the night. Too much money can be made off of it by hospitals and pharmaceutical companies. The Democratic party can wield power through it and the Republicans are too scared to stand against it for fear of offending all the faggots, who are very much in favor of this panic. Sure, there is a small minority in the LGBTQ movement who oppose it but they are mostly old and quiet.
Very soon the LGBTQ movement will openly embrace pedophilia which is currently being rebranded as Minor Attraction and all of the "bigots" who dare to use the "p" word will be cancelled.
Unless society is willing to reject all forms of sexual deviancy this madness will continue.
The first step was tolerating homosexuality, the last will be children forcibly removed from loving families and sent to sexual education camps run by men dressed as caricatures of women who proudly proclaim "Love is love".
Unless you are willing to stand against the LGBTQ movement and all of its members, you are a part of the problem.
Time to pick a side.
Your choice to use a vulgar and insulting term is a real detraction from the value of PITT.
Please DELETE.
Whoa. "faggots"?
Yes. We need to return to a culture where deviant sexual behavior is treated as something to be ashamed of and language used to reflect that. The ship is sinking. You can either throw your sensitive feelings about your LGBTQLMNOP friends and family overboard and help patch the gaping moral hole or continue to clutch your pearls and watch everybody drown.
Thank you so much for writing this. As another reader said, you should consider writing a book. It is fascinating to witness a person's transformation over time and see how that transformation affects family (such as in Shannon Thrace's book "18 Months.") Showing the parallels with the trans phenomenon could wake up people who aren't experiencing this in their lives. I would definitely buy your book :)
I read the book, and the personality changes her husband underwent are almost identical to the changes I saw in my son. The two men even said many of the same things, talking points that come directly from transactivists. I think the phenomenon for girls is different in many ways from the phenomenon boys, for whom it’s more likely to have a fetish component. In my opinion, even for boys it is very different from a traditional male trans trajectory, which starts at a much younger age and isn’t supported by a strident “support” network demanding absolute loyalty. Traditional trans men weren’t deluded about what their biological sex was, and they didn’t demand confirmation of their delusions from everyone else. They didn’t go around suing women who wouldn’t wax their balls or give them “gynecological exams,” for example.
Thank you so much for revisiting a deeply painful time, and allowing it to be published, in order to give hope to others who are now walking through strikingly similar circumstances. As your family experienced, it’s hard to have hope when the rest of the world supports and encourages the break from reality. Just like the detransitioners bravely speaking up, your experience gives us hope that our children will return to reality eventually.
Absolutely horrifying. And the fact that your sister is now a gender identity counselor says everything we need to know about this new ideology.
This was a harrowing and fascinating read. Thank you for sharing your story. Magical thinking tries to spellbind the audience but in reality, truth really is stranger than fiction after all! As they say, you really CAN’T make this stuff up!
I hope this wave of trans deception rolls over us soon, but I think we might be in for a long storm because of its enormous support from all major institutions and its money making promises. FYI. The McMartin Preschool ritual satanic abuse trials of the 80’s-90’s were one of the most expensive criminal trials in our history, if not the most. Finally the imagined testimony of 3 and 4 year olds under adult lawyers’ leading questions and the schizophrenic mom who first brought the charges to the police were all found baseless. Those poor teachers, esp the last two to be cleared out of the 7.
One big difference between Satanic panic and trans panic is that the lines of Satan vs God or evil vs good engages our black and white thinking. Gender fluidity is not black and white unless you want to label one sex evil and one good. And so there is so much “gray” in this confusing tempest.
Thank you for sharing this harrowing story. Although I see the parallels between the social contagion of satanic abuse and the trans craze, I don't share your optimism that the trans craze will wither on the vine and die. Here's why:
1. There's an enormous amount of money being made through the medicalization of people's bodies. The industry of so-called transgender medicine is thriving and has the support of the universities, the medical schools, and the medical journals.
2. There is enormous political influence and power to be garnered on the Democrat/Progressive side through championing this anti-scientific debacle. Our current president has signed the Equality Act, which eradicates the protections of Title IX for biological females, i.e. women, who are no longer a protected class. He speaks openly of supporting the "rights of trans kids." Despite the judicious policies being instituted in Sweden and other Western European countries, here in the States we operate under our own special cloud of progressive arrogance and stupidity.
3. There is huge personal self-aggrandizement available to anybody who supports this cause, and instant cancellation for anyone who opposes it. The satanic panic was promoted by and affected a relatively small group of individuals, but trans ideology is promoted by teachers at every level of education, all the way up to college administrators. The theory of an unlimited number of genders has supplanted the human sexual binary as the basis of human biology. The churches in my progressive neighborhood all have LGBTQ flags and signs plastered on them. Even the U.S. military is willing to go along with gender ideology rather than get involved in a brouhaha with woke activists. Name me one institution of society that has not been infected by it.
4. For each child or young adult who detransitions, there are fifty more being prescribed puberty blockers or cross-sex hormones as I type this. I know some people in their mid-30s who grew up with this ideology, and even though they're not necessarily trans, they accept it wholeheartedly. They take it as basic truth and assume they're all somewhere on the gender spectrum. Capture the minds of children and rule the future.
5. In short, this is a "cause" with so much power and influence that something overwhelmingly catastrophic would have to happen to turn the tide against it on all these institutional levels. I see it lasting indefinitely. You mentioned Jennifer Bilek's research (the 11th Hour Blog), which is a fantastic resource. But do you think the billionaire activists who have invested everything in trans-humanism are intending to drop out and move to a cabin in the woods any time soon?
6. I really hope I'm wrong. What am I missing?
You have articulated all the reasons that came to my mind when I read the author’s optimism. I pray she’s right and we’re wrong, but this is not simply a temporary craze. It is deeply rooted in Queer Theory, which is a society-warping, boundary-destroying ideology that has made tremendous headway through all the West’s institutions via its Postmodern origins. We are in for a very long and painful ride. Let’s hope we end up back in sane reality.
This is how I see it too. No matter what side of this issue people are on, very few take the time or have the interest in educating themselves about the breadth of this social contagion. A friend of mine who consumes woke media exclusively (NY TImes, NPR, MSNBC, CNN) asked me recently, "isn't this whole trans thing a conspiracy theory? I mean, how many trans kids have you actually met?" This woman is childless, 72 years-old, and knows no school-aged kids. Meanwhile, the ideology has implanted itself like a virus at the cellular level in every organ and institution of society. As you say, a long and painful ride is in progress and I don't see it fully abating any time soon.
However, I've always felt the key to change would come both from detransitioners and parents, acting together or separately in the legal sphere. Lawsuits and a lot of public speaking will create some balance as detransitioners become influencers and role models. But will we ever be able to completely debunk the belief that "gender" is a legitimate human phenomenon that takes precedence over sex? Doubtful, especially as long as there continues to be a class of activists teachers with nothing better to do than groom children.
I agree that detransitioners and parents will be key in bringing things around. I don't believe gender ideology, or even transhumanism, can win the day in the end, though they might be well-funded and do tremendous damage for a while. But material reality cannot be ignored indefinitely. It will reassert itself because it exists. I just hope it won't take too many decades, destroy too many innocent lives before that happens.
I hope you’re right. I want you to be.
Perhaps medical malpractice lawsuits and resulting $$ money damages awarded to former patients who were mutilated when they were minors? These cases won’t be easy, though, due to waivers of liability and consent forms the patients would have signed.
Perhaps any waivers the minors signed can be voided based on the minors' lack of full understanding about what they were agreeing to?
I don't think these consent forms hold any water. Even when people sign forms agreeing to arbitration of money matters they can always sue in a court of law. And there's this:
"Reconsidering Informed Consent for Trans-Identified Children, Adolescents, and Young Adults
Stephen B. Levine,E. Abbruzzese &Julia W. Mason"
"‘An extraordinary medical atrocity’: surgery professor condemns transgender treatments"
But, I think it will take some major upheaval. It's like we are living in Nazi Germany.
"Echoes of Eugenics: What the Doctors Trial at Nuremberg Means for Us in the US
On the 75th anniversary of the trial of Nazi doctors at Nuremberg we examine Nazi medicine and gender-affirming care"
It did take WWII to end that racket.
I agree with you that the issue of informed consent (what you call waivers) is good grounds for malpractice and lawsuits that have some teeth. Children lack the capacity to give informed consent for a variety of reasons, not least of which is the fact that the affirmative model instructs therapists to avoid any discussion of the emotional issues that might push a kid to believe they are trans. Many people who detransition state after the fact that they had no idea their gender dysphoria was really a reaction to sexual abuse or trauma, internalized homophobia, or autism. The affirmative model had denied them access to crucial insight they would have needed to make a wise decision regarding hormones and surgeries. Signing a piece of paper with some possible medical risks on it and calling it “informed consent” is one thing, but having no idea of your own motivations is quite another. How can a child be said to have given informed consent when they have no idea who they are and what is actually driving their desire to transition?
Enough of these lawsuits could have a huge impact…and it’s certainly worth it to mount them, particularly as class actions.
A class action lawsuit would be good. I think this Radical Ideology needs to be destroyed at the K- high school education level. It is like 1930s Germany when people visited schools to measure head sizes and lecture on the future of humanity/the "race".
It is difficult though because no one seems to be alarmed about it unless they are personally affected. The few "non-believers" I've shared with seem to be bored - now that I've been sounding the same thing for 5 years. Like, shouldn't I move on - people should do whatever - and anyone who believes this stuff must be messed up anyway... but we are talking about children primarily. And, did those old men like Walt Heyer deserve this? I'm mad. This is not medicine. This is Nazi stuff. Progressives today are deluded and conservatives don't fight "cultural issues" I bet the Nazi Party was considered Progressive in Germany back in the day - LM
This is a product of queer theory and social deconstruction - both intent to create chaos and worse. This ideology started first in university and now has spread to the mainstream. A lot of people latch on to the 'feel good aspect' without any idea how sinister the ideology is. Keep truth telling, it can't stand up to truth.
Perhaps we could call it the "New Eugenics." Because of self-interested and anti-scientific theories, groups of people are being led (this time, with their consent) to sterilization. Gender ideology promotes genetic eradication of homosexuals, autistic people, and other people who don't conform with gender stereotypes.
Perhaps with a followup "Don't say they" slogan. It does give cover to predators - I mean, uh, er, Minor Attracted People.
""Non-binary queer" artist featured in Vogue for LGBT art arrested for arranging rape of a 9-year-old boy and sharing child porn"
See also https://notthebee.com/article/why-the-pronoun-thing-matters
I like that alot. Perhaps any time people spout "Don't say gay" we could point out that this is a New Eugenics movement. Only with New Eugenics the naive (and children) are indoctrinated with cult skill so that they "consent".
People behind the Old Eugenics thought they were being progressive.
I remember the satanic panic era; it was like an ugly blot on society like an attack of locusts. I didn't know whether to believe it or not. What you've written makes complete sense. It's tragic to think how many victims the transgender panic is going to leave in its wake. We need to look to our creator instead of humans becoming gods unto themselves, creating panic after panic.
Thank you for sharing your story and pointing out the huge number of parallels between the Satanic Panic and transgenderism. I remember hearing some of the “remembered” stories from that time and wondering how anyone could believe the obvious fictions - tales of children being mutilated with knives yet absolutely no physical evidence this occurred.
Unfortunately this time, kids are actually being mutilated with knives, and they will carry this evidence forever.
This is great, and comprehensive, but there is one glaring omission: the name Diane Ehrensaft.
Ehrensaft, you may recall, came to the Satanic Panic rather late in the game, after the Presidio day care case had been debunked, lawsuits settled, and the Army moved on. She insisted that the "recovered memories" of children were real, that patently-absurd memories they reported were real enough, and that the two girls she interviewed were "speaking in tongues" about their prior abuse. Again, she did this AFTER the whole world had moved on.
And what is Diane Ehrensaft doing today? Why, she is one of the most prominent advocates of the "trans child." She has whole presentations on YouTube about "the gender angels" in your kids and the "gender ghosts" that want to make your kids sad with their invalidating sorcery. https://thedistance.substack.com/p/diane-ehrensaft-satanic-panic-woo
I know about Ehrensaft now. I did not know about her then. That's why she's not in my story.
Comment was not meant as criticism, love this
Thank you. :)
Yes, she is repulsive.
Yes, I agree.
This nutcase gives me such creeps, I feel physically sick reading the article and looking at her picture, it makes my skin crawl. I am shocked that UCSF hasn't gotten ridden of her (not because it's an ethical thing to do, I am not that naive , but because she is a clear liability, a huge lawsuit waiting to happen). The fact that she is still gainfully employed in a major , well-respected institution makes me paranoid. What the heck is going on ? Who is behind this nightmare? It can't be just greed. She seems insane even among the affirming nutcases. Drs Ehensaft, Olson-Kennedy, Forcier, and Gallagher are the worst of the worst . I am not a vindictive person but I hope they will pay one day for the enormous harm they caused.
If you want to know what the heck is going on, read Jennifer Bilek at https://www.the11thhourblog.com/
Same. How can they remain employed by well respected institutions? They are clearly nutters. Does UCSF not look at the history for instance?
I think we need trials and then we need to bring back public hanging just for people like them.