Exactly! I need to see a doctor about some brain fog, and I’m putting it off, hoping I have a tumor or something, or the world will end.

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I have a 14 year old son who now says he is trans. I’m like your husband, I sleep, eat, breath this nightmare. I’m also praying this goes away

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I am a child and adolescent psychiatrist. Please know that some of us, impossible to know how many, are heart broken and livid over the hijacking of our profession. I agree with the author- the rush to affirm and medicalize what is essentially an emotional disorder will be one day seen as a massive medical scandal, a catastrophe. The ideology destroys young people, their families, and society. I feel like my colleagues and professional organizations are in some kind of delusional stupor. Or they’re just cowards. For whatever it’s worth, please know that a few of us are by your side fighting.

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My son… has abandoned me. He’s 18. I’m sorry. You’re not alone. Sometimes that doesn’t “help” any of us. Sometimes it does. On the days it does, I wish comfort. (((hugs)))

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I am in this boat with you. My 19-yr-old son has decided he wants to be a girl, and he tears everyone down mercilessly who disagrees with him. I have been kind, firm, understanding, fair, all the things. But I know who he is, and I will not give in to this cultural madness and the popular societal tide just because it is the new "in thing". It's baloney. They are mutilating their bodies but will never change those XY or XX chromosomes. This is not science, but rather, scientism. Dangerous personal philosophy masquerading as science.

Check out Emma Stark and the Glasgow Prophetic Center. They have a lot of great stuff on this subject.

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I’m in this with you and so thankful to have found your blog. Yes, some days I can put it away and experience joy. Lately, I’m just getting more and more depressed. We told our son we loved him too much to lie to him. He cut us off. He is 22, on HRT, and who knows what else, since he very rarely speaks to us. My family sent me pamphlets that explained it was my fault if he kills himself. All this over pronouns. He asked me if I loved Jesus more than him. I said yeas and tried to explain but he couldn’t hear me. I offered neutral pronouns per wisdom form an older gentleman who had lived life as a woman but found Christ and went back to being who God designed. I just kept saying I love you too much to lie to you. 2 years later I’m really struggling with self care. I know God is big and working! I’m just sad and tired. My father in law died and I feel like for that we had permission to pause and mourn. Mourning the living I do in secret. But pausing to embrace grief over my father in law has turned into a sadness for all the things I haven’t gotten to be sad about or won’t often let myself be sad about. I’m a mess today.

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I have been exactly where you are and I know just how you feel. I am very fortunate that my daughter has desisted (somewhat as she still says she is a “they”) but I can live with that easily for now. As u say it’s the fear they will make irreversible changes to their body that keeps us awake at night. We never agreed with her that she was really a boy and told her we would not support any medical changes till she was old enough to understand the consequences. Happy to discuss more if u want

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Thank you for sharing. I have been at so many of the same places as yourself, around our daughter's shocking repositioning two years ago. Now something else has come up in my life, in addition to all other usual things like work and looking after parents and other children, our own health - the family 'farm.' I am amazed at the resilience we all have. Prayer really helps me, and the camaraderie, and the solidarity around the truths we all know.

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