Unfortunately, I have no desistance story, but this made me realize that parents whose kids haven't (yet) fallen into this really need a guide to keeping their kid safe from gender ideology. The parents I know who are stuck in this didn't know anything about gender ideology when their kid announced their newfound identity, or thought they knew about gender ideology, having been schooled on the "right" way to support children who "come out as trans," by which I mean to do the absolute worst things: quickly adopt the new name and pronouns, and take them to the gender clinic. At this point, many of us know what doesn't work for our particular kid, and some of us know what seems to work — I don't know if most parents really rest easily after this. Too bad we can't rely on schools to disseminate this info.

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The removal of the internet was the same thing that got our daughter to see reality. It's a journey and we have the bat back the gender ideology almost daily.

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Your son is lucky to have you to not waver at that time and not give in to it. 🙏🏻

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I know it's somewhat tautological, but no one can be born in the "wrong" body because it is, in fact, the body they were born in/with.

For anyone to believe otherwise requires, I believe, a religious/supernatural/spiritual belief, even if they don't realize it. To have a "wrong" body suggests that there is a governing influence somewhere, a decision maker, doesn't it?

Given that trans activists also argue rather vigorously for the existence of something we might call a "gender soul," I wonder if this mania might not be fended off in some situations with the First Amendment?

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One may hope. I do believe there is a gnostic religious fervor here yet unrecognized by the masses.

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Yes! Gnosticism keeps coming back, doesn't it? And, it is frustrating that it is not widely recognized now.

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Another story that gives me hope. Thank you for sharing.

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You've distilled it so well in this line: We had found the only known weapon to fight trans ideology—limiting internet access and preventing online predators from accessing our child.

I am so glad you got your son back and never lie. Sending you all massive hugs and empathy.

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The developing human mind is easily influenced. It has to be; this is how we learn. But the quality of that influence is crucial. It only took a few weeks of internet restriction and parental influence to begin to turn this boy around. BRAVO.

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I love this so much! My child knows exactly where I stand and that truth matters to me. I will not lie to or for her. Trans is a fiction, a belief system that makes no sense to me, and I will never think it's a good idea to medicate a healthy body, or for your self-esteem to depend on someone seeing you as something you're not, or to work toward "passing" because it's deceptive. It astonishes me that people buy into the idea that being trans helps anyone be authentic. It's so obviously the opposite! I always think of Pinocchio when I see teen girls claiming to be boys. But it's the doctors who let them believe medicalization will turn them into real boys whose noses are growing...

Everything about trans concepts resides in Opposite Land.

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Excellent story of taking control: no lies, limited tech, no compromise.

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A good parent

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