Background This is a copy of the letter I mailed to the surgeon who performed my double mastectomy or “top surgery” when I was 20 years old. This letter, addressed as a “Notification of Detransition” was mailed to the cosmetic surgeon, Dr. Clifford King, from the offices of Top Surgery Midwest in Madison, Wisconsin. I wrote this letter to inform Dr. King and his staff that a former patient of his 100% regrets the operation performed on her, and has detransitioned and is now living as a biological female with no functioning breasts.
Thank you writing this and sharing, one of my saddest days on earth was discovering my beautiful daughter had her breasts removed, I felt crushed by a stone, I fell to my knees weeping, I was sad, and angry at the surgeon, I still am, but I carry my sadness with me for her, and I will not harbor vengeful feelings in my heart for the terrible good for nothing surgeon who did this to her. I will forgive but never forget. As parents of children on this road we are all so sick of the sleepless nights, the depression, the second guessing, shaking off depression every morning to go to work, smiling and carrying through out the day as if everything is fine....God give us all strength to carry and share our burdens with one another in fellowship. To my beautiful daughter - I miss and love you so much! I think of you everyday and pray for you. We had so many wonderful times! I loved raising you! Teaching you to read, ride a bike, do algebra, vacationing, exploring, eating....Miss and love you! Please go home and restore your family.
Though the author of this piece does not give her location I'd guess she suffered these crimes somewhere on the East or West coasts where gender dysphoria is spreading like a respiratory virus. I could be wrong. However I'm not wrong that the rapid growth in cases of gender dysphoria is somehow "magically" a regional mind virus that spreads in leftist lunatic land.
In LLL rational psychiatric professionals can lose their license and be incarcerated for failing to provide "gender affirming care." Mentally deranged parents proudly announce they have a Trans child of 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. In LLL children with no ability to discern fantasy from reality have an inherent knowledge of their sex/gender before they even know such a thing exists. Politicians, teachers, & even doctors encourage and instruct children, who have no ability to comprehend what they are doing, to come out as gay/lesbian/trans without even considering the peranent harm they are causing.
Yup. Go search up Canada's new Bill C-6. It cleverly flipped yesteryear's homophobic "conversion therapy" (which all reasonable people acknowledge did real harm) to legislation that criminalizes anyone (parents, family, therapists, faith professionals, teachers...) who tries to REASON (speak with, discuss, etc) with a "trans-affirming" child. Even our idiot Conservative party MPs both championed it AND cheered and danced (not hyperbole, is on vid) in Parliament when it was passed.
Maxime Bernier (and his new PPC party, full of candidates of every possible segment of Canadian society) is the only Canadian voice against the madness, so he's tarred by gov-funded media as racist/misogynist/homophobe/transphobe/white-supremacist/ know, same old, same old.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Writing the surgeon was brave and important because they need to understand the final outcome - the post op course - beyond whether the incision ‘ healed well’. I suspect most surgeons who perform this surgery don’t have any clue how the surgery influenced the patient’s quality of life, mental health, etc…. Thank you and thank you.
I watched the part of the linked Youtube where you speak about yourself. Everyone should watch.
You're a fantastic young woman and you need to be proud of yourself. If you wish to do so, you and other detrans young people could be the 'army' that helps turn this pharma-med-transhumanism (it's an organized promotion of transhumanism dressed in the glitter of gender ideology) horror show around. But you have your life to live, so you shouldn't feel like it's your job to do so.
Laura, I wish you health, sanity, friendships, and intimate connections. I just can't believe what our social/educational/political/medical organizations have done to you all. The stupidity, greed, degeneracy, and corruption is mindblowing.
It WAS somewhere. Either in the post or in Laura's own comment in this thread. Now I don't see it. Either I'm missing it, or maybe she or the Substack owner removed it. It was a link to a multi-post 'symposium' on gender-critical ideas, I guess. I just clicked on the one Youtube video that included her speaking about herself with who I assumed was the symposium organizer.
Note to Laura and/or PITT: Please consider attaching just that link. To see Laura in person and speaking for herself is really valuable.
The one I watched was where your name was on the label. I skimmed my cursor to where I saw people (not info panels) and you spoke about your entire trajectory. Interviewer only cones in at the end (and I left).
Thank you for this. Your strength and honesty are inspiring. Deeply sorry that you were led down this pathway and given incorrect or incomplete information to make you believe it would answer your distress. Angry at the people who you went to for help who only harmed you more. If I am angry... I can only imagine how you must feel. I hope your sharing your story will help many, many other girls avoid a similar path. And I hope that your life will get better and better as you continue to receive the support you should have been given to begin with. My heart goes out to you. Wishing you wonderful things as you go forward... you have lost some things.... but other things are there waiting... life still has much to offer. May joy find you. You deserve that.
I wish your letter could be on the cover of every magazine and newspaper around the world tomorrow! Your story is moving, frighteningly true, shocking, revealing, traumatic, powerful, and you are remarkably brave! Thank you for having the strength to write and send your letter to the surgeon who shamefully harmed your beautiful body. But clearly this surgeon did not remove your inner beauty or your amazing courage and I applaud you for using your sweet voice to speak out about this atrocity that was done to you and what has been done to hundreds and thousands of other innocent young women like yourself. I pray that your message will be heard around the universe to help other victims and to shame and stop the surgeons who are so eager and willing to perform these unnecessary operations. You are fabulous and I am so very proud of you! Thank you!
What a beautiful message, Eileen, thank you. I am very touched. Wouldn't it be something to have this on a magazine cover? But only if my self-portrait image was included, the graphic designer in me needs to be seen, lol.
" doctor and other cosmetic surgeons hungrily leapt at the opportunity for fresh meat to profit from operating on, in this unchecked, wild west market for 'gender medicine.'" That phrase really resonated with me. I've heard several accounts of young people telling the surgeon they weren't sure they wanted the surgery (orchiectomy, breast implants, mastectomy) and the surgeon going ahead and performing it anyway. These confused young people have mostly estranged their parents, and so they don't have anyone advocating for them or trying to talk sense into them. "Fresh meat" must be exactly what these unscrupulous surgeons, so eager to get experience in these procedures, are thinking as they mutilate these kids.
Well written and bravo! Keep up the great work you are doing. More parents will need your help and I especially think that the therapy you received for GD is particularly important and useful for parents to begin to understand this issue better and know how to help our kids. Thank you for being so brave!
Bless you for coming forward; I hope more young people will share their stories and stop this madness! There is no quick, cosmetic, medical fix for puberty or menopause. Hormone therapy is dangerous for developing bodies and menopausal bodies. I tried to stop surgical menopause and took hormones for 20 years which gave me two cancer, minor stroke, and Bell's Palsy. I'm wear protheses after my double mastectomy, not a good candidate for breast implants or breast reconstruction. The latter two might work for you. I'm so happy to hear you are well as I am as well.
Hello everyone, Laura (author) here. Thank you for the supportive comments and kind regards. I appreciate each message and use it to fuel more material like this. If anyone would like to read other essays I've written, my Substack is I cover gender related topics, mental health, healing, art, politics, and philosophy. If anyone would care to support me, I am a recent college graduate and freelance artist who does interviews, essays, and advocacy mostly on a volunteer basis, so any donation would be appreciated.
I also offer personal consultations to parents from a detransitioner perspective and as a young adult who has come through the other side of many mental health issues, including gender dysphoria. You can find out more about it on my website
Also feel free to check out my website where you can find art, music, podcasts, and video interviews on Youtube discussing contemporary culture through a psychological lens.
I think the lawsuits should center around sexual abuse by the doctors. These referral letters from mental health practitioners that authorize the surgeries is no excuse.
(BIID) is a medical condition in which the patient feels compelled to amputate one or more healthy limbs or has the delusion that they are already missing a limb and are believing they are thusly “handicapped”. Patients may also be drawn to disabilities such as blindness or paraplegia. In-depth research on Body Integrity Identity Disorder began in the late 1990s, when psychologists recognized it as a condition much like Gender Identity Disorder.
When you come right down to it the so-called “Sex Reassignment Surgery” is nothing but Cosmetic Surgery! Just self-neutered people, who become neither male nor female… or anything else! They are a self-castrated eunuch through drugs and surgery!
No matter how or what you try: surgical sex organ mutilation, drugs, change your name, hairstyle, and clothing, or whatever, you just can’t reverse engineer those xx and xy chromosomes into something else. The internal organs are not replaced, they are removed or altered into some ersatz NON-FUNCTIONING component! Only the APPEARANCE of the outer organs is what is changed! You are now gender-nullified, neither male nor female. Your ‘sexual experience’ in your newly chosen preferred “gender” will be far distant from the pleasures of what is considered as ‘normal and natural’, or even Homosexual! God Himself gave those chromosomes to you, at the moment of your conception.
Outstanding letter, Laura ... and I am impressed and inspired by your strength and hard-won resilience. Thank you for your courage in writing and sending this letter. I don't know if the intended recipient will be open to the message, but it is so important to try. Thank you for trying.
Thank you writing this and sharing, one of my saddest days on earth was discovering my beautiful daughter had her breasts removed, I felt crushed by a stone, I fell to my knees weeping, I was sad, and angry at the surgeon, I still am, but I carry my sadness with me for her, and I will not harbor vengeful feelings in my heart for the terrible good for nothing surgeon who did this to her. I will forgive but never forget. As parents of children on this road we are all so sick of the sleepless nights, the depression, the second guessing, shaking off depression every morning to go to work, smiling and carrying through out the day as if everything is fine....God give us all strength to carry and share our burdens with one another in fellowship. To my beautiful daughter - I miss and love you so much! I think of you everyday and pray for you. We had so many wonderful times! I loved raising you! Teaching you to read, ride a bike, do algebra, vacationing, exploring, eating....Miss and love you! Please go home and restore your family.
Hope you're finding other parents with whom you can share. Unimaginable crimes. My heart goes to your daughter and to you.
Though the author of this piece does not give her location I'd guess she suffered these crimes somewhere on the East or West coasts where gender dysphoria is spreading like a respiratory virus. I could be wrong. However I'm not wrong that the rapid growth in cases of gender dysphoria is somehow "magically" a regional mind virus that spreads in leftist lunatic land.
In LLL rational psychiatric professionals can lose their license and be incarcerated for failing to provide "gender affirming care." Mentally deranged parents proudly announce they have a Trans child of 2, 3, 4, 5, &c. In LLL children with no ability to discern fantasy from reality have an inherent knowledge of their sex/gender before they even know such a thing exists. Politicians, teachers, & even doctors encourage and instruct children, who have no ability to comprehend what they are doing, to come out as gay/lesbian/trans without even considering the peranent harm they are causing.
Yup. Go search up Canada's new Bill C-6. It cleverly flipped yesteryear's homophobic "conversion therapy" (which all reasonable people acknowledge did real harm) to legislation that criminalizes anyone (parents, family, therapists, faith professionals, teachers...) who tries to REASON (speak with, discuss, etc) with a "trans-affirming" child. Even our idiot Conservative party MPs both championed it AND cheered and danced (not hyperbole, is on vid) in Parliament when it was passed.
Maxime Bernier (and his new PPC party, full of candidates of every possible segment of Canadian society) is the only Canadian voice against the madness, so he's tarred by gov-funded media as racist/misogynist/homophobe/transphobe/white-supremacist/ know, same old, same old.
Cannot make this shit up.
It says Madison, Wisconsin
I missed that. It is a far leftist city.
Thank you for sharing your experience. Writing the surgeon was brave and important because they need to understand the final outcome - the post op course - beyond whether the incision ‘ healed well’. I suspect most surgeons who perform this surgery don’t have any clue how the surgery influenced the patient’s quality of life, mental health, etc…. Thank you and thank you.
That 'surgeon' doesn't need a letter, he needs to be sued and struck off the medical register.
"Standard of Care" is "trans affirming." There is no case.
You cannot sue against "standard of care," as I have learned from the thousands harmed by psychiatry.
That 'surgeon' doesn't need a letter, he needs to be sued and struck off the medical register.
I watched the part of the linked Youtube where you speak about yourself. Everyone should watch.
You're a fantastic young woman and you need to be proud of yourself. If you wish to do so, you and other detrans young people could be the 'army' that helps turn this pharma-med-transhumanism (it's an organized promotion of transhumanism dressed in the glitter of gender ideology) horror show around. But you have your life to live, so you shouldn't feel like it's your job to do so.
Laura, I wish you health, sanity, friendships, and intimate connections. I just can't believe what our social/educational/political/medical organizations have done to you all. The stupidity, greed, degeneracy, and corruption is mindblowing.
Is the link in the article?
Hi dd, 'Duh', me. I saw it on Laura's own Substack (Funky Psyche).
It WAS somewhere. Either in the post or in Laura's own comment in this thread. Now I don't see it. Either I'm missing it, or maybe she or the Substack owner removed it. It was a link to a multi-post 'symposium' on gender-critical ideas, I guess. I just clicked on the one Youtube video that included her speaking about herself with who I assumed was the symposium organizer.
Note to Laura and/or PITT: Please consider attaching just that link. To see Laura in person and speaking for herself is really valuable. Here is a playlist of all my video interviews, and other podcasts. I'm not sure which Genspect symposium clip you were talking about, as there are multiple, but all of them are in here.
The one I watched was where your name was on the label. I skimmed my cursor to where I saw people (not info panels) and you spoke about your entire trajectory. Interviewer only cones in at the end (and I left).
Wishing you the best, Laura!
I'm guessing that was the College Symposium with me and Michelle specifically. Glad you liked it.
Thank you for this. Your strength and honesty are inspiring. Deeply sorry that you were led down this pathway and given incorrect or incomplete information to make you believe it would answer your distress. Angry at the people who you went to for help who only harmed you more. If I am angry... I can only imagine how you must feel. I hope your sharing your story will help many, many other girls avoid a similar path. And I hope that your life will get better and better as you continue to receive the support you should have been given to begin with. My heart goes out to you. Wishing you wonderful things as you go forward... you have lost some things.... but other things are there waiting... life still has much to offer. May joy find you. You deserve that.
I wish your letter could be on the cover of every magazine and newspaper around the world tomorrow! Your story is moving, frighteningly true, shocking, revealing, traumatic, powerful, and you are remarkably brave! Thank you for having the strength to write and send your letter to the surgeon who shamefully harmed your beautiful body. But clearly this surgeon did not remove your inner beauty or your amazing courage and I applaud you for using your sweet voice to speak out about this atrocity that was done to you and what has been done to hundreds and thousands of other innocent young women like yourself. I pray that your message will be heard around the universe to help other victims and to shame and stop the surgeons who are so eager and willing to perform these unnecessary operations. You are fabulous and I am so very proud of you! Thank you!
What a beautiful message, Eileen, thank you. I am very touched. Wouldn't it be something to have this on a magazine cover? But only if my self-portrait image was included, the graphic designer in me needs to be seen, lol.
Yes! Agree 100% 💖
" doctor and other cosmetic surgeons hungrily leapt at the opportunity for fresh meat to profit from operating on, in this unchecked, wild west market for 'gender medicine.'" That phrase really resonated with me. I've heard several accounts of young people telling the surgeon they weren't sure they wanted the surgery (orchiectomy, breast implants, mastectomy) and the surgeon going ahead and performing it anyway. These confused young people have mostly estranged their parents, and so they don't have anyone advocating for them or trying to talk sense into them. "Fresh meat" must be exactly what these unscrupulous surgeons, so eager to get experience in these procedures, are thinking as they mutilate these kids.
Well written and bravo! Keep up the great work you are doing. More parents will need your help and I especially think that the therapy you received for GD is particularly important and useful for parents to begin to understand this issue better and know how to help our kids. Thank you for being so brave!
Bless you for coming forward; I hope more young people will share their stories and stop this madness! There is no quick, cosmetic, medical fix for puberty or menopause. Hormone therapy is dangerous for developing bodies and menopausal bodies. I tried to stop surgical menopause and took hormones for 20 years which gave me two cancer, minor stroke, and Bell's Palsy. I'm wear protheses after my double mastectomy, not a good candidate for breast implants or breast reconstruction. The latter two might work for you. I'm so happy to hear you are well as I am as well.
Hello everyone, Laura (author) here. Thank you for the supportive comments and kind regards. I appreciate each message and use it to fuel more material like this. If anyone would like to read other essays I've written, my Substack is I cover gender related topics, mental health, healing, art, politics, and philosophy. If anyone would care to support me, I am a recent college graduate and freelance artist who does interviews, essays, and advocacy mostly on a volunteer basis, so any donation would be appreciated.
I also offer personal consultations to parents from a detransitioner perspective and as a young adult who has come through the other side of many mental health issues, including gender dysphoria. You can find out more about it on my website
Also feel free to check out my website where you can find art, music, podcasts, and video interviews on Youtube discussing contemporary culture through a psychological lens.
I think the lawsuits should center around sexual abuse by the doctors. These referral letters from mental health practitioners that authorize the surgeries is no excuse.
(BIID) is a medical condition in which the patient feels compelled to amputate one or more healthy limbs or has the delusion that they are already missing a limb and are believing they are thusly “handicapped”. Patients may also be drawn to disabilities such as blindness or paraplegia. In-depth research on Body Integrity Identity Disorder began in the late 1990s, when psychologists recognized it as a condition much like Gender Identity Disorder.
When you come right down to it the so-called “Sex Reassignment Surgery” is nothing but Cosmetic Surgery! Just self-neutered people, who become neither male nor female… or anything else! They are a self-castrated eunuch through drugs and surgery!
No matter how or what you try: surgical sex organ mutilation, drugs, change your name, hairstyle, and clothing, or whatever, you just can’t reverse engineer those xx and xy chromosomes into something else. The internal organs are not replaced, they are removed or altered into some ersatz NON-FUNCTIONING component! Only the APPEARANCE of the outer organs is what is changed! You are now gender-nullified, neither male nor female. Your ‘sexual experience’ in your newly chosen preferred “gender” will be far distant from the pleasures of what is considered as ‘normal and natural’, or even Homosexual! God Himself gave those chromosomes to you, at the moment of your conception.
These "doctors" are only in it for the money... and the money is GOOD!
They could not care less about what happens to you after they get your money.
As P. T. Barnum said, "There is a sucker born every minute."
…and to take advantage of it, a person of questionable moral values is born every second. – David Lagesse
Outstanding letter, Laura ... and I am impressed and inspired by your strength and hard-won resilience. Thank you for your courage in writing and sending this letter. I don't know if the intended recipient will be open to the message, but it is so important to try. Thank you for trying.