Congratulations! Way to go, our fight is out there not in ourselves, it is worthless and we must take care of ourselves in order to be strong, we are soldiers now, people are starting to talk since it looks that there is a pandemic of transgenders kids. The media, entertainment industry and books in the library. I know a Mom who loans transgender and sexualizing children books and never return them, probably it is not the best way but she feels she is doing her little war and feels better, little things, maybe boycotting our confused children or teens, hide their "other sex " clothes or make disappear the rush that our boy is using, it is crazy out there but we love them and we cannot lie to them telling them that they will become something that they will never become, it doesn't matter how many surgeries and drugs and make up they do. Look at the videos of children who were supported into their body discomfort or delusions and want to "return" to be what they are, look at them, the girls now women want to be women but after so many years of puberty blockers a.k.a hormones their voices is low, their hair is thin and their bodies looked underdeveloped, like teen bodies in thirty year old women. We have now enough people who have been through this so we have proof and still nobody is forbidding these practices (experimenting on humans more like it). People need to see what are the consequences of these treatments. To stop this should be the cause of each parent in this country, not matter if they experience it themselves. We are not barbarians, we do not do human sacrifices of any kind, or are we???

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YES, YES, YES!!! A friend of mine used to say that depression is anger turned inward. Speaking the truth and trusting its power is the liberating, life-changing and healing, not to mention undermining to the criminal scum who are orchestrating this scam. Thank you!

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This is SO powerful. Thank you. I too, had to decide to change for me. I didn't want to be awake or asleep at one point. I just didn't want to be. I had to frickin' FIGHT to be better, healthier, for 3 people: my husband, my younger son, I couldn't give up for my mom who lost a son to suicide. I had to fight to try to be healthy, to rise above my addiction to information, my grief, and the self blame and despair. This was not easy.

I wanted to walk out the door and keep going... You are right. Don't let your child's egregiously poor decisions take you down. You have to FIGHT to get back your life. For those you love, for your lost child, and for yourself.

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NYC has just announced a lawsuit against Tiktok, Facebook and other social media platforms for fuelling mental health issues. Body dysmorphia and young people thinking they are "trans" are among these issues. But I doubt that will be addressed. How mental health professionals and toxic gender clinics can't see the connection is mind-boggling.


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100% I end nearly every one of my X posts with the line 'Transgender healthcare is a crime against humanity'. I'm one a one-psychologist mission to shift people's thinking about what is going on. At least with the Nazi's most of the world was against them and realised what was happening needed to be ended. Now its the opposite way around. The people opposing the modern Mengele's are the ones whose lives are being destroyed. It's insane!

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I am so, so sorry. Transender 'healthcare' is the biggest medical scandal in history. Anyone engaging in it should be in front of the judges at The Hague.

I would rather lose my practicing license as a clinical psychologist (which will happen, I know), rather than 'affirm' a single child. I absolutely will not do it. Transgenderism is a con. I call 'Gender Dysphoria' FNGD (Fake News/Factually Nonexistent, FD). It's simply NOT REAL.

I really hope your daughter can find her way out. My only advice to you is to hold the line. Stay strong. Don't give in. Think of yourself as an Abolitionist when Slavery was in full swing. Everyone was doing it, but they knew the practice was evil and had no part in it. That's where you are now. Sending love.

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You really want to fight gender ideology? Support Erin Friday and the legislation and the lawsuits. www.protectkidsca.com

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I hear you, I agree with you and I am mad as hell too and I’m no longer sad or depressed but ready to fight and win. This stupidity has had it’s moment and it is finished. The casualties are and will continue to pile up but the tide has turned. The real losers in this are the children, youth and young adults who succumbed to the ideology and ruined their lives and to the parents and guardians who followed suit and committed the worst crime of all - harming their own children! The reckoning will be horrendous and these facilitating adults will fight tooth and nail not to admit their shocking mistakes. What a hideous future for them!

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Thank you for sharing. All of our stories are so similar and so devastating. I am mad as hell too and I talk to everyone about it. I tell them what has happened and how it has affected me and my family. I tell them how dark of a place it has taken me to (I considered suicide many times).

Parents need to start speaking out more often and louder. I do not care who knows, I hope other parents are at that point as well. We can not fear being called a "transphobe" because that fear keeps us silent.

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You are so right that our young people aren't arriving at their trans identities organically, but because of influence. All of this "transitioning" and everything that goes along with it is due to -- influence!

The proof is that before social media and the internet, "trans" didn't even exist except in VERY rare cases (and those were recognized as mental disorders, not something to be encouraged and glorified). Before changing genders was presented as an option, almost all kids and adults lived comfortably in their natural bodies -- and there was NOT a huge population of miserable people wishing to be the opposite sex.

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Yes, I agree this whole ideological movement is misunderstood by most people. Genspec is entertaining the idea that there are some trans people that are true trans, ie: good trans. My question is how are we to tell? The whole thing is a lie. No one can change their sex. No one. So by not taking a hard absolute stance then you are inviting doubt. If there are good one then we have to scrutinize all the others, We have to become censorious, is he one of them? Is he a an AGP, but a good one? How are kids suppose to identify them. By normalizing everything then how do we safe guard kids? How can they use their spidey senses we tried so hard to foster in child a mere decade ago. Men in girls spaces, sure why not. No problem there. You see, by giving up our sex based language calling “some” men she, then there is no recourse, no course correction. You either accept all who say they are the other sex or not. Genspec is allowing discussion in hopes if finding common ground. With pernicious ideology there can’t be a middle ground. As with many or almost any contentious issue, yes mediation is ideal, not this one. These confused children and young adults or misogynistic AGP’s, do exist and are not so much to be despised but they are not to be given the affirmation for their delusions. It is a horrible terrible ideology and the seed starts with affirmation, being kind, using pronouns.

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A brave decision. The Truth told WILL set us free, or we will not be free.

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Thank you for posting this and sharing your experience. I too, have sank into the deepest of depressions. This insane ideologist cult stole my daughter. The schools, programs, even the police protect her under secret gender policies that I don’t know anything about. I’ve been treated like I’m the insane one whenever I question or ask anything. Just like your son, my daughter too has made a choice, she’s 16. I am attempting to improve my self-care and not continue this mindset of despair. I’m definitely figuring out a way to talk more about this but it’s been a process. Thank you for naming the truth.

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Angry, upset and determined to do all I can to stop the assault on young people who are going through a needed change to become a mature human.

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Hi, intersex is binary, they are definitively male or female with secondary ambiguous sex characteristics.

Genspec is allowing for the consideration that some trans people are the good ones? How are our children to know this? Do only people that “pass” as the opposite sex get granted permission to interact with our kids? Is it up to the individual to just know this? How can we safe guard our kids? We know for a fact older men that pretend to be women overwhelmingly are AGP men, they have a sexual proclivity it is not a a fetish , but a paraphilia, ie: not normal! If you allow the language to change even for the good ones then sex based rights no longer exist. Theses people who wish to be seen as the opposite sex are or should not be hated on but they do not get to the honor of using the opposite sex pronoun. Simple to keep argument pure and simple, men can not be women and women can not be men. No ambiguity, no blurring of the fact, only the absolute truth.

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