I'm reading your insanity here.

If you sterilize your child because of the current posh insanity, that's fine. Let him do it. We don't need your genes reproducing.

I encourage you. We are tired of this.

To eliminate you, all we need to do is encourage you - we do not need to resist you. Are we monsters for allowing you to do what you want? You're the monsters, we are just tired of holding back. This is self correcting in time.

Do what you want.

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I also hold this truth. My 21 year old decided this during the pandemic after meeting a transgender person online who shared his love of music and video games, and falling in love now at 23 to have moved in with this person and started transitioning. Never displayed anything during puberty- same story as many. I don’t know how for him to open his eyes and find his truth. Seek mental healthcare support. The internet has made self diagnosis so easy and he can buy HRT online. It’s criminal. Don’t know how to move forward. It is destroying me. Thank you for sharing your story.

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very well said. thank you.

it seems truth is only subjective to many people now - that's hard on all of us. same old "absolute truth" discussion - hard to navigate life when everything is moving all the time.

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This essay is now also my story. My husband and I just were informed by our son via a very bitter, insulting email that he is now a woman.

I have lost my son to madness. He has killed himself, yet still walks this earth in a disguise.

And he informs me that I disgust him.

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Same thing happened to us. It is a massive coaching endeavor.

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Sep 10, 2023·edited Sep 10, 2023

The real truth as I see it is that it's a mentally handicapped person who sees themself as the opposite sex when they were born with the reproductive organs of a male and can't ascribe to that fact.

But gender is completely unimportant and hopefully will wither away to irrelevancy one day. All gender does is offer stereotypes to people who want to comfortably fit each sex into a nice little box and say anything outside those traits is abnormal.

If being able to live how you want to and act how you want to is freedom, then gender is a cage that keeps you imprisoned by other's conceptual demands on your actions.

Just accept your sex and treat gender as the horror show that it can be for some people. But those people should never confuse male with female and the reverse. That's not only stupid, if you go for medical alterations it means you should be see as the walking, breathing example of what a living mistake looks like so others who dream of following your path can learn how not to screw up like you did.

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If he thinks being a man on the A spectrum is hard—he’s in for a big shock.

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I want to add to this splendid article the perspective of Saint Augustine on Truth. All truths are not equal. Truth is eternal, and “exists in a timeless, unchanging state.” (Dwight Goodyear paraphrasing the great Saint) Time does not change Truth. Contradictory ideas that humans create and propose as truth are not Truth, because they are not eternal. They cannot be because man on earth is not eternal. God is.

This undeniable Truth is as clear as 2+2=4: Man + Woman + children (as God sends) is a Truth. Men did not create this Truth, but men did create the innovations that undermine this truth. Trans is the ultimate disruptive creation of man. It epitomizes the lie.

Do not follow Pontius Pilate who stood next to Truth itself and snarked, “What is truth?”

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The difference is that your truth is the truth.

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Exactly right: theirs is a truth that requires us to participate in their delusion. Play the game. Ugh.

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Just wondering how you know this about Marxists. Are you talking about 15-30 year olds who are calling themselves Marxists?

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This is a well-argued response to an obviously painful situation. By way of extending the argument, I would like to mention a couple of things on the psychology side. First, the concept of identity is not of a unilaterally imposed demand for recognition. Instead, it is socially negotiated in dialogue with other people. If I claim to be your mother, and demand to be recognized as such, you don't have to accept my claim. To try to compel another person to deny the evidence of their senses and memory, to say nothing of other types of evidence, is a form of gaslighting. In another context, it would be called out immediately.

Second, there is a very specific precedent for the tactic of transgender ideologists to cut off, deplatform, and otherwise eliminate dissenting voices. In her book, Lost in Transnation, Miriam Grossman tells the story of patient zero for transgender surgery. The physician responsible, Dr. John Money, had as clients a couple whose child had his penis burned off during a botched circumcision. His solution was to have the parents submit their child for castration, to dress and treat him as female, to give him a female name, and most importantly to never let anyone else know the truth. Today we see the demand from ideologues that everyone around the transgender person bend to their wishes. This tactic, which seeks to externalize the costs of psychological adjustment (to use a term from economics), is straight from Dr. Money's playbook. Ultimately, it is designed to protect the brittle construct that the transgender person has taken upon him- or herself, which requires a tremendous amount of medical and social reinforcement to maintain.

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Truth be told…no matter how hard someone wants me to pretend they are the opposite sex I just can’t pretend or play that game. And I won’t. Transgender is not real. Period. Hold your ground dear Mom - you know the truth. Hopefully your son will figure this out soon so you can both have peace.

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If gender is different than biological sex, why must one mutilate one’s body in a futile attempt to be the other biological sex. None of it makes sense.

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Sep 8, 2023·edited Sep 8, 2023

If our kids are experiencing anguish now because they don't believe they measure up to the standards of their sex category, imagine how much harder life will be for them when they can't have children or sexual relationships, have hair in places where they don't want it or are bald, have voices that are too low or two high, are missing breasts or have breast buds they can't get rid of, and need to be on hormones for the rest of their lives because they had necessary parts of their bodies removed. The peers who are cheering for them now will be off enjoying their careers, marriages, and families. I've been thinking recently about the statistic that more than 90% of children who go on puberty blockers continue to cross-sex hormones. Of course they do! What is the alternative for a boy who has stunted his growth, both in terms of height and sex organs? How could middle-aged men who took puberty blockers in their youth ever hope to find partners? Might as well continue to the drugs and surgeries.

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Actually, I think desisting at any time along the horrific road of trans mutilation is still better than living a lie. There are desisters even after removal of body parts, and I venture they are glad they have had the courage to face the truth and live as best they can despite the mental and bodily trauma inflicted during their time in the trans cult.

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I'm not advocating for staying the course, but I can understand why, after finding out that they have been lied to about PBs being "completely reversible" and discovering that they cannot grow into fully formed men, children (perhaps more so their parents) might think they have a better chance at happiness by continuing to transition. It must be devastating to be in that position. If I'm wrong in thinking puberty doesn't resume, please correct me.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 13, 2023

Agreed those duped into taking puberty blockers may sink further because of the sunk cost fallacy. I'm not an expert on puberty blockers, but avoiding wrong sex hormones no matter what PB has inflicted seems a better choice. Though as you write, a devastating juncture point is inflicted by our sick culture allowing!! puberty blockers. It makes my blood boil to think about this. My son skipped this horror as we were able to keep him sane during high school. But alas, the trans cult, seduced him during college when evil Planned Parenthood (Planned Sterilty/ Planned Dysfunction) gave him wrong sex hormones just weeks after turning 19.

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I’m really curious about all the dynamics when the time comes to decide what to do after puberty blockers. I have Hannah Barnes book but have been trying to take a break from reading about trans, since it’s so upsetting. My son started hormones at 18 and skipped PB too, thank god. I was so ignorant before he “came out” (I hate that, as though the person had been trans all along).

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Defining masculine and feminine characteristics can vary from culture to culture, defining one’s sex doesn’t vary. A human male can be identified unambiguously even while in the womb as can a human female. That is a cold hard fact. That is the TRUTH! One be unhappy about that TRUTH, but one cannot change that TRUTH. One can make cosmetic changes in various ways to change the way one’s body looks, but rather than changing one’s sex one is only mutilating a healthy body. One can learn to live comfortably in the body one has or one can deny the TRUTH and pursue a life of delusion that results in self destruction. We should help people live comfortably in their bodies rather than enable their delusions. A doctor that prescribed diet pills to an anorexic girl would rightly be called a quack. Why is that not the case with doctors prescribing puberty blockers and cross sex hormones to gender confused children? Transgenderism is nothing more than a destructive cult that must be exposed and destroyed.

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Sep 9, 2023·edited Sep 9, 2023

TRUTH! These quacks, our Governments, our Education ministers, The Who, The UN and anybody or any organisation found to be peddling this mumbo jumbo under the pretext of "inclusion", need to be brought before the courts and held responsible for the enormous harms and damage caused to society and individuals, AND WOMEN with their peddling of this false, dangerous ideology.. We CANNOT change our sex, EVER!

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Thanks a bunch Natasha. I don't even know any humans in Australia!

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