May I read this at a school board meeting?

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Sorry to see this so long after the question. As the author, you have my permission unless PITT has some guidelines I’m unaware of.

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Thank you for sharing this. It very succinctly describes exactly how these Ideologue Activists are working to destroy the sacred bond between Parents and children. It is exactly as you say but my constant nagging question in my mind is simply “WHY?” What’s the angle, the payoff, the endgame? I just don’t get it. WHAT do the idealogues want? What is the purpose of their fervent belief? It makes my brain hurt!

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What they want is a different society. Read up on Michel Foulcault....it's some deep Philosophy(post modernism) so be prepared to read slowly and carefully because it will make your head spin. Try to find someone to explain it in better terms, you can see how all the "movements" come together to form the far left extremists that we have today. The "movement" is starting to show cracks and crumble.......I think we have hit "peak______" (insert activism).

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My heart grieves for you and all those who have been told to crush thier love for thier children as they crush truth. Praying for all of us who are crushed.

The Lord is near to the brokenhearted and saves those crushed in spirit. Ps 34:18

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Dear suffering parents,

Know that when I see your kids out in the streets, the stores, etc, I feel compassion for them. They are suffering in their own way. This crazy phenomenon is beyond you and me. Having said this, what can parents do? Parents have a special relationship with their children and within you lies the authority to correct. You have the power, authority, duty and obligation to right their wrongs. I say this for all the parents with younger children. You owe your children no explanation for this. There is a reason the old folks had corporal punishment in their toolkit. The world was very dangerous back then and sometimes mom and dad’s displeasure saved their lives. We got used to safety here, and we forget how quickly the world can become dangerous. Do not give up authority over your children lest the world take control over your children.

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PS. If your child decides to de-transition, we will drop *them* like a hot potato and you can be there to pick up the pieces as we will be no where to be found.

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Unless they go public with their experiences, in which case we will hound, threaten and denigrate them relentlessly.

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@ Sweet Caroline, ME TOO. Nobody around me understands the deep pain of no longer being able to call my only daughter "daughter". Of not being allowed to call her the special name we chose for her. She'll hardly talk to me and is mostly nasty when I try. Keeps saying if I keep sending the stuff about all the medical dangers of testosterone and transition, then she will stop talking to me. Yes, we are "grieving" for our loss and our families are never going to be the same.

GOD, HELP ALL US PARENTS. I cry this night and day. HE is all that gets me through this now...

‭‭Psalms‬ ‭34:18‬ ‭

The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit.

‭‭Matthew‬ ‭5:4‬ ‭

Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted.

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My daughter asked me to stop sending her that “crap” as it was taking up space in her feed or something so I reponded with “Ok Darling!” And that was that. I was too exhausted to argue anymore and just accepted that this is how it is at the moment. We side step the wierdness and are still able to laugh and joke and have some fun together. At least we have that for now. She’s 18 so I’m just holding my breath.

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Same here, except I only received one warning, then she did break communication with my next “mistake.” It’s so polar opposite from who my daughter was and the relationship we had.

I cling to those verses as well.

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Omg!! This Moaist reeducation of parents is horrendous! There aren’t enough words to describe how they are ruining young peoples’ potential!!! This inward focus on self instead of skills and interests is tearing the fabric of our society.

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I broke out sobbing as I read this. Every detail is horrifically true. It's so true that I want to share it with my other daughter who is an ally to her delusional 21 year old sister. I float by the hour of every day from rage, to calm to utter sadness and torrents of tears. I can't even listen to music anymore because I break out crying. I am torn between total compassion for my daughter b/c she is vulnerable and brain washed or fury at her uncalled for wrath spewed upon me. This is hell. I have lost a baby before and this - this fake death - is worse. Thank you for putting my feelings into print.

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...and my 19yr old son also has an ally in his woke 16 yr old sister. So I feel outnumbered and pushed out. She doesnt realise thay her relationship with him doesn't outwin a mothers with her son. He is my son, and together they are puahing me out. She also doesn't realise the enormity of this and the danger of her enabling him💔 oh please Lord make it stop

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I feel the same.... for the sake of being completely honest, I even have days when I want my son to die cos at least I can grieve over something I cannot change and in those moments I feel such anger towards him for destroying this family (which is wafting silently through life ruined and unspeaking, by a rift torn apart and now uncomfortable and weird) then I see him looking lost in the corner of my eye and my heart breaks for him. I just want him back with all my heart. I am seriously not coping with this shit

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Hang in there AI. It is devastating, a tragedy, it really is. But I believe it will pass one day. I have hope for the guys especially, because I’ve seen so many eventually realize that the health effects were not worth it. It might take a decade or two, and unfortunately a lot of pain, but I’m beginning to believe our kids will come out of this. Their bodies will force them to see reality. And hopefully the detrans wave will be as contagious.

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I hope so. I'm convinced this is just a sub culture fad but unfortunately with horrific consequences incl ripping families apart

💔💔💔💔 someone wake me up when it's over

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Nov 5, 2023
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I actually feel like doing it tbh. Of course i want gim to bw safe and i love him, but i want this to stop.....

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Thank you for sharing that, Sweet Caroline. Your short telling hit me as well. Our son has an ally sibling too. Nearly as difficult. I can also relate to the way you speak of being torn when I think of the kind, gentle, and handsome young man compared to the angry letter we received for not coming to our conclusion fast enough. (He was asking for us to help him with a full medical transition, also in writing, from the get go. We never had a chance to give him our answer before he disappeared.)

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"We're destroying your life, stomping on reality, and making your child a lifeline medical patient. And we're doing this for your own good and the good of your family. Now say "thank you, sir, may I have another" or we'll hurt you." Even the communists weren't this good at doublespeak. Orwell anyone?

At some point, a parent is going to go postal on these people. I'm actually surprised it hasn't happened yet. And no, I'm not recommending that or suggesting I approve of it, but what do you expect when you mutilate someone's children and tell them to like it or shut up?

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The sad thing is, which people can anyone go postal on???? They are everyone!!??? Too many to pull down. Its like fighting an invincible go ggantoc monster...

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You are simply stating the obvious, that a person can only take so much. I think that parents of "trans identified kids" are the most marginalized people in the world. I'm so sick of the vapid "Be Kind" signs all over. How about trying a little kindness to the people who brought you into the world and did absolutely everything for you, well into adulthood. What hypocrites .

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I'm glad I'm not the only one who's triggered by "Be Kind"!!!!! It's dangerous code speak. How about we counter it with "Get Angry"!

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It's more like " be kind...aka agree with me" or I'll hurt you. That's what they really mean.

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Parents KNOW their child is male or female from birth. Perverse gender ideologies make up incredible nonsense and harm children, teens, young adults and families. It’s like using a nuclear bomb to blow up a family.

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I am allowed to quake with rage, but not on public. Even using PITT has to be done secretly. We are the persecuted parents, having our children stolen from us by this evil ideology. This war is not against people but against a most horrifyingly dangerous force.

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I agree…sometimes I even think groomers read our comments & learn from them. Use our feelings & sentiments to refine the script to counter any comebacks

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So true, but it is time to stand up and be clear about this terrible destruction of deluded children.

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Forces (I believe demonic in this case) don't act on their own. They act through people. So our war is with people.

We can't fight a Force, but it is possible to make the people who fight FOR that Force afraid of us. That's what necessary. Right now, we fear for our financial security and even physical safety if we dare to speak the truth about biology. (Ask Riley Gaines.) We need to make the proponents of gender ideology feel that kind of fear. They need to be constantly wondering if they're going to lose their jobs for mutilating kids. They need to be policing what they say for fear of social ruin. They need to be looking over their shoulders wondering if an enraged parent is stalking them -- all the time and for the rest of their lives! Right now, they don't feel that. But that is the only thing that will end this.

I respect that this is unpopular. But at some point you have to stop pretending that you're in a debating society where the best ideas win. In the real world, what wins is fear -- the credible threat of force. The fact that it's distasteful to us doesn't make it untrue.

(To be clear, I am not talking about vigilantism. I am talking about using the electoral process to gain control of states, and use that state power to hurt those who have mutilated kids. Although, gender ideologues being scared of parent-vigilantes doesn't strike me as an entirely bad idea.)

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You are so right, but tbh i m even liking the spund of vigilantism right now... anything to make these bastards shake....

I remember when my son was being bullied, unmatched a video explaining how the ONLY way to stop a bully (the y went through why all other options don't work) is to:

a) up the anti, by constantly reporting and calling them out over and over and

b) decrease the pay off, by increasing the punishment and fear of being punished but also by not shpw ijng them your fear.

That was it... otherwise the lay off is high and the risk is low, so needs to be turned around...

So low pay off and high risk then it's not worth it

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Amen to all you said.

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How many enraged parents are needed to fight this Goliath? Where is David?

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I havent Quit...although I am not a David....more like Esther, For such a time as this....We All Are

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The lawsuit against the American Academy of Pediatrics and doctors there who were allowed to set policy - is promising:


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AAP website shows corporate sponsors and donors. Merck and Abbott to name a few. Of course they would promote something that creates life-long patients.

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Uh, huh. Absolutely.

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Every time I see some ‘do gooder’ posting pronouns I want to puke. These are the useful idiots of the trans cult

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Sadly, my trans kid calls me the useful idiot. Thibks hes so smart and knows so much... i have no doubt in my mind at all that it is hin qho is wrong and tmit is hin who will siffer from this. I dont say this with arrogant self righteousness, I say this with the confidence of the power of nature and of truth backing me up.....

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I hate these gender ideologues so much. Life was hard enough before. Now they have created this cesspool of tragedy.

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The Family 9/11

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I hate to use the word hate. But it is best to be honest

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I also hate using the word hate, yet... here I am 🤷‍♀️💔🙏😔🙁

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When I see the lies, the gaslighting, the damage I do hate them.

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I do not blame you. That is a normal reaction to evil. These people are our enemies. Difficult to love them

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Those who can make you believe absurdities, can make you commit atrocities - Voltaire

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I read this quote when i first started on this horrid treacherous road.... its too true sadly

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Perfect quote for this madness.

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Would be funny if it weren’t true. I actually had one expert help me “name my grief” as if by doing so he was being progressive in allowing me that. But only so it would allow me to move on to the train of socially acceptable emotions.

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The therapists are some of the worst ideologues. I went to a support group for parents early on because my daughter asked me to. The person leading the group started us off with a cheer, complete with raised fist, about “breaking the binary.” The parents seemed completely on board as far as I could tell. I sat quietly knowing I was surrounded by idiots and left at the break.

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Your letter is so sadly accurate.

If only we could stop the madness.


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