I thought this didn’t happen. My family put me in private school for most of my life and I thought they were stupid and crazy. Now I know they were right. My own daughter was brainwashed and kept threatening to run away to foster care and I thought she was just rebelling. Now she’s destroyed her mind and body with testosterone. The Department of Education and these school districts are abusing our children.

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I’m so incredibly sorry for this unimaginable situation. Have you ever tried Alliance Defending Freedom? They are definitely on the side of parental rights and oppose “gender affirming care.” I believe they could be helpful with a lawsuit. If you need help in connecting with them please let me know. Happy to help.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

You're getting a hurtful lesson in the way the Left has ALWAYS treated people around the world who disagreed with its agenda.

Never forget it was the Leftwing Democrats who died in a war to defend slavery and made the KKK to ensure segregation of the races.

The same psychology that says it's okay to hurt and destroy people for a righteous cause still exists in the psychological makeup of those on the Left today, and now you're experiencing it.

Conservatives sadly are not going to win this fight for anyone longterm either, because they don't know how to fight something they too so often share in the blame with, having those same inadequacies of desire to rule over another's choices throughout their lives.

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Dec 3, 2023·edited Dec 3, 2023

In that case the people you hate are just the Conservatives, because there's many Republicans who aren't that philosophy in the group too and fight to end the conservative dominance of the party.

Sadly the majority has too many clueless theists among them right now, which keeps the conservatives from allowing more people the chance to sometimes fail at life through their own mistakes in order to teach them the resilience they'll need to birth a fuller and lasting feeling of independence within themselves. They try too much to save their enemy from their own mistakes, instead of pointing them out to use as examples of precisely what not to do if you want to be happy and successful in life.

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Democrats are so much worse on every measure though that it doesn't really matter.

And the non-religious republicans are too much of a minority to do much, but I'm glad to see them try. Rand Paul is a Libertarian Republican and though I think he sucks in a lot of ways, many of his ideas are right and I'm glad there's at least one on the inside of the machine to speak about it's failures.

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I think the suggestion is that if you want to help those people with diseases who contracted them through their own disregard, then you should pay for them out of your own wallet alongside everyone else who agrees with you on the issue. But those who don't should get to donate their money to another worthy cause that they happen to feel passionate about instead. And if you don't agree with them, your money should be safe to not go towards that issue if you feel its a waste or not important enough, atbleast you won't be forced to fund it. You just can't tell anyone else what to do with their money.

There's plenty of people besides the HIV infected who I think are more worthy of my dollars and they should get my donations.

Charity puts money to work far more efficiently that government wver does. If you rely solely on government, you're wasting much of your empathy and helping people less than you think, if that's truly your social goal.

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Parents need to pull their children from public school. Why the delay? Yes, it is a sacrifice. Make the sacrifice. My friend sold her house and moved across the country within 30 days of her daughter just questioning gender after a sex ed class in 7th grade. She saved her daughter.

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This is legalized kidnapping and trafficking of minors, once they end up in the mandated foster homes that are mandated to medically affirm "trans" mental illness! Some end up on the streets or bouncing from friend to friends' homes with glitter parents keeping them hidden from their "unsafe" parents. This is child abuse, but not on the child's parent's part! Reversed child abuse. Destruction of the family. It is of Satan.

The entire west coast of USA is now sanctuary territory where this is law. A petition was being circulated to retract this law, but did not get enough signatures. The author does not exaggerate one word in her horrifying account! This is the new WOKE REALITY in LAW! Predatory practices on minors with more atrocities to come...

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I can only assume this is California- you need to get your story to the press… epoch times. I have a contact

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Oregon, but there is not much difference between the anti-family, pro-mutilation policies of WA, OR, and CA.

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The disdain for parents by the bureaucratic educational system is shocking.

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Unbelievable! State funded kidnapping. Who is supervising this young lady? Does a parent In Oregon have no rights at all regarding his/her child. Hard to believe this is happening in the USA.

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I am horrified for you. I do not know how you are still able to function. And you probably are not. I stand with you. It is state sponsored kidnapping and I absolutely believe my daughter could be in the same position and even worse...these kids run towards their kidnappers and abusers.

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It is a state sponsored cult. And, it is state kidnapping. I look forward to when policy makers are in trouble for this. We need to send some to prison.

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It is all so frightening and mystifying. WHAT is the actual endgame, and are ALL the participants aware of it? Or just stupid woke pawns?

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Great question. What is the endgame? Socialism and power, I think. Control. In my research I have found that the point is to create societal chaos intentionally. The more chaos the better. Open the borders, don't prosecute crime or enforce laws, change the meaning of words, encourage educated suburban Mom's in safe neighborhoods to scream to defund the police so that people and businesses actually living in inner cities suffer from more crime, remove education standards to graduate from school because that is only fair in Baltimore and Oregon (and kids actually cannot read and do math), etc. Then socialists and marxist activists come in with the "cure", the "fix", the "solution". They take control and take the power from the people. They want power. Authoritarianism. And that usually involves the populace ceding some of their freedoms in the name of the "greater good"... To be kind, to avoid so called Disinformation and speech they do not like. Words are violence, we are to believe. We must give up some freedom to feel safe. No big deal. Afterall, no one thought it was a big deal in the 1930's when the Nazi's made the Jews wear a star, or close their shops on certain days of the week. It's not THAT big of a deal, they said. No one spoke up. (Referencing the book by Erik Larson, In the Garden of Beasts). They take baby steps. Little freedoms removed one at a time. The frog doesn't know he is boiling if you warm the water slowly. So we Allow Obama to change Title Nine to allow men to compete in womens' sports - to be kind, it's not a big deal, So we let men in womens' safe and private spaces, to be kind, So we let California keep our runaway kids and call the parents abusers, to save the children who clearly are of sound mind, So we let schools make policies to keep secrets from parents and place conversion therapy bans on mental health professionals, So we let people police our speech with pronouns and allow them to accuse us of "WRONG THINK". Everyone should go back and read Orwell's 1984. The parallels are uncanny. The endgame is chaos, so "they" can come in and save the day by taking away freedoms and "changing" the country. Everyone assumes "change" is good. Does anyone ask, "What is the change we need?" (sorry, I really went for it here! - I did not sleep well after reading this person's post about Oregon Schools)

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Yes, yes -- we see the chaos coming at us from every corner. But WHO is coordinating it?

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Two words: Cultural Marxism

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I agree 💯

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Give me your thoughts please. I am thinking about going to law school. I am old and it would’ve expensive but I am trying to think of ways to fight this.

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Be careful. They teach the cult of trans in many law schools. It appears another highly orchestrated scheme seeping through our institutions.

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They wouldn’t have any luck converting me🤣 but definitely not planning to share my true motivation.

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Retired attorney here. Law is an extremely stratified profession. One might almost call it a caste system in that where a person attends law school and where they rank in their class carries enormous weight in the kind of opportunities that will be available to them in their career.

To get a feel for this take a look at some of the Subreddits that deal with law school admissions and placement after law school. It's a hugely competitive process. https://www.reddit.com/r/lawschooladmissions/

It is vitally important to know the ins and out of the complicated game. Succeeding in getting into a really good law school can make the difference between starting a career working for a big law firm or in a prestigious government job and finding one's self doing divorces or personal injury cases in a strip mall. It is possible to earn a law degree and not be able to break into the profession. Here's an article with the top 10 pieces of advice from the law school admissions subreddit: https://joinjuno.com/financial-literacy/admissions/top-10-law-school-admissions-tips-from-reddit-everyone-should-read

There's also the practical problem of finding a law firm that would take on gender identity ideology by suing state governments or school systems that have been captured by trans ideology. It's not the sort of thing someone fresh out of law school would be advised to try to do on their own.

I have a feeling that you might run into Big Law law firms who view themselves as trans "allies" and would be reluctant to be associated with lawsuits challenging a school board's trans "affirming" policies, for example. On the other hand, some lawyers and legal foundations who might be willing sue to stop abusive practices such as concealing a child's social transitioning from his or her parents are on the far right of the political spectrum. That means they might embrace other far-right causes unrelated to gender ideology that many people might take issue with.

Getting back to the subject of law schools, it's important to know that law schools regularly offer tuition discounts to attract students who will improve the school's ranking. I do not know how transparent schools' discounting practices are or whether they treat people fairly. The point is that it's not uncommon for law students to enjoy discounted tuition, perhaps with conditions attached.

Another consideration for someone thinking of law school is whether lawyers are their "tribe." There's a certain kind of person - or maybe several types - who gravitate to law and thrive in the profession. Qualities include being entrepreneurial, analytical, hard-nosed, assertive and even aggressive when the occasion calls for it. It's essential to have good people skills, to be persuasive and to be a good negotiator. By and large, those are not qualities that are taught in law school.

I hope this helps. Other lawyers might see things differently.

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https://adflegal.org/request-legal-help has Princeton educated lawyers and many other top tier people.

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Thanks so much for your thoughtful response. It was very helpful. I am in a University town. It has a gender clinic. A child psychiatrist told my husband it would be better for our daughter to transition and then detransition than to not transition at all, just to give you an idea of the level of care. This was without her having met our daughter. I have other examples from moms I know. The doctors pushing this stuff here are ripe for getting their asses handed to them, legally speaking of course. But I agree that someone with experience is needed. I would just want assist. I have thought about paralegal work too. I would volunteer my time.

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That's f'd up!

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It is immoral and evil to take away parental rights! The government wants to destroy the family unit through transgenderism. It is also an effective way to cut down on the population.

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THIS!!! It’s criminal!

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The indoctrination and parent alienation is incidious and starts by middle school if not before.... If it isn't big issues it is a million small ones that eat away at parents and damages families.

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Gut wrenching!

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