An unpopular opinion I've shared on here a few times is that homosexuality is indistinguishable from other paraphilia except insofar as it seems to be caused in many instances by childhood sexual abuse

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Thank you so much for writing this piece. I agree that gender ideology is indeed a concern for all. It helps the growing tide of gender critical voices that yours is also there. As a parent (and perhaps other parents will agree) we are easily dismissed and accused of not simply accepting our child as something other than what our own pre-existing desires for them dictate. We are bullied and harrassed for daring to speak out. Yours is an extremely valuable voice and again I thank you very much for your contribution

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Thank you for telling your story, there is no one size fits all path.

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Thank you so much for sharing & caring. Intersting & informative.

I do hope life is kinder to you nowadays.

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Thank you! Very different side of view.

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Thank you, I really appreciate the info, I'll try.

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Thank you for sharing perspective as Man & Feminist! To put concerns into boxes (right wing, transphobic) is a way to not listen to your voice or others with genuine concern for kids.

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Thank you for sharing your experience. And thank you for caring about the impact of gender ideology on society--especially the most vulnerable.

It's rare to find someone willing to share their honest self reflections on who they are and how they became the person they are today.

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Thanks for the tip -- I just looked up the executive summary -- talk about going against the current! Almost every point they make contradicts the activists' arguments. It was published in 2016: I wonder if it got much pushback. (That was way before I started to really pay attention to the subject.)

One of the findings that knocked me flat on my back: "According to a recent estimate, about 0.6% of U.S. adults identify as a gender that does not correspond to their biological sex."

That is a lot less than the "studies" today would have us believe. (I put studies in quotes because the media will trumpet an internet "survey" with as much fanfare as a scientifically designed study.

As pertains to sexual abuse, it claims that "Compared to heterosexuals, non-heterosexuals are about two to three times as likely to have experienced childhood sexual abuse."

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That was such an incredibly interesting and unique perspective based on your own life, your lived experience. Thank you!

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Thank you for sharing your story, much appreciated. Had no idea there was a coming out day.

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Thank you! Your story is so appreciated. I'm so glad you've joined the ranks to fight for mere children. Especially since most of these kids have experienced horrific trauma (such as yourself). You get it! We must not give up because so many lives depend on it. I just wanted to give you a heartfelt thank you and the fact that you survived your journey is encouraging to many of us. You're awesome!

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Well said. I'm a 77 year old heterosexual woman , (married for 53 years to the same man ,mother grandmother and great grandmother. So far ,mercifully ,my family has escaped this horror ,therefore I have no " skin in the game " as the saying goes. However ,I'm APPALLED by the whole concept. In what kind of world is castration , sterilisation and mutilation of children and young people's bodies acceptable ? This CULT is truly evil and dangerous and it quite clearly warps the thinking processes of its adherents turning them into people devoid of compassion or empathy. We MUST reclaim humanity before it's too late and ,in an ideal world ,the ideologues promoting and funding this pernicious ,anti human ,movement would be in prison for crimes against humanity. God Bless all who fight this and God help all the unwitting victims of its evil grip. X🙏🙏🙏❤️

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Maybe your cynicism was your worst enemy growing up? Is it possible that the heavily gay-friendly LA culture influenced you to reject all charitable attempts to keep you “straight” as homophobia?

IMO your lingering issue is trust and you are still not fully committed to heterosexuality. I suggest you quiet the distractions you are allowing into your thought process, especially the political ones. Otherwise, you will continue to wander through the jungle of sexual choices with no final moral commitment.

You might accuse me of having an agenda. I do have one: To reclaim my estranged trans son and help me make sense of this monstrous culture that sucked him into this pit of sexual ignorance.

Though you seem hardened against religion, I suggest to you that there is a God and He governs our passions. You might give submission to that Will a try. What would it hurt? You might see the value of faith, prayer and sacrifice.

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Congratulations on you journey into recovery. That is huge! Thank you for sharing your story.

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Thank you for your post. This part:

"My gender critical position isn't coming from a place of right-wing politics, hate, bigotry, religion, or ignorance. It is coming from a lifetime of experience and a feeling of dread that I escaped the fate many confused youngsters are facing today. "

How many "Tomboys" of previous generations would say the same thing.

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