I was aware of her case, was interested because after researching to keep my child out of the cult, I'm still here reading.
What I hadn't realised is that THIS CASE IS HUGE.
What this incredibly brave and determined woman is doing, is fighting this fight for all of us.
She didn't have any idea what was going on in this realm, until an angry and controlling harasser decided to target her and her business.
I hadn't realised- this is the first integral case that will be instrumental in guiding policy and law regarding men adopting 'womanhood'/(? Female status? Woman status?) and entering ANYTHING that is for women.
Yes- in Australia- but the repercussions are international, because it brings the legalities under UN international law regarding rights for women into question.
This is SO important.
I've funded her. This woman is fighting for me and my children.
“Sex is changeable” - didn’t the trans activist line used to be that sex is different from gender? Hence why “transsexual” went out of fashion and “transgender” became the preferred term?
If sex was changeable, my husband and I would both change sex for 9+ months so I could get him pregnant and we could have another baby. Alas.
Lawmakers have pummelled western countries with their dysfunctional beliefs from “Queer Theory”. Nonetheless, the State has no right to subvert the reality of the sex binary (of large vs small gamete pathways), nor convert women&girls, such that men are green lit to transgress, mock & mimic us, and invade our female single-sex spaces.
Thank you for the link.
I watched the interview- very, very well done.
I was aware of her case, was interested because after researching to keep my child out of the cult, I'm still here reading.
What I hadn't realised is that THIS CASE IS HUGE.
What this incredibly brave and determined woman is doing, is fighting this fight for all of us.
She didn't have any idea what was going on in this realm, until an angry and controlling harasser decided to target her and her business.
I hadn't realised- this is the first integral case that will be instrumental in guiding policy and law regarding men adopting 'womanhood'/(? Female status? Woman status?) and entering ANYTHING that is for women.
Yes- in Australia- but the repercussions are international, because it brings the legalities under UN international law regarding rights for women into question.
This is SO important.
I've funded her. This woman is fighting for me and my children.
“Sex is changeable” - didn’t the trans activist line used to be that sex is different from gender? Hence why “transsexual” went out of fashion and “transgender” became the preferred term?
If sex was changeable, my husband and I would both change sex for 9+ months so I could get him pregnant and we could have another baby. Alas.
Lawmakers have pummelled western countries with their dysfunctional beliefs from “Queer Theory”. Nonetheless, the State has no right to subvert the reality of the sex binary (of large vs small gamete pathways), nor convert women&girls, such that men are green lit to transgress, mock & mimic us, and invade our female single-sex spaces.
Is there any way we could contact Sall Grover and give support?
Thank you🙂