“Dada”, I heard from the one voice in the world that makes me immediately drop everything. “Yeah buddy?”, I replied. “When I went to Disneyland with mommy I couldn’t go on the rides unless I wore my princess shoes.” My heart sank as I’ve never heard something so manipulative and mean in my life. I told him stand up for yourself, tell her that’s not nice, I don’t want to wear those shoes and you promised to take me to Disneyland, I should be able to wear boy shoes and go on the rides. He said, “Okay Dada, I’m tough I can do that next time.”
You might need to hire some outside help to take care of the mother in case you ever see your son start to slip into the seat beside her mental illness.
May God and all the forces of heaven and earth that love decency, and children completely help you to be victorious. May you gain full custody of your son as speedily as possible. Perhaps the unbalanced nature of his mother will assert himself. Can you find a way to remove him completely from her care? Unfortunately the state is more than happy to not comply with your evidence of harm -- unless you provided actual evidence of phyiscal harm. Yeah. Like you have to wait till your kid is physically abused before maybe the state will allow 100% custody. From what you write, his mother seems beyond saving and only interested on destroying herself and her son in the name of "gender" equality. While forcing him to obey her needs. Sadly, she is not alone in this. We see many Hollywood and glittery celebrity and corporate moms (Like the Disney Executive) announcing to the entire world about how gender fluid their kids are, and boasting Pride-Fully on social media just how "open minded, tolerant and accepting" they are of "all genders" while displaying without shame how they are deliberately inverting the sex of a child (male to female, or female to male). They loudly proclaim the reasonableness, of this abuse, their behavior modification program on their own kids which of cource, will lead to the inevitable mutilation and sterilization of their child. We have read these accounts online, of how a teen girl for example (in one of our Pitt Posts), was physically forced and then heavily bribed, by her mom to take testosterone injections even though the girl "woke" up in the doctor's office and started objecting with screams and resisting for an hour.
The Courts have this thing that a biological parent should have their child. And we wonder why these kids are continually abused. Prayers that you somehow get sole custody.
I have a book called "The Other Side of the Family" by Ellen Ratner, about emotional abuse issues in the family, published in 1990 & it clearly states that telling a child that they are the opposite sex than they were born is EMOTIONAL ABUSE. Thirty-three years later, this is no longer abuse? Really?
Gender Dysphoria used to be classified as a mental disorder along with other body issue illnesses such as Anorexia. Nowdays Gender Dysphoria has morphed into a cool culture to belong to. How this occurred I don’t understand. Thankfully Anorexia is still a mental illness but who knows how long it will be before it has the same cult like following. ☹️
Your poor young son. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. Your bravery is admirable and necessary. I hope you will keep us updated on here. I am in the UK and we all need to stick together. You are the epitome of what the word father means - doing all you can to care and protect your child. I know the toll will be great on you personally. Keep strong, we are with you. Sending love.
I would have never imagined in my wildest dreams that mothers would be primary drivers in this insidious nightmare. Using their children as clout to gain some superficial affirmation or even worse, simple attention.
But I can unclench my fists and begin to breathe when I hear of a father that has taken up the mantle of protection of his offspring and feel grateful for such men.
Wow, having to contest this in a San Francisco court put you at an insurmountable disadvantage. If only there was some way to work it so you could have the case heard in a sane city in a sane state.
Harrison, you will prevail, because you have such a strong relationship with your son. You are his rock. His mother is erratic and abusive. You are consistent and loving. He has no better role model in this world than you.
what in the horror movie hell....
You might need to hire some outside help to take care of the mother in case you ever see your son start to slip into the seat beside her mental illness.
May God and all the forces of heaven and earth that love decency, and children completely help you to be victorious. May you gain full custody of your son as speedily as possible. Perhaps the unbalanced nature of his mother will assert himself. Can you find a way to remove him completely from her care? Unfortunately the state is more than happy to not comply with your evidence of harm -- unless you provided actual evidence of phyiscal harm. Yeah. Like you have to wait till your kid is physically abused before maybe the state will allow 100% custody. From what you write, his mother seems beyond saving and only interested on destroying herself and her son in the name of "gender" equality. While forcing him to obey her needs. Sadly, she is not alone in this. We see many Hollywood and glittery celebrity and corporate moms (Like the Disney Executive) announcing to the entire world about how gender fluid their kids are, and boasting Pride-Fully on social media just how "open minded, tolerant and accepting" they are of "all genders" while displaying without shame how they are deliberately inverting the sex of a child (male to female, or female to male). They loudly proclaim the reasonableness, of this abuse, their behavior modification program on their own kids which of cource, will lead to the inevitable mutilation and sterilization of their child. We have read these accounts online, of how a teen girl for example (in one of our Pitt Posts), was physically forced and then heavily bribed, by her mom to take testosterone injections even though the girl "woke" up in the doctor's office and started objecting with screams and resisting for an hour.
The Courts have this thing that a biological parent should have their child. And we wonder why these kids are continually abused. Prayers that you somehow get sole custody.
I am poor and cannot help you but I pray others will be able to help you and your son.
I have a book called "The Other Side of the Family" by Ellen Ratner, about emotional abuse issues in the family, published in 1990 & it clearly states that telling a child that they are the opposite sex than they were born is EMOTIONAL ABUSE. Thirty-three years later, this is no longer abuse? Really?
Gender Dysphoria used to be classified as a mental disorder along with other body issue illnesses such as Anorexia. Nowdays Gender Dysphoria has morphed into a cool culture to belong to. How this occurred I don’t understand. Thankfully Anorexia is still a mental illness but who knows how long it will be before it has the same cult like following. ☹️
My heart aches for you and your son. Keep fighting as truth is on your side and do everything you can to protect him.
Your poor young son. I am so sorry that you are having to go through this. Your bravery is admirable and necessary. I hope you will keep us updated on here. I am in the UK and we all need to stick together. You are the epitome of what the word father means - doing all you can to care and protect your child. I know the toll will be great on you personally. Keep strong, we are with you. Sending love.
Document document document. A solid paper trail will be helpful for court proceedings, esp as regards bio mom behaviors/mental illness/neglect, etc
Absolutely always am had over 850 pages of evidence for the trial and hundreds more overall
Munchhausen by Proxy, updated for the 21st century. Sad.
Factitious disorder imposed on another.
To be honest I suspect she's using the kid as a proxy victim for the violence she wishes she could inflict on her ex.
And to use the power of the state to castrate the child is worse than just physical attacks on the father. It's just evil, insane or both.
Possibility but I can’t make definitive claims and don’t know her intent. Either way it’s demented and not fair to my boy.
I would have never imagined in my wildest dreams that mothers would be primary drivers in this insidious nightmare. Using their children as clout to gain some superficial affirmation or even worse, simple attention.
But I can unclench my fists and begin to breathe when I hear of a father that has taken up the mantle of protection of his offspring and feel grateful for such men.
Thank you so much we need to save all children that are being coerced.
Thank you for being the example of courageous fatherhood. It should be a movement. If it ever becomes one, you are a vanguard.🧡
I’m ready for the responsibility and fight to save my son and protect all children. This is our line in the sand.
Facticious disorder imposed on another.
Wow, having to contest this in a San Francisco court put you at an insurmountable disadvantage. If only there was some way to work it so you could have the case heard in a sane city in a sane state.
Also in San Fran: https://nypost.com/2022/02/26/dad-lost-custody-after-questioning-sons-transgender-identity/
We don’t choose the cards we’re dealt but how to play the hand. It’s hard but I can do it.
I hope you win!
I will 🙏🇺🇸❤️
Of Course! I misread it.
There are a lot of crazy moms I think. Trans kid is the new Birken bag. Keep fighting dad.
I’ll never give up!
Keep fighting for his & your rights. Keep the faith. So sorry you’re dealing with this.
Taking your fatherly responsibilities seriously is most commendable. Don’t stop. Your most powerful ally is always watching.
Thank you very much in optimistic!!!
Harrison, you will prevail, because you have such a strong relationship with your son. You are his rock. His mother is erratic and abusive. You are consistent and loving. He has no better role model in this world than you.
He is my best buddy and I teach him and help him grow every single day!!!