Regarding PCOS I would advise women to look into lowering sugar. I do think it's a metabolic syndrome thing. Hirsutism hasn't been a minor problem for me, though - it has been major, and really shaped my life because of the issues of social contempt. It has built my character, you could say.
But yes, I totally echo your thought - don't choose these set of symptoms, please.
However, we also all, all women, have testosterone, as presumably is well known.
Medics were unable to determine when I was in my twenties and the hirsutism and beard began to manifest whether I had too much testosterone, or too much sensitivity to normal amounts of testosterone.
Hormones are fantastically delicate and intricate, none more so than those involved in ovulation. I don't believe we understand it at all, or possibly ever could in all its intricacy. But whatever the nature of my testosterone issue I had no symptoms other than hirsutism and weight gain. That's not a good combination in a cosmetic culture. But I had no joint pain, problems with my periods, nothing like that.
Here's another aside: the first major fiddling about with hormones was in fact the contraceptive pill, not hormone blockers. As I've said, in my case I think I may have lifelong symptoms of coming OFF a too high oestrogen, early prescribed contraceptive pill. Interdependent co-origination - a buddhist concept. Why was I on the pill at 17? Spirit of the age. Neither doctor nor parents nor any adult sought to guide me or limit me, but I probably wouldn't have accepted it even if they had ... prohibition builds what it aims to stop a lot of the time.
My daughters have PCOS, which means their estrogen and testosterone levels are messed up. One of them has a beard she gave up trying to shave, and just goes with it. Hirsutism is a minor problem. That extra testosterone also leads to joint pain, irregular and abnormal periods, weight gain, plus things like depression and anxiety, among other physical and mental health issues.
Women taking T are basically giving themselves all the symptoms of PCOS. Why would anyone deliberately do that to themselves?
"After a yearlong estrangement, she has moved home."
How much of this is driven by the changes in economic circumstance and the desire to opt out of the much more competitive job market? In assuming the mantle of trans so many kids are claiming an exemption that enables them to battle for their identity in lieu of finding their way in the economic marketplace. The former gives them status while the latter risks deflating it.
Your child returned. It is bitter-sweet. Being estranged from your child is so painful, watching your child make mistakes, listening to them make excuses, and the pain of their rejection. I went through it when my only child, my daughter was using drugs and alcohol to cope for many years. I feared getting a phone call that she had died. But life has a funny way of taking something so messed up and making it whole again. My daughter is now over 6 years clean and sober. She came back to me, but it still took years for us to find a healthy way to communicate and move on together. I hated her drunk side, and now I love her sober side. The anger has healed, the past is behind us, and we are happier. God answers prayers! I hope everyone on this site can find healing, can be reconciled with their loved ones, and can find a brighter future together. Thank you for your story and best wishes to you and your family.
Your title rang a poignant bell with me. I have grown a beard since I was 18 or so, an effect of polycystic ovarian disease, possibly caused by coming OFF early prescribed contraceptive pills, possible an element of chronic metabolic syndrome caused by our altered diet. In around 1985 I wrote and performed a monologue touching on all this, opposing transexualism and offered this as 'queer' theatre - early on I thought I was transexual. Feminism, Jan Raymond actually, enlightened me. It is a delusion. But I have lived with a beard all my life. It's not easy. and now presumably, peple would think I'm doing this on purpose. Actually, I used to grow my beard, a few of us did in the 80s, because I wanted to be natural and I distrust artificial femininity wherever it crops up on women or men, but I couldn't cope with the social contempt. Now I remove it but it's a lifelong daily issue, doesn't go away. Anyway, my point in writing this here, dear sisters is - some women have always grown beards. There is a problem with a widespread gender policing attitude - I say that as somone who is naturally gender non-conforming, frequently mistaken for a man (even after removing the beard), staunchly anti trans and opposed to any medicalisation of gender, whatever that is. I know it's different with your daughter, and its a shock. But actually many women now have PCOs and many of us grow a beard, and are generally more hairy than somebody somewhere dcided was 'normal'. This is a relevant sidenote - people's widespread expectations of gender conformism are one strand of what drives trans, particularly for girls I would think.
Today is my birthday. The second birthday that I have not heard from my son.
While I’m happy for you all that have a glimmer of hope. I feel hopeless at times. How could he do this to me? We were so very close. He chose this life at 23. No signs whatsoever. Smart, an engineer, was engaged to be married. Now he’s no contact.
I think of it as a horrible virus. I’m so glad my kids were never exposed to such insanity, since they’re all in their 60’s. I’m so
Thankful also that my grandchildren never succumbed to the evil of trans. My heart g does out to all parents who are living the nightmare. Stay strong!
Know that it will end. Our daughters beard is -gone. It was a several year estrangement after she left for that thing called college, better known as indoctrination centers today. Love her truth, point out parallel things happening that make no sense, things that are potential dangers. Trust you know the truth and her truth.
Wow, she came back! We are over 5yrs into an estrangement with no sign of any softening on her behalf. I've all but given up hope of ever seeing her again. Do you mind me asking, what made your daughter come back?
Don't give up. I cannot say I know exactly how / why she desisted. I do know she began to question other things happening. In time I suspect I will lean more.
Be there loving her now, unconditionally. And be there loving her when she desists. You may be the only one loving her and caring about her during the detransition period. She will need you, without judgement, more than ever.
I am happy when I read these words-it gives me a much needed boost of faith that we too can overcome....FELLOW PARENTS OF TRANS KIDS: I had a heartbreaking, albeit rare, talk with my husband last night--he is the only one that my daughter speaks with now and I want to give you a heads up...IF you have not caught the video(s) of extremist trans, mostly males in dresses, touting a coming WAR, with the need to buy guns and defend yourself, you need to be hyperaware of what is being peddled in this community. Trump, always blamed for everything, is going to usher in concentration camps, arrests, loss of freedom, loss of medical, etc etc and how every trans needs to arm, train and prepare for that. GOD HELP US....I NEVER thought in a million years that fear driven behavior would eat my child seems to be happening. I dont know how far the rabbit hole she is on this topic, right now she just wants to be left alone by the world, so I am hoping these videos are not reflective of the soft hearted, wonderful child that I had---BUT the fear is being peddled to our children--from SCUM like that in dresses, filled with hate and rage and milking this division for all its worth....HATE has replaced the coexist, love is love crap that was a cover for multiple movements and now the mask is off with predators showing themselves....our children are like sheep to slaughter and quite frankly I do not know how any of us can alter this path....Prayers fellow parents....please. And maybe with love and patience on our end we will see our children recognize TRUE HATE is coming from the very leaders they use to listen to....and love and protection from their family matters most.
Deadnames. Good one. I'm thinking about telling that wretched Layla that I need to speak with my son, Colin, to please have him call me. (I'm one of the lucky ones, as we talk regularly and visit occasionally. I don't use she/her, but do call him by a more gender neutral name he chose before Layla, as a compromise).
I used to send links to my daughter but she was told by her groomer not to open the links because it will change your algorithm!! That’s an evil and mind controlling cult we are dealing with.
My husband thinks I just see evil everywhere---that there is some conspiracy to trans kids....He just does not see that there is an active mindset working on the vulnerable kids out video games, insta and grooming...He just doesnt see it and does not want to. He uses the right names, pretends....I just cant do that.
I feel your pain!! My husband & my son just don’t get it either!! I am also called a conspiracy theorist and being over the top!! I will never use the “right pronouns or names “ either!! The problem is the affirmation by those who are too scared to state the truth but mothers will always stand on love and truth
Men will never understand what a mother feels!! Love is all that will keep your relationship with him strong!! I don’t expect my wonderful husband to feel as I do but he is supportive of my emotions & feeling so that’s enough!! Your spiritual connection will give you strength
I hope your daughter makes it "all the way back" and the testosterone has no permanent adverse effects on her reproductive organs. Sending you "best wishes"!
This is very interesting to read. I would love to hear more from this author on the series of events that led to her return. And what has changed for the daughter? We've told our college age daughter that she can't live in our home if she is medicalizing, and we are not paying for college anymore if she continues on T. I thought she'd go no contact, but she hasn't so far. She is digging on the T, but quickly realizing how expensive life is. Don't know what lies ahead, but I can say that just hearing her voice changes absolutely wrecks me, and I don't know how if/how I could handle seeing the facial hair and other changes, unless she was for sure transitioning. Kudos to this mom or dad, you're very strong.
I think genspect has gained enough influence to maintain a stable of unindotrinated therapists, and I hope you have had good fortune at that level. God Bless.
Mine desisted but is still very much an Allie and even those conversations make me want to barf. I’m sorry. This is all so hard
Regarding PCOS I would advise women to look into lowering sugar. I do think it's a metabolic syndrome thing. Hirsutism hasn't been a minor problem for me, though - it has been major, and really shaped my life because of the issues of social contempt. It has built my character, you could say.
But yes, I totally echo your thought - don't choose these set of symptoms, please.
However, we also all, all women, have testosterone, as presumably is well known.
Medics were unable to determine when I was in my twenties and the hirsutism and beard began to manifest whether I had too much testosterone, or too much sensitivity to normal amounts of testosterone.
Hormones are fantastically delicate and intricate, none more so than those involved in ovulation. I don't believe we understand it at all, or possibly ever could in all its intricacy. But whatever the nature of my testosterone issue I had no symptoms other than hirsutism and weight gain. That's not a good combination in a cosmetic culture. But I had no joint pain, problems with my periods, nothing like that.
Here's another aside: the first major fiddling about with hormones was in fact the contraceptive pill, not hormone blockers. As I've said, in my case I think I may have lifelong symptoms of coming OFF a too high oestrogen, early prescribed contraceptive pill. Interdependent co-origination - a buddhist concept. Why was I on the pill at 17? Spirit of the age. Neither doctor nor parents nor any adult sought to guide me or limit me, but I probably wouldn't have accepted it even if they had ... prohibition builds what it aims to stop a lot of the time.
My daughters have PCOS, which means their estrogen and testosterone levels are messed up. One of them has a beard she gave up trying to shave, and just goes with it. Hirsutism is a minor problem. That extra testosterone also leads to joint pain, irregular and abnormal periods, weight gain, plus things like depression and anxiety, among other physical and mental health issues.
Women taking T are basically giving themselves all the symptoms of PCOS. Why would anyone deliberately do that to themselves?
"After a yearlong estrangement, she has moved home."
How much of this is driven by the changes in economic circumstance and the desire to opt out of the much more competitive job market? In assuming the mantle of trans so many kids are claiming an exemption that enables them to battle for their identity in lieu of finding their way in the economic marketplace. The former gives them status while the latter risks deflating it.
Chicks with beards was rejected at the ballot box
Your child returned. It is bitter-sweet. Being estranged from your child is so painful, watching your child make mistakes, listening to them make excuses, and the pain of their rejection. I went through it when my only child, my daughter was using drugs and alcohol to cope for many years. I feared getting a phone call that she had died. But life has a funny way of taking something so messed up and making it whole again. My daughter is now over 6 years clean and sober. She came back to me, but it still took years for us to find a healthy way to communicate and move on together. I hated her drunk side, and now I love her sober side. The anger has healed, the past is behind us, and we are happier. God answers prayers! I hope everyone on this site can find healing, can be reconciled with their loved ones, and can find a brighter future together. Thank you for your story and best wishes to you and your family.
One step at a time.
Your title rang a poignant bell with me. I have grown a beard since I was 18 or so, an effect of polycystic ovarian disease, possibly caused by coming OFF early prescribed contraceptive pills, possible an element of chronic metabolic syndrome caused by our altered diet. In around 1985 I wrote and performed a monologue touching on all this, opposing transexualism and offered this as 'queer' theatre - early on I thought I was transexual. Feminism, Jan Raymond actually, enlightened me. It is a delusion. But I have lived with a beard all my life. It's not easy. and now presumably, peple would think I'm doing this on purpose. Actually, I used to grow my beard, a few of us did in the 80s, because I wanted to be natural and I distrust artificial femininity wherever it crops up on women or men, but I couldn't cope with the social contempt. Now I remove it but it's a lifelong daily issue, doesn't go away. Anyway, my point in writing this here, dear sisters is - some women have always grown beards. There is a problem with a widespread gender policing attitude - I say that as somone who is naturally gender non-conforming, frequently mistaken for a man (even after removing the beard), staunchly anti trans and opposed to any medicalisation of gender, whatever that is. I know it's different with your daughter, and its a shock. But actually many women now have PCOs and many of us grow a beard, and are generally more hairy than somebody somewhere dcided was 'normal'. This is a relevant sidenote - people's widespread expectations of gender conformism are one strand of what drives trans, particularly for girls I would think.
Good job, Mom! 💪 ♥️ 🪽
Today is my birthday. The second birthday that I have not heard from my son.
While I’m happy for you all that have a glimmer of hope. I feel hopeless at times. How could he do this to me? We were so very close. He chose this life at 23. No signs whatsoever. Smart, an engineer, was engaged to be married. Now he’s no contact.
I think of it as a horrible virus. I’m so glad my kids were never exposed to such insanity, since they’re all in their 60’s. I’m so
Thankful also that my grandchildren never succumbed to the evil of trans. My heart g does out to all parents who are living the nightmare. Stay strong!
Know that it will end. Our daughters beard is -gone. It was a several year estrangement after she left for that thing called college, better known as indoctrination centers today. Love her truth, point out parallel things happening that make no sense, things that are potential dangers. Trust you know the truth and her truth.
Wow, she came back! We are over 5yrs into an estrangement with no sign of any softening on her behalf. I've all but given up hope of ever seeing her again. Do you mind me asking, what made your daughter come back?
Don't give up. I cannot say I know exactly how / why she desisted. I do know she began to question other things happening. In time I suspect I will lean more.
Be there loving her now, unconditionally. And be there loving her when she desists. You may be the only one loving her and caring about her during the detransition period. She will need you, without judgement, more than ever.
I am happy when I read these words-it gives me a much needed boost of faith that we too can overcome....FELLOW PARENTS OF TRANS KIDS: I had a heartbreaking, albeit rare, talk with my husband last night--he is the only one that my daughter speaks with now and I want to give you a heads up...IF you have not caught the video(s) of extremist trans, mostly males in dresses, touting a coming WAR, with the need to buy guns and defend yourself, you need to be hyperaware of what is being peddled in this community. Trump, always blamed for everything, is going to usher in concentration camps, arrests, loss of freedom, loss of medical, etc etc and how every trans needs to arm, train and prepare for that. GOD HELP US....I NEVER thought in a million years that fear driven behavior would eat my child seems to be happening. I dont know how far the rabbit hole she is on this topic, right now she just wants to be left alone by the world, so I am hoping these videos are not reflective of the soft hearted, wonderful child that I had---BUT the fear is being peddled to our children--from SCUM like that in dresses, filled with hate and rage and milking this division for all its worth....HATE has replaced the coexist, love is love crap that was a cover for multiple movements and now the mask is off with predators showing themselves....our children are like sheep to slaughter and quite frankly I do not know how any of us can alter this path....Prayers fellow parents....please. And maybe with love and patience on our end we will see our children recognize TRUE HATE is coming from the very leaders they use to listen to....and love and protection from their family matters most.
Bless you & may our beautiful children see the love that we have always had for them & pray to be let back into their lives!!
Deadnames. Good one. I'm thinking about telling that wretched Layla that I need to speak with my son, Colin, to please have him call me. (I'm one of the lucky ones, as we talk regularly and visit occasionally. I don't use she/her, but do call him by a more gender neutral name he chose before Layla, as a compromise).
Praying for all our sons & daughters.
I used to send links to my daughter but she was told by her groomer not to open the links because it will change your algorithm!! That’s an evil and mind controlling cult we are dealing with.
Yep the evil cult will always resist family & any other person who tries to enlighten our indoctrinated loved ones
My husband thinks I just see evil everywhere---that there is some conspiracy to trans kids....He just does not see that there is an active mindset working on the vulnerable kids out video games, insta and grooming...He just doesnt see it and does not want to. He uses the right names, pretends....I just cant do that.
I feel your pain!! My husband & my son just don’t get it either!! I am also called a conspiracy theorist and being over the top!! I will never use the “right pronouns or names “ either!! The problem is the affirmation by those who are too scared to state the truth but mothers will always stand on love and truth
I’m sorry you don’t have his support. If you want to connect with another parent, lmk. ❤️🩹
My husband says the same thing to me! He is on same page as your husband. Sadly there is a lot of tension and conflict between us.
Men will never understand what a mother feels!! Love is all that will keep your relationship with him strong!! I don’t expect my wonderful husband to feel as I do but he is supportive of my emotions & feeling so that’s enough!! Your spiritual connection will give you strength
I hope your daughter makes it "all the way back" and the testosterone has no permanent adverse effects on her reproductive organs. Sending you "best wishes"!
This is very interesting to read. I would love to hear more from this author on the series of events that led to her return. And what has changed for the daughter? We've told our college age daughter that she can't live in our home if she is medicalizing, and we are not paying for college anymore if she continues on T. I thought she'd go no contact, but she hasn't so far. She is digging on the T, but quickly realizing how expensive life is. Don't know what lies ahead, but I can say that just hearing her voice changes absolutely wrecks me, and I don't know how if/how I could handle seeing the facial hair and other changes, unless she was for sure transitioning. Kudos to this mom or dad, you're very strong.
I think genspect has gained enough influence to maintain a stable of unindotrinated therapists, and I hope you have had good fortune at that level. God Bless.
Yes god bless all that are suffering & May peace be with us all!!