Excellent article.

I have to say for my part that most of my attempts to bring it up as a subject with my peers have been unsuccessful. The level of capture and wilful ignorance is really worrying. The responses have included the usual nonsense about trans people starting the Stonewall riots, denial of the threat to women's rights and children's safety, the suggestion that trans people are such a 'vanishingly small number' that women should be fine with men in their spaces/services/sports, denial that TRAs on social media are abusing and harassing women, the list goes on.

And these people are, in general, well-educated, grown-up and well-balanced folk.

I'm fully aware that my arguments may not be particularly well-delivered but it worries me the extent to which I'm hitting a wall. I'm not sure I've successfully 'peaked' a single person yet.

Any suggestions most welcome!

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I should add that most people I've spoken to are over 35, I'm not talking about young adults here, which makes it all the more depressing .

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Hello all, I have emailed all of you that wish to know about and possibly join the Warrior Teacher program and have also posted a video that may be of interest.


Here is the link to the program if you would like to join but have not contacted us directly


You can choose either cohort 2,3 or 4...depending on which regular slot you would like to attend.


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Amazing article.

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I’m doing my part, one person at a time, including the high school teachers and counselors I work with. I hope to join you in your actions here in CA. Scott Wiener is my representative and he needs a lot more of us in his office.

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Love it! I will share one person at a time...Ready to be part of the wave to turn the tide. Thanks for the reminder and motivation.

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Good idea. I couldn't say it then, but if I see her again, I can start with that.

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Thank you. Today I felt so close to giving up and then I read this.....

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Superb. Yes, I too believe there is hope, and that that hope is couched in exposure. In discussion, in communication. I have many friends who have no idea that this ROGD is even a 'thing'. Until it enters your world - you may be oblivious to it and unwittingly aiding it's power. Here is a fabulous clip from Bill Mahr on the subject: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMBzfUj5zsg

If every person who sees this would simply copy and send to five people they know - that would go a long way to spreading awareness. It will also confirm that you are NOT insane! Thank you for your wonderful essay!

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"Compared to trans, gay is practically cis, and cis is practically Mormon."

Dying... so much of this sudden burst of transness comes from not wanting to be omg boring!

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Hello all. I shall be putting together a private video tomorrow that will answer the many questions I have received and will respond to those who contacted me tomorrow. With the link.

Thank you all for your interest.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

I think that the hardest part for me about this whole "ROGD isn't real" thing is that I experienced it... not in the "Oh you think your kid experienced it but they were actually feeling it all along and keeping it hidden" way (although that's a whole nother can of worms because I am 1000% positive they weren't hiding anything, being given completely free reign to express themselves as young children and even running counter to what we expected then) ... but in the *I* myself experienced it way. I was always tomboyish but never had any particular fear of being a woman when I grew up. I knew a lot of great women. I didn't see any downsides to being a woman. But when I started to actually BECOME A WOMAN (ie when puberty hit) I wanted no part of it. I fantasized about ways to get rid of my breasts. I was humiliated at having periods and didn't want to talk about it with anyone. Developing an eating disorder beat back a lot of those pesky puberty symptoms and in the back of my head I had this idea I could reverse it all completely and then let it start again at some other time when I was ready. (Yeah... I was blocking puberty before it was cool... )

I mean, those are the feelings these kids are having. They are freaking out over their developing bodies after having never shown any particular fear of becoming men or women adulthood. It's the BECOMING that is so hard... and talking to other friends of mine, it was hard for a lot of us. Your body changing, friend groups changing as interests change, responsibilities changing... the ONLY difference between what I felt as an adolescent and what my kids are feeling as an adolescent (and I know this - because I have read my daughter's diaries because I need to know what the hell is really going on here) is that I did not have strangers on the internet, teachers, and other friends telling me "Maybe it means you're transgender." The "trans" umbrella is now so huge that any struggling kid can see themselves under it - and "influencers" have them convinced their happiness lies in completely changing their bodies and identities.

I changed who I was - drastically - multiple times between middle school and graduating college. But thank god... none of those changes had a lasting impact on who I am today.

So being told this isn't real... when I lived it... is a lot to swallow.

Why is it only some "truths" that are supposed to be believed when we speak them? This is MY truth. And adolescence ... at its core... has not changed. If anything I think growing up right now is even MORE terrifying than when I was a kid. I am terrified for my kids... both of the realities they aere actually facing in this world, and what is being fed to them in terms of this trans business.

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Thank you. Beautifully put.

I'll share this: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMBzfUj5zsg

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Here's a question, and anyone - please feel free to weigh in. On Saturday, I was at a gathering and one of the mom's of teens my kids' ages, 2 boys, indicated that her older son, now 19, is "transitioning." She duly started referring to him as "she" and her "daughter." She is a smart, liberal-thinking woman. She responded quite clearly, in response to my questions and those of another parent, that her son NEVER EXHIBITED ANY SYMPTOMS OF GENDER DYSPHORIA OR DISCOMFORT IN HIS BODY OR EVEN HAD THOUGHTS ABOUT THIS - AS PER HIS OWN STATEMENTS TO HER - UNTIL HE WENT OFF TO COLLEGE, AND HAD IS "AHA" MOMENT. This Mom said she met a lot of nice people as a result of this, and from what she then said, I gathered she meant she is now part of a group of Moms who are embracing their children's sudden desire to "transition." She noted that these nice women would congratulate her when she first told them she was joining the group, and she acknowledged that this somehow felt wrong. Yet she followed this with - I am trying to embrace this and feel like it deserves congratulations. In other words, she noted her discomfort, but said she would ignore her gut in favor of what she perceives as the "right" position. She said how wonderful it is that now people can "be themselves" and how lucky we are to be in a state where it is easy - and then said something like "Thank god we don't live in Texas." Her son is medicalizing since March, and she joked how he and her are both on HRT together (she's presumably taking it for menopause.) When I noted that this was a fast move - as he didn't come out to his Mom until December, to his Dad until March, and didn't think about this at all until as early as last August - she said it had been several months, and thought this was a good amount of time. I was unable to comment much, other than a few nods, and that one question because my trans-identified 16-year-old daughter was sitting nearby. But what could I have possibly said to get her to possibly re-think her position? What could I say if I got in contact with her now? Is it even my business? I want to educate people about ROGD, but is it too late for people like her, who are now committed to this? I've told my siblings, and all of my friends who are not currently in the midst of this, and I believe several have become more aware as a result. But this mom is the person I would like to reach the most, yet she may be too far gone. Thoughts?

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Perhaps put her in touch with Genspect, and the GDSN (Gender Dysphoria Support Network) they run online parent support groups. Through that I have met many wonderful parents who all feel that transition is not right for their child and that the reasons behind that declared intention need to be explored in a lot more depth. Also very highly recommend podcast Gender - A Wider Lens with the wonderful Stella O’Malley and Sasha Ayad

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I would start off by introducing her this link and showing her how to get on. Showing her the term “ ROGD”, then telling her about it… and understand that moving forward that she will never talk to me again. Meh. You tried. Oh, also tell the boy that he can’t become a girl. It’s impossible.

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So you had your ROGD kid there and she spoke of her ROGD kid. At the same place in the same social circle. What blows my mind is how people don’t even question the statistical probability of that! Ten years ago that never would have happened!

Next time, maybe raise that question. Bring up the stats of how rare is was but now look! Two kids in one social circle…you could even say “I’ve been think about how rare this is supposed to be but the fact that we are both dealing with this reallly makes me think….hmmmmm I’m going to start asking questions and research this on my own.”

It is more passive but maybe it will get her to start thinking without being confrontational. I think sometimes people just need to be given permission to think for themselves these days.

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Aug 16, 2022·edited Aug 16, 2022

If you try to bring up the statistical probabilty, they will tell you how 100 years ago, no one was left handed, and now 10% of people are, because it's allowed now. Which is a gross simplification of the issue, but they think that answers that question, even though it doesn't because it misses so many issues.

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I understand what you are saying and agree that it is a weak rebuttal. Because if you peeled back that argument one layer and looked at the demographics of growth it would expose the weakness of the "left-hand" argument. Its the same with the Intersex argument... rather tempting for them to try and use but very weak when you actually look at it.

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Perhaps - although the common thought by people who buy into this whole thing is that there were always so many "trans people" (whatever that is), and they just didn't have the information or permission to come out. So they may think 2 out of 8 (there were 2 other couples, each with 2 kids), or 25% is a bit much, but not that odd. Of course, the whole idea of this is absurd, and there could not have been "trans people" before the 1930's since these medical treatments were not in existence, unless one believes that some unspecified but significant percentage of the population was suffering greatly and committing suicide left and right (w/ no record of any such phenomenon) before the medical treatment were invented. Anyway, thank you (and George Anna and Bluejay) for your thoughts and suggestions. I will consider what to say to her, if anything, when next we meet!

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I heard about one class in school where 25% of the students were trans!

This is not in the norm for statistical probabilities.

It is a FAD!

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The medical treatments were not around before 1992, when the Dutch protocol involving puberty blockers was devised.

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I think it really depends on how well you know this mom, and how you want the situation to progress.

I used to have a friend. Her son was captured by ROGD, and all of the other friends affirmed, love-bombed, etc. I said nothing, partly because we no longer live in the area, and partly because at the time I was not as radically and completely opposed to tranniensanity as I have become. She no longer mentions the son. Kid might have done something terrible, I dunno.

But no one said anything but affirming, and I have a bad feeling.

So should I have said something? Maybe.

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Or maybe not. I agree w/ you that it depends heavily on the particular situation.

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I have a friend like this as well, who out of her love for her now, 'son', has even started one of those trans parent groups. A sort of outreach to confirm their choices. I suggest you try sending her this:h. ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mMBzfUj5zsg

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I was so happy when I saw Bill Maher putting that out there!! Maybe I can send her that and it won't seem so preachy. Thanks.

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Karen, I never feel equipped, in the moment, to articulate an argument, that’s why I am so appreciative that someone like Mahr can do it so well. Where, I might put someone on the defensive - when one gets to watch This Bill Mahr segment, in the privacy of their own office/home/car - I think they actually might HEAR it! That’s all I care about.

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A delicate situation. It’s hard to know exactly what to say at a given moment of surprise. I find it mind blowing that people are so gullible to believe this is healthy and good.

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The liberal media is a major source of mind manipulation and our new battle with ROGD has proven it. The people driving this phenomena seek power and wealth at the expense of our children’s health and well being. Damn these atrocious people. What world are we now living in that does this amount of harm on children? Our children have become the devil’s prey. We need each other, but we need to come together in greater force to stop the madness. It’s pure evil.

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Happy ROGD Day? It's a funny thing to say, but let's celebrate awareness of this! I guess I'm happy it can be stated.

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Good post. These issues faced by parents and kids today exist at the heart of where we find ourselves. Revolutions as always are composed of inner Revolutions and outer ones. The keys to the outer one occurring in the “real” world are the mirror images of the inner ones we experience.

Watch The Sons Of Liberty Series to see a dramatization of a real and inner one which actually happened in America. Think our revolutionary ancestors didn’t have self doubt? Think again.

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