Bravo ODC. Supporting you from the US. United We Stand; Divided We Fall

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I want this survey in the USA. It would be cool if it would go state by state.

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Canada and California are both run by “Young Leaders” brought up by the World Economic Forum. Both men (Trudeau and Newsome) boast great looks, great hair, and an ability to articulate ridiculous nonsense to sound like scientific fact. Both men should be feared due to their clear belief that government is more important to raising children than parents. Both geographic areas are uninhabitable for anyone who respects freedom.

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likewise with jacinda ardern here in new zealand. she was also a young leader plant. she put in self id legislation without it being mentioned in the press or any public consultation.

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I feel like this survey will finally show the truth thats going on in this woke world.

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I know this is off topic, but this article in The Atlantic (probably behind a paywall) just goes to show that this "trans" madness is being stirred up by Big Pharma. Marci Bowers(a man) is now trying to tout Testosterone (a schedule III controlled substance) for relief of menopausal symptoms. Tell me how this will play out in the real world please!!!???....did we not have this discussion about roid rage back in the 90's? Menopause and its symptoms are a normal/natural part of womanhood., and yes, sometimes uncomfortable. Why must EVERY normal and natural thing be demonized, medicalized and medicated? Marci Bowers and the other gender ghouls are watching their payday shrivel up now that the Cass Report has been published AND the general public is wising up to the "trans" phenomenon. I guess it's time they move onto greener pasture$?


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Here is the article. https://archive.ph/LF78d.

It is odd that the reporter chose to use Bowers and make comparisons between trans and menopause, but let's not short shrift studies about menopause. Women sorely need more data, discussion and help with it.

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Good reporting. I agree with your analysis 100%. Marci Bowers is a vampire.

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I hesitate to post something likely behind a paywall, but I believe that The Atlantic allows a few free views. It's a shame that most of the narrative on the "trans" phenomenon being a big medical/psychological fraud is being posted behind paywalls because it keeps most people from being able to access the accurate information. Keeping people siloed/in bubbles/echo chambers just keeps bad narratives going and NEVER leads to generally good/peaceful outcomes. The free, accessible MSM has been very complicit in the trans non-sense while the paywalled MSM has allowed some nuance on the subject. The Atlantic has posted several critical articles about "trans" recently while the free MSM is going quiet now that the Cass report and the WPATH files have been published and the "trans" activists (sexual deviants/fetishists) are showing their true colors.....HMMM.

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It's always worth a shot to try and post something relevant. But FYI, since I don't subscribe to the Atlantic anymore, the link you provided remains behind their paywall.

Speaking of the corruption of media by trans activists who are not concerned about the veracity of their claims, here's an example of a full-time TRA attempting to smear Hilary Cass herself. It's amazing the lengths some people will go to in order to perpetuate their big lie.


Regarding the Atlantic, it's schizophrenic these days on the topic of trans. They've been notoriously zealous in recent years, despite (or maybe because of) having been among the first MSM publications to cover the topic (Jesse Singal's 2018 article, "When Children Say They're Trans").

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Excellent work!

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I am an American who was raised by a canadian immigrant (from Windsor, Ontario) in the 1960s and 1970s. This initiative moves my heart. May its success and impact be widely felt. :)

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We need more work like this in many different countries !

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