We are talking about children in the system taken from parents. Black,brown, white if they are in poverty that is the determining factor. That is the reason white children are taken out of abusive, drug addicted neglectful parents. It's not about color its about poverty. We forget in this country that many many whites live in poverty not only black and brown folks.

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I don't know who you are, but I want to tell you I love you.

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Thank you.

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Yes, children MUST believe their parents are infallible, because for a child to really know she’s in bad hands would be so terrifying and paralyzing it would literally kill her. So kids blame themselves when things are bad in their families. This is the one area where children cannot afford to be critical thinkers. (My four sibling are all in their 50s and 60s, with loads of formal education, and they’re dumb as a rock when it comes to our parents.) Obviously we must protect children from trans ideologues, as well as parents who go along with them. In other areas, like education, children should be given infinitely more agency than they are now. They know how to learn; we cannot “improve” on that capacity, no matter how much ego we bring to trying to.

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At first I thought your approach was too much but seems your children take it in stride. Perhaps we need to be forthright with our children about what is going on in the world and what they are up against. If not you who will provide them the information they need to survive and thrive.

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Sep 1, 2023·edited Sep 1, 2023

I like using the terms Hetero-phobic and Misandry (man-hating behavior) a lot. People on the left seem taken aback that such a thing can exist, even though I'm aware they're only pretending to be in denial of it so they can go on abusing those they hate under the pretense of diversity.

But when you claim victimhood with those words against people who perpetually claim only they themselves can ever be labeled a victim, it puts their back up against the ropes and forces them to defend themselves, and removes them from their comfort zone of always being on the offensive, which is the only place they've ever trained themselves to be. And let me tell you...

They suck at playing Defense. So go try doing it for yourself and stop being so nice. Because those who only want to play nice and demand that others follow their example, those types of people Deserve to be unmercifully abused.

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This is super helpful. Thank you!

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Absolutely wonderful read!! NOW can you do the "covid" one???

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What would be useful one day is a post specifically geared at parents of young children. What is happening is so confusing, I would appreciate a guide on how to respond in an age appropriate manner to certain questions my kids might ask me about gender.

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This is a lovely resource.

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Trans ideology IS another religion.

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I am just so delighted. All I want to do is get together in a busy kitchen and shoot the shitaake mushrooms in the manner and spirit of the author of this piece.

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Nice. I just listened to Billboard Chris on a podcast. Heterodorx I think. He was saying that when he goes out in public with his sign to talk about trans, it is the women who are most vicious. They are nice, meaning, they will defend against bigots like him with unusual and spirited ire.

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OK, if the original author doesn't volunteer to speak this piece stand-up style, who will? I mean, as I'm reading, I'm dead certain that this is written as the author would speak, but I've never heard the author speak! I have to make it all up in my mind! This is fine, having grown up on fiction, but it is not fine, truly desiring to know and love my neighbor as she truly is.

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I would love to! I think.

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Me too!

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The funniest part to me is I’m 27, I grew up around trans ppl and the females are all lesbians with internalized misogyny and all the males are autogynophiles who are porn sick and autistic. I’m pretty liberal- and a bisexual woman but after being surrounded by these ppl as adults it’s just exhausting- if “gender is a feeling” it’s like religion and not science. The tranny cult is exhausting and as someone who works around these idiots I’m done and happy to hear you are standing your ground. Much love, A liberal radical feminist in a traditional relationship against all this nonsense

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Hear Hear! I was submerged in this kind of cohort in the early 90s -- they weren't like my other gay friends. All of them were doom and gloom exponential narcissists. When one of them died of a heroin overdose (I had gifted my wedding dress to him) they celebrated. Everything was someone else's responsibility, never theirs. Deep down I couldn't stand these people.

Blaire White is a card-carrying narcissist. So is Buck Angel. They both seem reasonable in terms of their take on the ideology, but the LOOK AT ME is OUT OF CONTROL. And Buck is 'controlling' by labeling herself/himself "tranpa."

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Fantastic essay. Thank you!

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"anything we are forbidden to question is very probably a lie" - oof! Very true.

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100%. That one is spot on!

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