Thank you for sharing Helena’s beautiful words. Her voice has been so important in helping the world understand more. For us parents involved in this for many years, she was among the first detransitioners who had the courage to tell her story publicly. I admire her greatly and wish her much happiness and fulfilment in her life. Reading her words in your article helps to put things into perspective. Hearing this from someone who has been there, and returned, is extremely powerful and a balm to Mums and Dads who have tried to do their very best - and feel like they have failed.

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thank you. I needed that so much

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I wanted to add that it's recently been made crystal clear to me that our children are not our own. This is the case for all children, all the time. Children are first and foremost the sons and daughters of God, imbued with their own free will. All we can do is love them and do our very best to protect them. Ultimately though, they grow up and they make their own choices. I find strength in prayer, and in knowing that if and when they turn their back on the lies and empty promises of Satan, and turn their face toward the light and truth of God, He will be running toward them with open arms, just like the prodigal father. Praying for peace for you.

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Thank you, Helene. You're always the calm in the middle of this storm and the light at the end of the tunnel. You have so much insight that you are willing to share, even as you are likely suffering from the effects of this gender mess.

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This letter helps. If only there was something I could do to get through to my son. But I have learned there is not…. Thank you Helene for your words.

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Dearest Parent, thank you for your heartfelt story. My thoughts and prayers are with you on this journey that none of us wanted. Who could have even imagined that we would be dealing with such an issue? My three grandchildren are caught up in this cult, and a fourth is enmeshed with a member of the cult to the tune of rewriting her history to fit the scenario of victimhood. It is so heartbreaking to see our loved ones falling prey to insanity. The whole premise is just so wrong from start to finish, based in the fantasy that anyone can actually change from male to female or from female to male, but that narrative is slowly coming unglued. More and more of reality is being forced on society, thank God. And thanks to Helene, and other brave detransitioners, whistleblowers, professionals and family members, we can see that there is hope ahead. In the meantime, we have to hold onto our faith, onto what is real in this life; family, decency, honesty, and courage, and yes, even the right community. Helene is such a blessing, thank you for pointing this out. She has kept me going forward in truth so many times, with her compassion and her loving support. She has been through the fire and she knows what is right and true. Take care of yourself, dear Parent, we need to heed Helene's words, and we are here for as long as it takes, right?

Love, Indio

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I rarely see comments on PITT from other grandparents. It has been a year now since my daughter estranged me for not immediately affirming my then 6 year old granddaughter as a trans boy I would love to connect with you

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Perfectly decent! I needed that. Thank you. <3

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Favorite phrase:

“Goodness knows his family is not perfect, but we are perfectly decent – our only crime is to refuse to bow to this cult.”

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To not support your child in actively self-harming themselves is not transphobic, because there is nothing irrational about your fear for your beloved child's safety and well-being. https://lucyleader.substack.com/p/im-not-transphobic-you-are-normaphobic

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I am a retired registered psychiatric nurse from a prestigious hospital that I worked at for 42 years. I have been retired from practice for 4 years. Approximately 2 years before I retired I noticed the trend of accepting this transgender identity and ignoring the psychiatric aspects of this presentation on my floor. Teens as young as 18 who were trans identified were admitted with severe depression and suicidal ideation. Many young woman were already on testosterone.Sad to say but their gender confusion was never addressed! This affirmation care has been going on and we have been blind to it . I recall several times saying to my colleagues in the nurses station , “ you can not cure a mental illness with medication and surgery”. If I were in practice today I would most likely be fired and labeled a transphobe. I pray that America wakes up and forces our government to do the right thing for our children, our society.i worry about my grandchildren! What kind of world are we leaving them. I have so much empathy for the parents who are dealing with their trans identified children. Until the legal system gets behind our movement we will not see progress. Money talks! We will not see progress in our agenda until the medical and psychiatric community feel the distress in their pocket and livelihood .We are doomed until our perspective takes hold. Science proves we are right!. We must persevere for our children and our children’s children !

A concerned and worried Noni

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I wondered if the sertraline plus testosterone actually increased suicide ideation. There was no proper research being done as being transgender is not classed as a psychiatric illness. Many underlying co-morbidities were blamed on non acceptance of the cult. Autism in girls is being treated with testosterone to sterilise them. Eugenics/ population reduction.

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Are you familiar with SEGM, the Society for Evidence-Based Gender Medicine? It is run by a group of gender-critical physicians, psychologists and scientists that produces and analyzes studies, reproduces them on the website and interprets the results. I just took a look and they are up to date for 2024. The range of studies is broad.

In case you would like to peruse their library, it’s free, no subscription required. You might find some answers there. https://segm.org/studies

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Your story is almost a mirror of mine. Helen's words definitely are comforting xxxx

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I understand your pain so well. I wonder if any of these kids realize the disaster they leave in their wake when they espouse this cult; will they ever be sorry that their parents, family and friends have suffered because of it. Someone earlier on mentioned Minecraft. I believe my son was groomed on that game. The first time I saw his 'new name' was on an avatar when he was playing. I didn't realize at the time that it was his. But of course, I knew so little about the trans thing at that time.

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It seems to be part of most online gaming.

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Thank you! And thank you again Helene! 11 years is a long time. I still need this reminder occasionally & but will always hold out hope & pray my son returns to himself ♡♡♡

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Oh wow. I needed that. I am also an expert at cataloging everything I should have done differently and how it would have avoided this and beating myself up over it.

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There's certainly nothing we can do when the authority figures we used to be able to trust to back us up have bailed from any responsibility whatsoever. What on earth do we license physicians and therapists for if they're just going to use that to hurt kids and young adults? What's the point of government if it's just going to allow experimentation on our sons and daughters?

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

"This is a genuine cult. He has been mercilessly manipulated and harmed by “professionals” who were supposed to help him, and his suffering is real." I 100% agree. It is not the fault of parents.

The Tennessee Star is breaking more information about Audrey Hale. My hope is that this could make the Gender Identity Cult less shiny to young people. The "professionals" may be hopeless.

"Tennessee outlet obtains “dozens of pages” of Covenant shooter’s manifesto detailing obsession with transgenderism" https://notthebee.com/article/report-journalists-have-obtained-dozens-of-pages-of-nashville-covenant-shooters-journals-written-before-attack-on-christian-school?utm_source=Not+The+Bee+Newsletter&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=06092024

"Trans school shooter Audrey Hale who killed 6 — including 3 kids — wrote about ‘imaginary penis’ in screed" https://nypost.com/2024/06/07/us-news/trans-school-shooter-audrey-hale-wrote-about-imaginary-penis/

The only professionals speaking out appear to be those at the American College of Pediatricians. "Watch: American College of Pediatricians releases statement opposing gender transition for minors, calls out other organizations pushing ideology over science"


I think it is a cult at any age. It goes way beyond a few odd middle aged men. However, it does normalize them.

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Jun 10·edited Jun 10

P.S. The Tennessee Star also reported on notes from doctors at Vanderbilt - describing drugs that the shooter was proscribed including Buspirone, and Lexapro or Escitalopram, Hydroxyzine, and a sodium chloride nasal spray. I know there has been a discussion about SSRIs.

I'm editing this to add that Audrey Hale was under psychiatric treatment at Vanderbilt from 2001 when she would have been about 6 years old. At a minimum it needs to be studied whether her care was just useless or actively made her worse. She also told her therapist she wanted to kill her dad and shoot up her middle school. I think she was saying that since middle school.

Vanderbilt still hasn't said whether she received trans "care" or not::

"Vanderbilt Silent on Possible Transgender Treatment for Covenant Killer Audrey Hale"


But, "The FBI also opposed release of Hale’s writings in a May 2023 memo also obtained by The Tennessee Star.

“Public access to legacy tokens will also facilitate false narratives and inaccurate information. For personal gain, self-professed ‘experts’ will proffer their perspectives on the motivations behind the attack,” the memo read. “Many of these pontificators will be inexperienced or untrained, and therefore inaccurate in their assessment, further confusing or potentially inflaming the public. This also may lead to unintended consequences for the segment of the population more vulnerable or open to conspiracy theories, which will undoubtedly abound.”


I guess these pontificators (AKA parents) might want an investigation instead of following the Narrative-TM.

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Thanks for all of these links. Very useful.

I’m particularly impressed by the statement from the American College of Pediatricians. This is the kind of no b.s., straight-up facts and logic I never thought I’d see from a United States mainstream professional medical org. American doctors are actually paying attention to the WPATH files and the Cass Report, and putting their faces and opinions on the web.

The information about Audrey Hale, on the other hand, has not migrated from the borders of the great state of Tennessee. I subscribe to Ground News, an international news aggregator that categorizes its news items by political leaning. They had only right-wing sources, with a right-leaning “bias distribution” of 100%.

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You are so welcome, Beeswax. I'm glad you are in this! The thing is, I think most pediatricians follow the AAP rather than the ACP (a mistake). I am grateful for the ACP. I wonder how that lawsuit is going against the AAP and Rafferty? https://www.ipi.org/ipi_issues/detail/here-come-the-gender-detransitioner-lawsuits

"Isabelle Ayala was 14 years old when she was committed to a hospital for suicidal thoughts. She met with a doctor, who she says claimed she met the criteria “to consider hormonal transition.” In a lawsuit filed by the law firm of Campbell Miller Payne PLLC, which is specializing in representing detransitioners, Ayala, now 20, says that instead of addressing her mental health needs, she was taken down a path of “gender-affirming medicalization.” She is suing her doctors and the American Academy of Pediatrics."

As for Hale, it is crazy that it is political. I expect the mainstream media just won't report it unless they have to. Her situation really needs to be discussed.

Did you read yesterday's whistle blower article regarding Eithan Haim?

"A Doctor Told the Truth. The Feds Showed Up at His Door.

A young surgeon revealed how his hospital was secretly transitioning gender-distressed children. He is now facing federal charges."


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Jun 12·edited Jun 13

There are major differences between the AAP and ACP. The former is progressive while the latter is conservative. For instance, the AAP supports gay marriage, adoption of children by gays, and abortion. The ACP opposes both. The AAP endorses teaching children about safe sex and the use of condoms, whereas the ACP teaches abstinence. This helps explain the ACP's gender-critical position.

The ACP is a relatively new organization (about 20 years old), while the AAP has been around since 1937. It also appears that the AAP spends a lot more on post-graduate education than the ACP. I predict that the ACP will gain some traction because of this announcement, because the issue of childhood transitioning is so disturbing, even to doctors who define themselves as progressive or liberal.

Regarding Eithan Haim, I saw him interviewed awhile ago...can't remember where...but he was level headed and credible. He also appeared on Doctor Phil.

Christopher Rufo as well as Bari Weiss reported on his arrest. Now that the courts have had a "win" in New York County by reclassifying misdemeanors as felonies, we'll see more lawfare against anyone, including physicians, who expose basic truths that might be inconvenient for the Democratic party. And as with the Trump case, the prosecutors have not told Haim and his attorney the specific nature of Haim's alleged crime. Somehow I think this case is going to be harder for the prosecution to win; it's so blatantly in violation of a physician's First Amendment rights. But the rule of law is not worth the paper it's written now...so who knows?

I doubt the details of Hale's mental illness and motivations will ever be made public unless, as you say, the newspapers are forced to do so. Hard to picture that happening...

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