Excellent story. Oh, if only the Emperor would open his eyes to the truth!

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I have been saying for a minute that we have tons of classical stories we can re-use for this fight.

The Frog Princess: except that the frog is a male, and remains a frog when he is kissed.

Pinocchio: except that he is a boy who wants to be a real wooden doll.

Peter Pan" except Peter is a girl who hates the idea of growing up and pretends to be a boy, while Tinkerbell is a huge bearded Hagrid type in a tutu.

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Very good story. Thank you.

Below is a very bad but true story. And, Richard/Rachael Levine was elevated from PA secretary of health to US Assistant Secretary for Health after this. There are a number of bad actors here who have much to answer for including Levine, the Biden Administration, these plastic surgeon groups who profit off of hurting confused children.... I guess it will be a good scam for them until they go to jail.


"Pennsylvania House Bill 1933 would have ended taxpayer funding for cross-sex medical treatments for minors, but the bill failed to pass following vocal opposition from activists and groups of plastic surgeons who communicated with Levine, according to emails obtained by parental rights activist Megan Brock through a documents request and shared with the DCNF. Levine, who at the time was the state’s acting secretary of health, thanked University of Pittsburgh Medical Center (UPMC) Plastic Surgery Chief Joseph Losee for a letter he had shared in opposition to HB 1933 on behalf of the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and the Robert H. Ivy Pennsylvania Society of Plastic Surgeons."

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A brilliantly written dystopian tale! Well done Grand Ma!

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What a brilliant truth tale. Brava!

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Let's see.... my list of great literature....

1) The Bible

2) Shakespeare

3) This story.

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An apt description of the awful transformation, but a bit skimpy on the road back! Here is an excellent roadmap for deprogramming:


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Thank you for your helpful article! I wish my daughter was still actually a teen and living at home. I could have used this help back then. Tomorrow she'll be 20, is away at college and we haven't heard back from her since last July (6 months) 😥. 16 months on T, since she left for college, and we feel helpless. I hope your article helps parents who still have a chance!

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I shed a tear...These similar stories I hear from so many parents. Hold your heart... xx

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Thank you. My once close family is ripped apart by this evil cult! She had so much going for her and now destroys herself permanently. It is so hard to have hope when going through this, as it truly tests our faith. Tomorrow is her birthday and I don't know how I'll get through it, missing the real "her" terribly.

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I will light a candle in your and her name. Terribly heart wrenching. Look after yourself. xx

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I love it! I’ve been reading a lot of YA books of the “trans” genre - yes, it has its own literary genre now - to learn about their persuasive techniques - and many of the plots are reworked for an adolescent audience. This remake on an old classic accomplished the same from an opposing point of view. Oh, how I hope writing like this will reach its target audience.

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Thank you for this version of the old tale, with appropriate flourishes. I want to quibble about a few details, minor adjustments which a boring, old Transwidow would make, wouldn't she?

When a man takes estrogen (actually estradiol) it takes a few years (about 2-4 years) for it to work, depending on age. It takes longer the older he is as his metabolism has slowed down. The hair on his head grows thicker, including on the crown and it grows in where it was previously receeding on the temples. Depending on the individual the hair may grow in much more greasy (estrogen changes the activity of sebaceous glands in hair follicles). The beard gets thinner and thinner and may disappear, leaving him with a strangely "polished", shiny chin and no moustache. Hair on the chest, forearms and legs also largely disappears. He puts on fat as "moobs" (not "pert" boobs) and also around the hips and waist. He becomes a "fat woman". There are no changes to the bones or connective tissues, so the hips stay the same as before, and the spine stays long and strong. This man will never shrink with age (as normal old people do). This means that he will always stick out like a sore thumb in a Ladies toilet or changing room. The testes and scrotum atrophy and he cannot hold an erection. The details of castration, and slitting and inverting the penis to create a neovagina are too disgusting to discuss here, but can be found - there is even a CGI animation available somewhere on the internet! The mental changes are profound and adverse: this man is no longer alert and reacting to the emotions of family and friends. Instead he is in a world of drugged detachment from reality, with blood-shot eyes and - reserved for the family members who know who he REALLY is - the appalling bullying behaviour known as "gas-lighting", the tormenting behaviour of a truly insane man exacting "validation" of the impossible. Gas-lighting is "top-level narcissism". It is a "blow-torch" version of the "strangers narcissism" which you have correctly described. This man/Emperor has cut himself off from reality and will not make it back unless he makes a huge effort to understand himself, as Walt Heyer did and describes in www.sexchangeregret.com.

Thank you for entering the mind of the narcissist.

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This is terrifyingly similar to what I am experiencing with my son. The personality change has made him unrecognizable. I do not know how to reach him

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You won't be able to reach him. This is a cult. It will take either (1) the world to recognise that they have been "gas-lit" and then there may be a process of "truth and reconciliation" as there was in post-apartheid South Africa (see thesis from Barry Wall @HeadWarrior) or (2) individual regret - detransition - in late twenties or thirties. Or perhaps never. My trans ex-H was totally alone for 16 years after he left us. His prostate problem recurred despite taking estrogen, which was, I am sure, deeply disappointing or even terrifying to him. So he wasn't "a woman". He was emphatically a man and his body pointed reminded him of this "awkward" fact.

I am hoping that the world will remember, one day, that there are such things as "dangerous thoughts" - "gender" and "gender identity" are dangerous thoughts, which mess up your life. I wish I could be more encouraging, but at the moment I cannot. I believe in facing the truth even if it hurts very much. I ached for 10 years after Paul left. But I saved my kids from his insanity. I am sorry that he was entirely alone, but the medical profession didn't support him or his family. This is a sickness, which the world needs to recognise, and then face with more courage than they have to date. Courage which Graham Linehan and other banned authors have demonstrated over and over again.

Good luck with your son. Stand firm. What else can you do? XXX Una

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Your honesty & engagement in this debate is of value. It cannot be trivialized. Wins & losses in the media every day, a ‘win’ in the UK over Scotland’s gender recognition bill? Idk. Or is it temporary? Bravery of those speaking out one minute & the tragedy of yet another journalist losing his job over supposed ‘transphobic’ speech the next. Patience is putting it mildly. Thanks again, it’s brutal to hear & I feel devastated & powerless but you are sharing truth.

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Great story, and so appropriate. Also very entertaining. The part about the dog made me cringe. The part about the childish flag made me laugh. The ending gave me hope.

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Jan 17, 2023·edited Jan 17, 2023

Yes, excellent writing, and a great analogy to describe drag queens or Dylan Mulvaney. But trivializes the mental anguish and suffering of gender dysphoric males, always afflicted by multiple comorbid psychological disorders that are ignored by healthcare professionals in favor of opposite hormone theRapey. Most gender dysphoric males are extremely sensitive and have endured extreme bullying and/or other childhood trauma, and have been subjected to video game addiction and porn exposure due the our pervasive and inescapable culture. They have also been told that they are born misogynistic oppressors, especially if they are "white". Given that boys are generally treated less gently than girls, who are protected as the "weaker" sex, it's easy to make a mockery of them. I know that light hearted humor can take the edge off of difficult topics, but this borders on malice and serves no role in healing our boys. I can't see this story written to represent a female garnering such enthusiastic praise. At least not from mothers of sons.

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My description of my now dead Trans ex-H is of a previous generation (or possibly 2 generations ago!) I do wonder what triggered his GD. He only told me that it "comes and goes". He didn't bother to explain what caused it to come, what caused it to go.... And he didn't seem to think that it might be useful for HIM as well as US to ask himself these questions. His lack of curiosity was astounding. The current generation (twenties and thirties) will, I hope, be asked more, a lot more about how they came to adopt such utterly alienating beliefs.

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I wrestled with gender dysphoria in much of my life. At this point I could, maybe, boast about being "Cured" but I wager it's the same kind of cure of the sober alcoholic, who might one binge away from a relapse.

A list of some of the things that pulled me back from the brink.

1) Authors who write to support the present dilemma of men. Warren Farrell, Robert Bly. Today I think Jordan Peterson would be good for this generation.

2) A growing understanding of G-d, and it's not "hate" that he forbids men from wearing women's garments (or vice versa) but a protection from danger.

3) Becoming a father. Seeing my wife in action showed I'm not a woman, because I cannot do what she can. But no less, because I can do things that she cannot.

And I'll add:

4) Understanding autogynphelia. Framing my confusion as a fetish rather than an actual bedrock identity reduced its power over me. You can enjoy a fetish, if that's all it is. And that's better than denying it and having it control you.

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Do you have a blog or website? Mine is transwidows.com where you can send me an email. I would like to have a conversation with you. I Tweet @STranswidows and if you are on Twitter we can DM. I have many questions and you seem open to exchange, which I really value. Thank you.

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Answer was staring me in the face. I sent you a message via your website.

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Okay, I opened an old Twitter account, followed, and tried to DM you. I got the message "STranswidows cannot be messaged." Do you have another method of contact?

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I... don't. Not really. I keep trying to set up a blog related to one of my hobbies, but I can't quite get the knack for it.

But I would be glad to have contact with you. Perhaps I can make a twitter account for that purpose.

I don't know if you're the same trans widow website; I think I saw more than one But there is one... I think her story was a bit different, but she had a blog with a similar name. She had a dreadful break-up with her ex, and he seemed to go off the deep end. Her blog was very powerful and hard hitting. When my own inner confusion struck me hard, I would read her blog and the crazy things her ex did to her, to remind myself of what was important and how much damage I would do to the people I care about if I let myself be overtaken by the urges.

I'll take a look into Twitter and see if I can figure it out.

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Beautifully said. Thank you for your sensitivity to gender dysphoric young males, who, as you state, are generally very sensitive and have endured much bullying. Transition is a coping mechanism for their traumas.

This essay, "The Emperor's New Body" is brilliant and will help others wake up. But we shouldn't forget the gentle, sensitive boys who are currently struggling. I hope you may use your writing talents to expound further what you have so eloquently stated in your comment.

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Love it!!! Please keep writing stories on this issue , the children and parents need all the help they can get. Its a war we are fighting, a war that's hurting children and tearing families apart...Thank you for sharing your story and keep writing...

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Wonderfully written. Thank you. There were parts where I felt horror, disgust, and sorrow. That's good because we can't smooth it over. Art is truly a path into healing, isn't it? As a teacher, I taught at a school where some truly unjust stuff was going on. I couldn't change it (I left), but to process my feelings I wrote a Grimm's inspired Faerie Tale about it and let it all out. I only shared it with a very few. It truly helped.

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To remember that apart of the original s story is that the people who could seen the emperors new clothes were the ‘special’ people. Those who could not were blind to reality. Until this part is challenged we are lost. Great writing, thank you.

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I appreciate the author's creative energy to write this dark tale about this dark chapter of human history. It's hard to fathom how the harming of young people and shattering of families goes on and on when we could stop this nonsense as a collective group with collective wisdom and common sense. Easier said that done, though, as the "trans" train continues its destructive path.

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This is exceptionally well written and it contains great insight into the narcissistic culture created by social media.

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