I'm a former "gifted" kid, tested in the 99th percentile at age 10, with perfect scores on the math and spatial reasoning sections. I was also fairly tomboyish as a kid (and still have many male-typical interests and talents), and have some "autistic" traits. I'm in my mid-thirties and so am fortunately too old for the contagion, but I see myself in a lot of the kids who've gotten sucked in ... especially the "gifted" ones.
I did quite a lot of research and recently published an essay trying to unpack why so many former "gifted" kids are getting diagnosed with autism/ADHD and/or coming out as transgender, from a lens of neuroscience, brain development, and Western history. No lack of curiosity here :-) but I've been waffling on whether or not to try to share my observations / research with this community because I think some of it will be hard to read.
Please know I'm not coming at this from a place of judgement, I'm just trying to piece together a puzzle and these observations reflect broad patterns and criticisms of a culture, not individuals within it. At the end of the day, I want to help your children.
Hi Meghan, I'm the original author of this piece (and the PITT surveys you cite), and I appreciate the sentiments and effort of your essay. It's important to honestly consider your arguments, and while your observations about narcissistic parents -> autistic/gifted kids -> trans identification may be accurate in the TikTok mom set, I'm afraid you've missed the mark. We PITT families are not cold. We did not use flash cards on our kids. We were not absent. We did not let our children cry it out. We are the ones who came up with the child-centered parenting style you admire. [And btw, please stop keeping your kid up late for adult parties and trying to justify it. Come on.] Some children start spontaneously reading at age 2 _without any pressure/training_. Some kids come with brains that are prone to be brilliant - just like some bodies are prone to be tall or fast. Nature and nurture combined create both Einstein and Usain Bolt. The pathway is this: brilliant brain -> social isolation -> loneliness/depression/anxiety -> exposure to trans ideology -> identification as "trans" as a coping strategy -> inclusion in trans community/damage to brain and increased mortality. As parents, we can try to break or weaken each of those links - but it didn't start with a failure to co-sleep or too many books.
I appreciate your response, but I'm a bit puzzled by the generalizations. How can you confidently speak for all PITT families? Absolutely no one here used flashcards (they're pretty popular)? No one was absent (despite issues with lack of maternity leave), emotionally or physically? No one sleep-trained or used cry-it-out, even though a majority of parenting books recommend this and studies suggest around a quarter of families in the US and Canada use CIO or controlled crying (and even more sleep-train)? This seems improbable, but more to the point, I don't understand how you could know this with the confidence your words imply.
I'm sorry, but you and the PITT families absolutely did not come up with the "child-centered parenting style" ... every single aspect of what is now called "attachment" parenting (co-sleeping, child-wearing, extended breastfeeding etc) have been the norm for thousands of years in the majority of cultures across the globe, and still are the norm in many today. It's really very bizarre you would take credit for it. A gentle reminder that "gentle" parenting is not the same thing.
Can I ask how a two-year-old child comes to "spontaneously" read without a parent first putting a high value on reading and books in general? I realize some kids are naturally brighter than others, but it strikes me as very unlikely that a two-year-old would "spontaneously" learn to read without some sort of encouragement and assistance. Furthermore, studies suggest that precocious reading does not necessarily predict conventional success in adulthood, with the gap closing for many children as early as middle school.
I thought it was a red flag that in this essay you seemed to think a child growing up to be like Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates was desirable, when both are thought to be extremely evil by a good chunk of the global population. This, and the "fancy private school", indicates to me that you place a high value on achievement, in particular financial achievement.
I have to challenge the notion that a brilliant brain necessarily leads to social isolation. Both my husband and I were "gifted" kids. He was popular throughout grade school and into adulthood. I struggled socially in elementary school, but that had more to do with my anxiety—a product of a difficult home environment—than how bizarrely good I was at math. Once I figured out that it was fear of rejection and anxiety that was hurting me socially, I was able to push past it and while I was never one of the more popular kids, I always had a group of friends in high school and in university (in HS, for example, I was in an IB program and so were most of my friends). Far from hurting me socially, my intelligence was seen as an asset by many, especially since I was always happy to help others study, particularly in the difficult math classes they struggled with and I excelled at. I think having a good sense of humour about yourself is very important here, being able to laugh at your weaknesses and mistakes, and realizing that being really, really good at academics, puzzles, and intelligence tests is a talent (or cluster of talents) that are over-valued in our society, but which are just a small portion of what our minds are capable of.
I tried to make it clear in the essay that I consider this issue to be extremely multifactorial. In no way was I suggesting that if you don't co-sleep, your child will be trans. That's obviously ridiculous and quite clearly not what I wrote.
Regarding bringing my child to parties ... what sort of "adult" parties do you think I'm attending? I'm talking about family gatherings (I'm the first in my generation to have a child, which is why she's the only one), and parties with friends that are attended by at most maybe 20 people, none of whom are drinking to the point of intoxication. We do this maybe a dozen or so times per year, it's not exactly a weekly thing. The second my daughter asks to go home or seems tired, we take her home (or I do, and my husband stays at the party). She LOVES parties, and is often the life of them. For two and a half, her language skills are closer to what is typical of a four year old. She's confident and has excellent social skills, the kind of kid who quickly makes friends on the playground. And she still gets an appropriate amount of sleep every day between night and naps, there's just some flexibility with the hours; she's usually in bed before 11pm, with the sole exception of last New Year's. If I thought it was hurting or distressing her in any way, I wouldn't do it, but, frankly, sometimes I have to drag her out the door because I'M the one who's tired and wants to go to bed.
I'm a bit puzzled why you felt the need to bring this up in such a distorted out-of-context way, unless you were trying to imply that I'm a bad parent as a means of discrediting the essay. (Here's what she's referencing, for observers: https://thecassandracomplex.substack.com/p/on-trying-to-be-a-good-enough-mother).
"socially awkward, slightly autistic, and profoundly gifted kids. The ones who were reading at age two. The ones who memorized all the dinosaur names, but couldn’t remember who sat next to them on the field trip. The ones who took advanced math but never got birthday invitations. The ones on the edge of the social circle but too awkward to form their own band of misfits."
I really sympathize with this as this described my youth almost exactly. Had I instead grown up now (as opposed to late 90s-early 00s), I probably would have been consumed by this destructive ideology. Although I had a conservative upbringing - and private school up until high school - I really pushed against it as a way to prove I was smarter than everyone else (not that it was very convincing). But when I got to college and saw how over the top the performative virtue-signaling was, I went full circle and became a reactionary. I think I escaped all this nonsense at just the right time - now I'm well-adjusted, gay, and in a loving, stable relationship. I feel terribly sorry for all the people whose lives have been ruined by this, like you say, bullshit.
"the connection between being profoundly gifted and having gender dysphoria has not been formally studied, although some clinicians are acknowledging it."
Littman noted gifted participation in ROGD at a 19X rate (2018).
But it's true, there is not a lot of research specifically into the IQ-GD connection, which is disappointing since it seems so obvious to onlookers.
Here's one starting point to go looking for some. I find the author's position too trans-friendly, but you have to start somewhere.
Dunne, O. (2023). Gifted and LGBTQ: A Review of the Literature. SENG Journal: Exploring the Psychology of Giftedness, 2(1), 57-66. https://doi.org/10.25774/VNTA-S564
Abstract: The present review examines research with gifted LGBTQ individuals. This article will focus on the first research with gifted LGBTQ individuals before leaping forward in time to several recent studies, each of which has significantly contributed to a field lacking in empirical research. Overall themes will then be discussed. I suggest that research in this area has notably advanced, in parallel with shifts in legislation, culture and attitudes toward LGBTQ people. Increased focus on aspects of diversity in gifted learners and gifted education have also contributed to this expanding field of research. Future research attention is nevertheless necessary, in order to a) continue advancing the field with strong empirical research, b) broaden the current context of gifted LGBTQ research (thus far almost entirely based within the United States) and c) promote the development of guidelines and best practice for practitioners working with gifted LGBTQ young people.
My autistic son was reading aged two and attends a school for gifted children. I can see how desperate he is for connection with his peers, and why transgenderism holds such appeal for kids like him. It still baffles me that they can be so intelligent on one level, yet seem unable to apply critical thinking skills to this issue.
Thank you for writing this. This is my son. ‘Captured’ & gone by the age of 23. Still, for such a bright & promising individual I am dumbfounded at how he has chosen this over his parents, family, morality, common sense. Rationality doesn’t seem to come into it, but perhaps that is part of their ‘condition’. I see vulnerability, quirkiness & over sensitivity validating a false identity by what can only be described as evil…be it doctors, psychiatrists, groomers, educators, politicians…a tragic waste & destruction of minds
My son is captured too,every word you wrote resonated. It’s impossible to find any sense of peace from the gut-wrenching dreads while knowing my son and countless other young people are on this tragic path, we know it will not end well for them😭
I hope your plead goes places. People with some influence, networks and connected are more able to reach where it matters. The problem is that American society does not encourage knowledge and intelligence, society label the children and everything, so if you are smart and like to understand things and study hard you re a "nerd" and it is ok if you are "Asian" because they have to be "nerds" but what about the others, who is the sport kid? or the hard worker kid? And if they dare not to live up to their stereotype, he or she become an outcast. So now you are a "nerd" and nobody wants to go to Prom with you and Prom is important because how do you will miss Prom?, and the programming continue through movies and shows that endocrine us how we must live, and if we do not follow the "instructions " we are "emo" so we have to live it up and dye our hairs black and have tattoos and listen to punk music. That is the problem, we do not raise children in freedom of mind, we tied their minds to a materialist view of the world and we don't take care of their souls. The system is rising "consumers" in a plastic world with children that are not looking around and to others, but with their faces fixed in their cellphones. I have two gift kids and didn't let them use cellphones until they started driving, and I wasn't alone in this, the parents of that time understood the danger of this "commodity." I believe in discipline, without discipline a child doesn't know what he or her are capable of, children need struggle and be taught responsibility, also independent minds know how to use critical thinking. Humans to blossom need interact IN PERSON with another human being, not to have "virtual" friends, or "virtual" teachers or "virtual" action through video games, they need to experience life first hand, play and get hurt emotionally and physically, and deal with it without the intervention of an adult, we have to let them be children and go naturally through their natural development and overall we must stop sexualizing our children, American children are exposed too much to the adult world, and sadly a very confused one. A child do not have the maturity to have sex at 17, less than that age becomes extremely dangerous for their psychological development. They need to be free of the worries that sexual activity brings ruining the lives of many, specially the more economically disadvantage. We must change the course or we will be living in a virtual world with a virtual life and life is sacred, we must take it seriously or the suffering will be endless.
LovingMother, I appreciate your ideas and response. I agree that it’s time academia stays in its lane with so many blurred lines about what constitutes inclusion, kindness, equity, and on the flip side-bullying.
I agree that institutions are being forced by legislation to comply with woke ideologies at the moment.
Our best efforts should be channeled on the legislative and pop culture fronts.
I believe a documentary film would be extremely helpful in influencing public opinion and changing the tide.
If anyone has a story they’d like to tell, I’d love to hear from you. Maybe I could connect the right people to make such a film happen.
LovingMother, I’m sorry your feminine daughter has been pulled into gender ideology. My son has also, though he is on “pause” for the moment.
Thanks for your thoughts. I’m trying to determine the best path forward for affecting societal change so our brilliant children have more opportunities to get their needs met.
Maybe one day, we’ll look back on this gender ideology chapter with the horror it deserves, with the realization of its effects and costs to our society. Until then, we parents need to be the whistleblowers.
If I come across more of the documentaries I will put them here. If you do internet searches you only find ones that follow The cult Narrative, of course.
I do recommend Jordan Peterson's interview of former Trans Cult Member Chloe Cole:
"The Wounds That Won't Heal | Detransitioner Chloe Cole | EP 319"
I just watched this. While hard to view, it is truth that these are delusional young ladies being affirmed in order to make lifelong patients. And while 99% of this video is about FTM, the last 1% is a guy named Isaac. He is talking to his therapist on the phone. What he says breaks my heart: "I'm delusional and you're not helping. Some people who are mentally ill need to know what's real." As a mother to a confused, delusional son, I want the madness to end! Thank you for sharing this video.
Thank you, Treppy. My daughter seems to be OK for now. I am glad to hear your son is on pause. But, this cult must be extinguished for the good of all the kids. And, then we need to make sure it is not forgotten.
There are some documentaries already. It is just that they are not widely viewed. If you comb through old PITTs you can find them. Here is one:
I think this needs to be turned into a mini-series like the one about NXIVM.
I hear you about legislation. Also, lawsuits are important.
And, people like Mutilation Lord Admiral Mengele Levine need to be out of a job - not serving in positions like US Assistant Health and Human Services Secretary.
Plus something has to be done about our Education Complex which promotes Gender Theology.
My bright, gifted, son with autistic traits, got derailed at university in NY at 18. He then dropped out of college. In his late 20s, he is now just trying to piece his life back together. He has a part-time job that isn't food-related or retail and he's a budding craftsman trying to keep afloat. He wants to go back to college for the same degree he left it for at 19, because, I believe, of this ideology and mental health issues. Scholarship wasted. Parents college savings wasted. I hope he can reclaim his life, his goals, and realize his dreams. I believe he can. He is trying, slowly, and he knows we love him.
My heart goes out to kids who are autistic in middle school on up. I am Austistic , although I was diagnosed way into adulthood. I felt like an Alien most of my childhood and really didn't even enjoy the company of my own peers, although of course I wanted friends. There were years that my main friends were my cats at home. I wished I could have stayed home and read and learn on my own. But then it wasn't an option. So in highschool, I decided to take the half day option - where I left at lunch time and then went to work in an an ice-cream shop. Even though in highschool the kids were kinder - I hated the sensory environment of school. Each day I left I felt this weight lift off of me - and a euphoric sense of Liberation- Hallelujah Free at last! Until I returned the next morning🙃
I often wonder why parents do not opt to homeschool their autistic children 12 on up. Most school districts have arrangements with online educational services where children can learn remotely. Speaking as an autistic person - school is a torture in ways BEYOND the social BS - our sensory symptoms are bombarded with loud bells, kids shouting, horrible overhead lighting that hums; we are either too cold or hot in class with no way to adjust the temperature. The type of kids mentioned in this article LOVE learning but going to school is LITERALLY torture for them. If you only knew how horrible an experience it is for these kids - you would be yanking them out of school Pronto. And now this Trans nonsense is even MORE reason to have kids homeschooling. And NO a child does NOT need to be supervised 24-7. At 12 on up - high functioning kids are fine alone. Make their lunch, do a face-time check up on them during your lunch time. And come home at dinner. They can still make friends through local homeschooling groups or through shared online activities, or through taking lessons - and having parents arrange meetings with friends they make through activities. But autistic kids for the most part PREFER to do their own thing on their own UNLESS they do have kind friends.
I now work as a Coach with autistic and adhd folks to improve their inner life experience and holistic health. Helping young people and asukrs- live a beautiful life in a world not set up for them is my mission.
I agree. Thank you for sharing this.
I'm a former "gifted" kid, tested in the 99th percentile at age 10, with perfect scores on the math and spatial reasoning sections. I was also fairly tomboyish as a kid (and still have many male-typical interests and talents), and have some "autistic" traits. I'm in my mid-thirties and so am fortunately too old for the contagion, but I see myself in a lot of the kids who've gotten sucked in ... especially the "gifted" ones.
I did quite a lot of research and recently published an essay trying to unpack why so many former "gifted" kids are getting diagnosed with autism/ADHD and/or coming out as transgender, from a lens of neuroscience, brain development, and Western history. No lack of curiosity here :-) but I've been waffling on whether or not to try to share my observations / research with this community because I think some of it will be hard to read.
Please know I'm not coming at this from a place of judgement, I'm just trying to piece together a puzzle and these observations reflect broad patterns and criticisms of a culture, not individuals within it. At the end of the day, I want to help your children.
Here's the essay:
Hi Meghan, I'm the original author of this piece (and the PITT surveys you cite), and I appreciate the sentiments and effort of your essay. It's important to honestly consider your arguments, and while your observations about narcissistic parents -> autistic/gifted kids -> trans identification may be accurate in the TikTok mom set, I'm afraid you've missed the mark. We PITT families are not cold. We did not use flash cards on our kids. We were not absent. We did not let our children cry it out. We are the ones who came up with the child-centered parenting style you admire. [And btw, please stop keeping your kid up late for adult parties and trying to justify it. Come on.] Some children start spontaneously reading at age 2 _without any pressure/training_. Some kids come with brains that are prone to be brilliant - just like some bodies are prone to be tall or fast. Nature and nurture combined create both Einstein and Usain Bolt. The pathway is this: brilliant brain -> social isolation -> loneliness/depression/anxiety -> exposure to trans ideology -> identification as "trans" as a coping strategy -> inclusion in trans community/damage to brain and increased mortality. As parents, we can try to break or weaken each of those links - but it didn't start with a failure to co-sleep or too many books.
Hi Minnemom,
I appreciate your response, but I'm a bit puzzled by the generalizations. How can you confidently speak for all PITT families? Absolutely no one here used flashcards (they're pretty popular)? No one was absent (despite issues with lack of maternity leave), emotionally or physically? No one sleep-trained or used cry-it-out, even though a majority of parenting books recommend this and studies suggest around a quarter of families in the US and Canada use CIO or controlled crying (and even more sleep-train)? This seems improbable, but more to the point, I don't understand how you could know this with the confidence your words imply.
I'm sorry, but you and the PITT families absolutely did not come up with the "child-centered parenting style" ... every single aspect of what is now called "attachment" parenting (co-sleeping, child-wearing, extended breastfeeding etc) have been the norm for thousands of years in the majority of cultures across the globe, and still are the norm in many today. It's really very bizarre you would take credit for it. A gentle reminder that "gentle" parenting is not the same thing.
Can I ask how a two-year-old child comes to "spontaneously" read without a parent first putting a high value on reading and books in general? I realize some kids are naturally brighter than others, but it strikes me as very unlikely that a two-year-old would "spontaneously" learn to read without some sort of encouragement and assistance. Furthermore, studies suggest that precocious reading does not necessarily predict conventional success in adulthood, with the gap closing for many children as early as middle school.
See: https://everyday-learning.org/the-early-reading-myth-and-gifted-achievement/
I thought it was a red flag that in this essay you seemed to think a child growing up to be like Jeff Bezos or Bill Gates was desirable, when both are thought to be extremely evil by a good chunk of the global population. This, and the "fancy private school", indicates to me that you place a high value on achievement, in particular financial achievement.
I have to challenge the notion that a brilliant brain necessarily leads to social isolation. Both my husband and I were "gifted" kids. He was popular throughout grade school and into adulthood. I struggled socially in elementary school, but that had more to do with my anxiety—a product of a difficult home environment—than how bizarrely good I was at math. Once I figured out that it was fear of rejection and anxiety that was hurting me socially, I was able to push past it and while I was never one of the more popular kids, I always had a group of friends in high school and in university (in HS, for example, I was in an IB program and so were most of my friends). Far from hurting me socially, my intelligence was seen as an asset by many, especially since I was always happy to help others study, particularly in the difficult math classes they struggled with and I excelled at. I think having a good sense of humour about yourself is very important here, being able to laugh at your weaknesses and mistakes, and realizing that being really, really good at academics, puzzles, and intelligence tests is a talent (or cluster of talents) that are over-valued in our society, but which are just a small portion of what our minds are capable of.
I tried to make it clear in the essay that I consider this issue to be extremely multifactorial. In no way was I suggesting that if you don't co-sleep, your child will be trans. That's obviously ridiculous and quite clearly not what I wrote.
Regarding bringing my child to parties ... what sort of "adult" parties do you think I'm attending? I'm talking about family gatherings (I'm the first in my generation to have a child, which is why she's the only one), and parties with friends that are attended by at most maybe 20 people, none of whom are drinking to the point of intoxication. We do this maybe a dozen or so times per year, it's not exactly a weekly thing. The second my daughter asks to go home or seems tired, we take her home (or I do, and my husband stays at the party). She LOVES parties, and is often the life of them. For two and a half, her language skills are closer to what is typical of a four year old. She's confident and has excellent social skills, the kind of kid who quickly makes friends on the playground. And she still gets an appropriate amount of sleep every day between night and naps, there's just some flexibility with the hours; she's usually in bed before 11pm, with the sole exception of last New Year's. If I thought it was hurting or distressing her in any way, I wouldn't do it, but, frankly, sometimes I have to drag her out the door because I'M the one who's tired and wants to go to bed.
I'm a bit puzzled why you felt the need to bring this up in such a distorted out-of-context way, unless you were trying to imply that I'm a bad parent as a means of discrediting the essay. (Here's what she's referencing, for observers: https://thecassandracomplex.substack.com/p/on-trying-to-be-a-good-enough-mother).
All the best.
"socially awkward, slightly autistic, and profoundly gifted kids. The ones who were reading at age two. The ones who memorized all the dinosaur names, but couldn’t remember who sat next to them on the field trip. The ones who took advanced math but never got birthday invitations. The ones on the edge of the social circle but too awkward to form their own band of misfits."
I really sympathize with this as this described my youth almost exactly. Had I instead grown up now (as opposed to late 90s-early 00s), I probably would have been consumed by this destructive ideology. Although I had a conservative upbringing - and private school up until high school - I really pushed against it as a way to prove I was smarter than everyone else (not that it was very convincing). But when I got to college and saw how over the top the performative virtue-signaling was, I went full circle and became a reactionary. I think I escaped all this nonsense at just the right time - now I'm well-adjusted, gay, and in a loving, stable relationship. I feel terribly sorry for all the people whose lives have been ruined by this, like you say, bullshit.
"the connection between being profoundly gifted and having gender dysphoria has not been formally studied, although some clinicians are acknowledging it."
Littman noted gifted participation in ROGD at a 19X rate (2018).
But it's true, there is not a lot of research specifically into the IQ-GD connection, which is disappointing since it seems so obvious to onlookers.
Here's one starting point to go looking for some. I find the author's position too trans-friendly, but you have to start somewhere.
Dunne, O. (2023). Gifted and LGBTQ: A Review of the Literature. SENG Journal: Exploring the Psychology of Giftedness, 2(1), 57-66. https://doi.org/10.25774/VNTA-S564
Abstract: The present review examines research with gifted LGBTQ individuals. This article will focus on the first research with gifted LGBTQ individuals before leaping forward in time to several recent studies, each of which has significantly contributed to a field lacking in empirical research. Overall themes will then be discussed. I suggest that research in this area has notably advanced, in parallel with shifts in legislation, culture and attitudes toward LGBTQ people. Increased focus on aspects of diversity in gifted learners and gifted education have also contributed to this expanding field of research. Future research attention is nevertheless necessary, in order to a) continue advancing the field with strong empirical research, b) broaden the current context of gifted LGBTQ research (thus far almost entirely based within the United States) and c) promote the development of guidelines and best practice for practitioners working with gifted LGBTQ young people.
My autistic son was reading aged two and attends a school for gifted children. I can see how desperate he is for connection with his peers, and why transgenderism holds such appeal for kids like him. It still baffles me that they can be so intelligent on one level, yet seem unable to apply critical thinking skills to this issue.
Now please somebody listen to all this.
Exactly! Totally agree. Not only are they stunting their IQ they are sterilized permanently most of the time.
I love Jordan Peterson and am enjoying this interview so far. Thank you, LovingMother!!
Thank you for writing this. This is my son. ‘Captured’ & gone by the age of 23. Still, for such a bright & promising individual I am dumbfounded at how he has chosen this over his parents, family, morality, common sense. Rationality doesn’t seem to come into it, but perhaps that is part of their ‘condition’. I see vulnerability, quirkiness & over sensitivity validating a false identity by what can only be described as evil…be it doctors, psychiatrists, groomers, educators, politicians…a tragic waste & destruction of minds
My son is captured too,every word you wrote resonated. It’s impossible to find any sense of peace from the gut-wrenching dreads while knowing my son and countless other young people are on this tragic path, we know it will not end well for them😭
Agreed, LovingMother. Thanks for the information and documentary reference. Glad your daughter is doing ok. Sending love! XO
I hope your plead goes places. People with some influence, networks and connected are more able to reach where it matters. The problem is that American society does not encourage knowledge and intelligence, society label the children and everything, so if you are smart and like to understand things and study hard you re a "nerd" and it is ok if you are "Asian" because they have to be "nerds" but what about the others, who is the sport kid? or the hard worker kid? And if they dare not to live up to their stereotype, he or she become an outcast. So now you are a "nerd" and nobody wants to go to Prom with you and Prom is important because how do you will miss Prom?, and the programming continue through movies and shows that endocrine us how we must live, and if we do not follow the "instructions " we are "emo" so we have to live it up and dye our hairs black and have tattoos and listen to punk music. That is the problem, we do not raise children in freedom of mind, we tied their minds to a materialist view of the world and we don't take care of their souls. The system is rising "consumers" in a plastic world with children that are not looking around and to others, but with their faces fixed in their cellphones. I have two gift kids and didn't let them use cellphones until they started driving, and I wasn't alone in this, the parents of that time understood the danger of this "commodity." I believe in discipline, without discipline a child doesn't know what he or her are capable of, children need struggle and be taught responsibility, also independent minds know how to use critical thinking. Humans to blossom need interact IN PERSON with another human being, not to have "virtual" friends, or "virtual" teachers or "virtual" action through video games, they need to experience life first hand, play and get hurt emotionally and physically, and deal with it without the intervention of an adult, we have to let them be children and go naturally through their natural development and overall we must stop sexualizing our children, American children are exposed too much to the adult world, and sadly a very confused one. A child do not have the maturity to have sex at 17, less than that age becomes extremely dangerous for their psychological development. They need to be free of the worries that sexual activity brings ruining the lives of many, specially the more economically disadvantage. We must change the course or we will be living in a virtual world with a virtual life and life is sacred, we must take it seriously or the suffering will be endless.
LovingMother, I appreciate your ideas and response. I agree that it’s time academia stays in its lane with so many blurred lines about what constitutes inclusion, kindness, equity, and on the flip side-bullying.
I agree that institutions are being forced by legislation to comply with woke ideologies at the moment.
Our best efforts should be channeled on the legislative and pop culture fronts.
I believe a documentary film would be extremely helpful in influencing public opinion and changing the tide.
If anyone has a story they’d like to tell, I’d love to hear from you. Maybe I could connect the right people to make such a film happen.
LovingMother, I’m sorry your feminine daughter has been pulled into gender ideology. My son has also, though he is on “pause” for the moment.
Thanks for your thoughts. I’m trying to determine the best path forward for affecting societal change so our brilliant children have more opportunities to get their needs met.
Maybe one day, we’ll look back on this gender ideology chapter with the horror it deserves, with the realization of its effects and costs to our society. Until then, we parents need to be the whistleblowers.
If I come across more of the documentaries I will put them here. If you do internet searches you only find ones that follow The cult Narrative, of course.
I do recommend Jordan Peterson's interview of former Trans Cult Member Chloe Cole:
"The Wounds That Won't Heal | Detransitioner Chloe Cole | EP 319"
This one is good, Treppy:
“The Call is Coming From Inside the House”
I just watched this. While hard to view, it is truth that these are delusional young ladies being affirmed in order to make lifelong patients. And while 99% of this video is about FTM, the last 1% is a guy named Isaac. He is talking to his therapist on the phone. What he says breaks my heart: "I'm delusional and you're not helping. Some people who are mentally ill need to know what's real." As a mother to a confused, delusional son, I want the madness to end! Thank you for sharing this video.
Thank you, Treppy. My daughter seems to be OK for now. I am glad to hear your son is on pause. But, this cult must be extinguished for the good of all the kids. And, then we need to make sure it is not forgotten.
There are some documentaries already. It is just that they are not widely viewed. If you comb through old PITTs you can find them. Here is one:
"AFFIRMATION GENERATION, an original documentary"
I think this needs to be turned into a mini-series like the one about NXIVM.
I hear you about legislation. Also, lawsuits are important.
And, people like Mutilation Lord Admiral Mengele Levine need to be out of a job - not serving in positions like US Assistant Health and Human Services Secretary.
Plus something has to be done about our Education Complex which promotes Gender Theology.
My bright, gifted, son with autistic traits, got derailed at university in NY at 18. He then dropped out of college. In his late 20s, he is now just trying to piece his life back together. He has a part-time job that isn't food-related or retail and he's a budding craftsman trying to keep afloat. He wants to go back to college for the same degree he left it for at 19, because, I believe, of this ideology and mental health issues. Scholarship wasted. Parents college savings wasted. I hope he can reclaim his life, his goals, and realize his dreams. I believe he can. He is trying, slowly, and he knows we love him.
My heart goes out to kids who are autistic in middle school on up. I am Austistic , although I was diagnosed way into adulthood. I felt like an Alien most of my childhood and really didn't even enjoy the company of my own peers, although of course I wanted friends. There were years that my main friends were my cats at home. I wished I could have stayed home and read and learn on my own. But then it wasn't an option. So in highschool, I decided to take the half day option - where I left at lunch time and then went to work in an an ice-cream shop. Even though in highschool the kids were kinder - I hated the sensory environment of school. Each day I left I felt this weight lift off of me - and a euphoric sense of Liberation- Hallelujah Free at last! Until I returned the next morning🙃
I often wonder why parents do not opt to homeschool their autistic children 12 on up. Most school districts have arrangements with online educational services where children can learn remotely. Speaking as an autistic person - school is a torture in ways BEYOND the social BS - our sensory symptoms are bombarded with loud bells, kids shouting, horrible overhead lighting that hums; we are either too cold or hot in class with no way to adjust the temperature. The type of kids mentioned in this article LOVE learning but going to school is LITERALLY torture for them. If you only knew how horrible an experience it is for these kids - you would be yanking them out of school Pronto. And now this Trans nonsense is even MORE reason to have kids homeschooling. And NO a child does NOT need to be supervised 24-7. At 12 on up - high functioning kids are fine alone. Make their lunch, do a face-time check up on them during your lunch time. And come home at dinner. They can still make friends through local homeschooling groups or through shared online activities, or through taking lessons - and having parents arrange meetings with friends they make through activities. But autistic kids for the most part PREFER to do their own thing on their own UNLESS they do have kind friends.
I now work as a Coach with autistic and adhd folks to improve their inner life experience and holistic health. Helping young people and asukrs- live a beautiful life in a world not set up for them is my mission.
Oh, I love your mission. That's a wonderful mission.