Wow: "Trans Activists Funded By Big Pharma Push Biased Research Promoting Medical Transitions For Children"


Arbor, Pfizer, Dr. Turban, AACAP, and the Trevor Project are all discussed!

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I've been thinking about this. In the 21st century in the Western World young people don't really need such an organization to be gay or straight. There is no monolithic anti-gay boogie man or at least to the extent that there are some people like that there are so many others now who are not... There are gay role models everywhere including Bari Weiss and Douglas Murray :)

So, maybe that is precisely why such organizations have been taken over by Trans Ideologues. It gives them a reason to persist. Clearly, Trevor Project people are groomers now and ought to be shut down. We are taking perfectly fine gay AND straight kids going through the normal trials of adolescence and instilling a problem. Adolescence is something everyone must go through in order to get out the other side to adulthood and we are encouraging these young people to be victims. Everyone wants to be a victim now or else they are one of the "bad guys" of society? That's a sickness in our society right now. Of course, the especially naive, brainy live-in-their-head types, or anyone with a condition like autism or even a different situation like being adopted or in foster care is especially vulnerable.

And then we have life long patients - victims again of Big Pharma and the medical industry. All good doctors & therapists should understand not to refer a young person to this project or any like them. The have more than "jumped the shark".

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This is horrific. Straight up grooming.

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Incredible and horrifying! How can this go on? This is nothing but brainwashing under the guise of "gender-affirming care". What a horrendous boondoggle is being perpetrated upon us all, and the victims are our children and grandchildren. God save us all.

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This is sick. I don’t know how these people are not punished for what they are doing.

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And it is so pervasive - not just the TP.

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Hey, the post is re-published here:


The story is very familiar to us and I don't think our daughter even interacted with the Trevor Project. The same thing was served up to her by others.

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I've been on Tumblr on and off over the years, and the older I get, the more I see this in that "my brain hasn't finished developing enough to think of long-term consequences" age group. I think a lot of girls are told "anal sex is OK!!!" treated like the odd one out if she's horrified or even just uncomfortable, taught how to put condoms on bananas, and these girls just decide that, "If this pornified culture's definition of 'woman' is what I'm going to grow up to be, I don't want that!!!" I wonder how many "ace" youth are truly ace and how many are just rejecting everything they've been taught about sex and sexuality, but, as noted in the post, being "cishet" is the "worst!" Some even use the term, "basic," to refer to it, as if it was a bad thing to be normal.

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When I read the chats between my child and the Trevor Project “counselor”, I was dumbfounded. Much of what is in this story-the “counselor” told our daughter her father and I are transphobic, talked to her about getting a binder-even offering to have one sent if we refused and encouraged her to hide things from us. If I hadn’t read it myself, I’m not sure I would have believed it. Her father and I are both mental health professionals. We were both actively referring kids and families to the Trevor Project website. Our daughter struggles with depression and anxiety. Puberty is miserable enough without mental health concerns. Not one word from the counselor about our daughter’s mental health history, how/when she started to understand gender orientation or sexuality. Between ages 11-12 she had already declared herself to be bi-sexual, lesbian, non-binary and trans.

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