I have only told my inner circle that my now 18 year old daughter is somehow convinced she is a boy. My daughter would claim I am embarrassed of her, but honestly it just feels too much. My wounds are raw from the last few years of her mental distress. I am in so much pain I cannot make a sound or I will be taken under.
I am so sorry for your pain. You are not alone. My daughter is now a woke radical raising my two grandsons. One, age nine, is now saying he is non-binary and wearing girl clothes. She has cut me out of her life and the grandkids lives because I asked her to have them wear sports coats to my 95 year old Normandy veteran Dad’s funeral. She said I would not be allowed
to tell her children what to wear. Now she has told the kids I do not accept them and as a result don’t love them. She is filled with rage and hate and I fear for the future of my grandsons. My heart is broken and I miss the kids, who always loved spending the night at grandpa’s house! She is now an atheist and can’t wait until the Boomer’s all die and the end of the “patriarchy.”
I pray for my grandsons and for my daughter’s heart to soften. she has robbed me and them of the experience of being together during the crucial years of their development! The Trans movement is based on lies and is hurting families all over America. It is satanic and yet, a big base of the Democrat Party and the Biden Administration. Nothing good will come from this and the kids are the innocents being harmed the most! To be happy you have to live a life of Truth and to have hope and confidence in this life, you need to trust in God. America seems to be coming apart before our eyes. God Bless you all!
I am so sorry! My son started this his Sr. year in high school. They had cross-dress days. Somewhere, somehow, he got sucked in to this. We, as parents, love our children, only want the best for them. But as parents, we also know that their going down this road is not right. My son was a handsome young man, full of life, love. Now, he dresses as a female, was castrated a year and a half ago (without my knowledge). It's a nightmare for all of us. We rely on medical personnel for proper guidance. They have led all of us astray.
My heart goes out to parents going through this. It's almost as if I want to give condolences although no one is dead, but identity and ego deaths can be so hard to navigate that it makes you wish physical death to escape the mental pain. Try sending this to her: at the least it will give her better context on the worst case scenario of exploring sexuality and letting it consume your reality:
I have two nieces that transitioned. One was thirty and married to a woman and the other when she was 15 and did it without telling her parents, my brother and his wife. She was aided by her hockey coach and my other gay brother.
My heart goes out to the parents in this story. I wish I had a way to ease your pain. I don't. I'm so sorry this is happening to you and to your daughter.
You feel like "walking on eggshells" is a typical feeling ascribed to people who have to deal with someone with borderline personality disorder. Today, we seem to have taken this out of therapy and into society. Nobody is whole on the inside. Neither are you and you know it and that is alright. You can live with that, so can your husband.
I enjoy reading that you talk to her frankly, but I also read in what you write, that you disgust certain things that are in her "aura", like the Anime and her male name. Identity is a process. You have to allow someone to find the center of attention and then work her way outward. But first she must be allowed to fall, fall into the ground, be one with who she is. This does not make much sense, when I write it, but I hope it makes some sense to you.
These kids live in a new world, that we adults simply do not know. Just like your parents did not know what it was like 100% all the time to be you in your teenage years or any time at all. It is the purely subjective stance, that is not to be owned by us. It is hers.
We can just be friends, guidelines, some mental propensity that works in her world, sometimes on the outside, but also on the inside. We are her conscience. We are her primary identity that was created before the "I" woke up. So you and me, as parents, we are already so deep inside our kids, that all we have to do is trust God and do what we think is morally right.
You must meditate. That is the only thing. Then you learn to be in your own center and love your girl without attachment. It is then that you can be stern and compassionate at the same time. Now you want to be honest but not hurtful. It is a silverlining, a most subtle layer where you cannot claim to have rights, but must fight for your sanity.
When she does something that upsets you, say so. Say so and let it be love. Let your words come from your self. Just like you are witnessing God, so you witness yourself.
Attract her into sanity be being sane yourself. Sounds mad and it is not a judgement. We need to be crazy to adjust to the daily struggle of life.
I do not know what more to write. I wish your family all the best and I am sure you will be fine.
My question is why do you continue to pay for all of this? When my daughter was having problems with drug addiction, I was told that the best thing I could do FOR HER was to not help facilitate her drug use. I told her that she always had a home and we would always love and support her, not the addiction. I see many parallels- good luck.
What a gut-wrenching read. The "experts" are taking something that is symptomatic of her underlying distress and encouraging it and probably praising it. I could feel your pain through the lines here. I really hope that sooner rather than later, we can look back on the current transgender craze in the USA like we would the Waco, TX cult or how crazy the Cuban people were for Fidel Castro when he started his rule in Cuba.
Shaving legs and armpits has nothing to do with being male or female. And girls burp too and play burping games. How anyone can think that doing what girl's were socialized NOT to do makes them a boy is beyond me! We ALL need to disarm these stereotypes so that children are no longer convinced they are in the wrong bodies!
I could not agree more. Somehow when I was a kid in the 70's and even a teen in the early 80's we were not as boxed in by the stereotypes, which are now polarized. You have to be Kim Kardashian (shudder) if you are female and Schwartzenegger if male. I was a product of the "Free to be You and Me" set which allowed me to wear toughskin jeans and my brother to cry. That seems to be out the window now. I do appreciate this generation's openness and tolerance of sexual orientation - it's been a long time in coming, but am saddened by them needing to label themselves and box themselves in in other ways.
This latest PITT story is yet another shocking truth & so are all the shared comments that follow. The mental toll this is taking on all of us has to be recognized. We are all living with so much pain & stress. I can’t reconcile this with the pain & suffering of our dysphoric family member. At this point, who’s pain is worse? And how on earth do we watch the world glibly enable this insanity through money, politics, medicine all in the name of inclusion?
All I can do is reiterate that so many of us parents have been through the same thing. If you still have a relationship with your daughter, and she hasn’t cut you off completely, then treasure that. Many of us have been cut off by our kids. There are hundreds of other parents and family members who can relate to your pain, right down to the changes in how your daughter sits and the way she’s learning to burp in order to pretend to be male. It’s not that those behaviors make a person female or male, it’s that traditionally feminine qualities and traits are so devalued and degraded now. Given the porn-saturated and social media-curated culture our girls and young women live in today, I have empathy for how our girls have bought into feeling afraid and ashamed of being seen as female. It’s really tragic.
Too many common factors. Too many coinsidences. Too many Lies, Too many mallicious people. It gets to the point where you feel everyones pain and useless to help.
I am so sorry for your pain. You are not alone. My daughter is now a woke radical raising my two grandsons. One, age nine, is now saying he is non-binary and wearing girl clothes. She has cut me out of her life and the grandkids lives because I asked her to have them wear sports coats to my 95 year old Normandy veteran Dad’s funeral. She said I would not be allowed
to tell her children what to wear. Now she has told the kids I do not accept them and as a result don’t love them. She is filled with rage and hate and I fear for the future of my grandsons. My heart is broken and I miss the kids, who always loved spending the night at grandpa’s house! She is now an atheist and can’t wait until the Boomer’s all die and the end of the “patriarchy.”
I pray for my grandsons and for my daughter’s heart to soften. she has robbed me and them of the experience of being together during the crucial years of their development! The Trans movement is based on lies and is hurting families all over America. It is satanic and yet, a big base of the Democrat Party and the Biden Administration. Nothing good will come from this and the kids are the innocents being harmed the most! To be happy you have to live a life of Truth and to have hope and confidence in this life, you need to trust in God. America seems to be coming apart before our eyes. God Bless you all!
I came across this recent video, and it very articulately explains a lot. Worth the time.
A great episode from The Reason We Learn with Deb, this answers the Mean Girl issue,
This might help prayers for you and your daughter.
I am so sorry! My son started this his Sr. year in high school. They had cross-dress days. Somewhere, somehow, he got sucked in to this. We, as parents, love our children, only want the best for them. But as parents, we also know that their going down this road is not right. My son was a handsome young man, full of life, love. Now, he dresses as a female, was castrated a year and a half ago (without my knowledge). It's a nightmare for all of us. We rely on medical personnel for proper guidance. They have led all of us astray.
My heart goes out to parents going through this. It's almost as if I want to give condolences although no one is dead, but identity and ego deaths can be so hard to navigate that it makes you wish physical death to escape the mental pain. Try sending this to her: at the least it will give her better context on the worst case scenario of exploring sexuality and letting it consume your reality:
Watch this video:
It explains a lot.
I have two nieces that transitioned. One was thirty and married to a woman and the other when she was 15 and did it without telling her parents, my brother and his wife. She was aided by her hockey coach and my other gay brother.
My heart goes out to the parents in this story. I wish I had a way to ease your pain. I don't. I'm so sorry this is happening to you and to your daughter.
There are a few things that stick out.
"I feel so bad for him."
"The nausea comes in waves. I feel sick."
You feel like "walking on eggshells" is a typical feeling ascribed to people who have to deal with someone with borderline personality disorder. Today, we seem to have taken this out of therapy and into society. Nobody is whole on the inside. Neither are you and you know it and that is alright. You can live with that, so can your husband.
I enjoy reading that you talk to her frankly, but I also read in what you write, that you disgust certain things that are in her "aura", like the Anime and her male name. Identity is a process. You have to allow someone to find the center of attention and then work her way outward. But first she must be allowed to fall, fall into the ground, be one with who she is. This does not make much sense, when I write it, but I hope it makes some sense to you.
These kids live in a new world, that we adults simply do not know. Just like your parents did not know what it was like 100% all the time to be you in your teenage years or any time at all. It is the purely subjective stance, that is not to be owned by us. It is hers.
We can just be friends, guidelines, some mental propensity that works in her world, sometimes on the outside, but also on the inside. We are her conscience. We are her primary identity that was created before the "I" woke up. So you and me, as parents, we are already so deep inside our kids, that all we have to do is trust God and do what we think is morally right.
You must meditate. That is the only thing. Then you learn to be in your own center and love your girl without attachment. It is then that you can be stern and compassionate at the same time. Now you want to be honest but not hurtful. It is a silverlining, a most subtle layer where you cannot claim to have rights, but must fight for your sanity.
When she does something that upsets you, say so. Say so and let it be love. Let your words come from your self. Just like you are witnessing God, so you witness yourself.
Attract her into sanity be being sane yourself. Sounds mad and it is not a judgement. We need to be crazy to adjust to the daily struggle of life.
I do not know what more to write. I wish your family all the best and I am sure you will be fine.
It is pure evil. Accountability is on our side.
My question is why do you continue to pay for all of this? When my daughter was having problems with drug addiction, I was told that the best thing I could do FOR HER was to not help facilitate her drug use. I told her that she always had a home and we would always love and support her, not the addiction. I see many parallels- good luck.
What a gut-wrenching read. The "experts" are taking something that is symptomatic of her underlying distress and encouraging it and probably praising it. I could feel your pain through the lines here. I really hope that sooner rather than later, we can look back on the current transgender craze in the USA like we would the Waco, TX cult or how crazy the Cuban people were for Fidel Castro when he started his rule in Cuba.
Shaving legs and armpits has nothing to do with being male or female. And girls burp too and play burping games. How anyone can think that doing what girl's were socialized NOT to do makes them a boy is beyond me! We ALL need to disarm these stereotypes so that children are no longer convinced they are in the wrong bodies!
I could not agree more. Somehow when I was a kid in the 70's and even a teen in the early 80's we were not as boxed in by the stereotypes, which are now polarized. You have to be Kim Kardashian (shudder) if you are female and Schwartzenegger if male. I was a product of the "Free to be You and Me" set which allowed me to wear toughskin jeans and my brother to cry. That seems to be out the window now. I do appreciate this generation's openness and tolerance of sexual orientation - it's been a long time in coming, but am saddened by them needing to label themselves and box themselves in in other ways.
This latest PITT story is yet another shocking truth & so are all the shared comments that follow. The mental toll this is taking on all of us has to be recognized. We are all living with so much pain & stress. I can’t reconcile this with the pain & suffering of our dysphoric family member. At this point, who’s pain is worse? And how on earth do we watch the world glibly enable this insanity through money, politics, medicine all in the name of inclusion?
All I can do is reiterate that so many of us parents have been through the same thing. If you still have a relationship with your daughter, and she hasn’t cut you off completely, then treasure that. Many of us have been cut off by our kids. There are hundreds of other parents and family members who can relate to your pain, right down to the changes in how your daughter sits and the way she’s learning to burp in order to pretend to be male. It’s not that those behaviors make a person female or male, it’s that traditionally feminine qualities and traits are so devalued and degraded now. Given the porn-saturated and social media-curated culture our girls and young women live in today, I have empathy for how our girls have bought into feeling afraid and ashamed of being seen as female. It’s really tragic.
This is eerily like my story of my 20 year old daughter. So much grief and sadness and loss. Self harm, anorexia treatment centers, all the same.
Too many common factors. Too many coinsidences. Too many Lies, Too many mallicious people. It gets to the point where you feel everyones pain and useless to help.