Thank you very much to the author. I have read this countless times now. The last paragraph is devastating. But this is how my family’s story ends as well.

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I can feel your heartbreak. I am so sorry for your loss. Sending you and your entire family love <3

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Beautifully written, superbly eloquent and succinct with its presentation. The allegory gets your point across without any effort on the part of the learner. Thank you.

Made me realize something about my own past too which was unrelated to the topic, that was cool.

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Very powerful and just heartbreaking. I truly hope that your daughter returns to you one day so that you, the people who love her most and know her best, can heal.

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Oh God, this is sad. This is true and this is EXACTLY how it feels. This has made me sob, I can barely see what I am writing. Dear mother who wrote this, you should make this widely public. Its beautifully written and all too real 💔🥺🙏💔

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This hurts.

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I am sorry to hear about your daughter. They are right when they say that if you do not accept her as she wants to be, you will lose her. She will die for you, as she left without a trace. This is evil. There is nothing you can do and with that they, the wolves have power over you. That is what they want.

They don't care about your daughter, just their false ideology.

For her, there is no way back. It's like a cult that now the whole nation seems to have accepted.

My condolences.

Now, having said that, let's examine where your personal journey started. The heroes journey is a metaphor. It is a way to tell stories. They tell stories too. You are a better writer. Your article is excellent. In schools students should not just read the pornographic woke literature that speaks about post-modern ideals. You should be read too. I am going to show your article to my 17 year old daughter. She may recognize some of what you describe and I think many young people will feel for you, when they get to consume the perspective of the other side.

I wish you all the best and I hope for God's sake, that the story of your family will find closure.

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Thank you for this story that gives words and images to the pain so many of us our feeling. We feel the pain in our stomachs, and moms, also in our breasts, the things your daughters (mine is a son) so despise. They probably don't know that when they were infants, they cried and our breasts would ache and fill so that we would feed them. As we nursed them, we were flooded with feelings of love, protectiveness and gratitude, just as nature intended. I know there have been times when breastfeeding was out of fashion and moms and babies still bonded just fine, but it breaks my heart that these girls will never experience this particular kind of closeness. They will literally have numbness instead. Why isn't this taught in sex ed instead of gender identity? How has our society come to hate nature?

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Thank you for sharing such painful, powerful, personal testimony to the sheer evil of the Gender Cult.

Those in positions of authority and power who have advanced this madness while facilitating its victimization of families and children have never been right.about anything. So maybe they're also wrong in their blithe certitude that Hell does not exist. If it does, they've earned a one-way ticket.

I hope it's not out of place to mention a huge and still unfolding development on this front. After some high drama at Twitter, its owner, Elon Musk, greenlighted the free showing on his platform of my son Matt's landmark documentary, What Is A Woman, which exposes the Gender Cult and the fake "experts" promoting it. The movie also highlights some personal stories of victims, to include a Dad in Canada whose experience mirrors some of those reported here.

In fact, Elon used his personal Twitter feed to recommend the film to parents and link to the Daily Wire's site where it's available for free all this weekend. The response has been insane: over 120 million views worldwide and still climbing fast.

I'd like to think this may be a sign that the tide is turning. However, the bad guys still have so much power and control. They still run the media. They still run the government. They still run the culture. But who knows. Anything is possible. The overwhelming and ongoing public response to this documentary suggests that people by the tens of millions know they're being lied to.

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Why do we continue allowing our kids to be indoctrinated into this cult. We need to be strong and remove the poison apple …the cell phone and internet. Technology brings on this curse and perpetuates it. We can do this parents. Remove the phone and I swear it can be different. It is not too late to be a firm but caring parent by saying NO.

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Remember that many of us have ‘kids’ who are older and go away to college and we don’t have the ability to control what they do and don’t do online.

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This is definitely true, but for those of us who still have younger kids, this is essential. Take them out of public school, take away their phones, take away unrestricted internet use. The fate of our kids is worth the sacrifice.

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Agreed and understood. For those who still have kids at home or are paying for the kids cellphone this is the time to end this addictive, indoctrinating device.

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Since the males who are no longer intact will need hormones forever, whoever controls the supply of hormones will control the mutilati. Sounds like sci fi.

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Thank you for this painful and all too familiar account of a family's disintegration. We all know the feelings of devastation, but try to "keep the porch light on" -- for the day when she turns back to you. I believe all those years of bedtime stories, walks in nature, karaoke, and family love are still lodged somewhere inside their brains. As they mature, I think there is still a chance they will come to their senses -- albeit with damaged bodies.

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Gosh. What a powerful piece . Thank you . Eloquent and heart breaking and a powerful metaphor. You’ve remained strong, and your hearth is still burning for her return . Sending much love and may God bless you with reserves of strength.

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Just an FYI for parents from Genspect tomorrow. https://stellaomalley.substack.com/p/reminder-zoom-webinar-what-parents?

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Wow! So sad and beautifully written. Who lied to you? Be very careful with social media but even more so your children's schooling. All day, five days a week with people lying to your children. My son just started a community college course. Horrific brainwashing and grey, blurry, confusing stories brought to you by none other than the NIH and CDC to help convince your child that the lies are truth..why shouldn't they believe the CDC, right? If you are not having discussions with your children to OFFSET this brainwashing you will end up with a child you do not recognize anymore. I am considering switching to GCU for the remainder of his classes. Yes, it is that bad...he is showing me what they are trying to do by bombarding him with lies to convince him what he sees isn't the truth and what they tell him is. BEWARE!!!

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