Bravo! I support your positive decision to let go, to love yourself, and to not allow this trans-cult poison to influence your thinking. Breaking away is healing. You are a good mom, and you are not to blame for the brainwashing that was done to your child. I hope that 2025 brings you much peace. Good job!

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Soooooo soooooo needed this today thank u thank u THANK U!!!! I hadn't seen my college age son (missing out on all of his college experience) for 6 months even tho he promised he would come over. We had always had a wonderful relationship until this CULT!!!! 😡😡😡 Past 2 years have been heart shredding and tough on my marriage (his step dad who has been more than just a step dad for 13 yrs of his life). I finally went to his dad's house where he is staying on college break and sat on the porch for an hour until he finally came out and faced me. Nothing was mended. But I was able to make him face me and my tears. He's on female hormones so I'm sure he is completely messed up inside. I am finally learning to not blame myself and parent my 11 yr old daughter who is still at home. I can only pray she doesn't fall into this same diabolical darkness. I am helpless to help him but I still love him with everything in me, and I told him that. Still trying to wrap my head around him lying about so many things now when he was NEVER a liar. It's almost like he is a completely different person than who I raised. Should I clean out his room that he will not come home to? Hugs to everyone going thru this nightmare u are helping me so much, as well as family and friends and therapy.

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I needed this! My son traveled, supposedly, with his lesbian girlfriend to be with her family - he did this last year when I was diagnosed with cancer. Didn't come home to me cause I didn't pay for his castration. Anyway, they got married. I got a text saying "they were legal". Then I find out that he has another woman in AZ calling him her daughter.

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So sorry Dee. My heart breaks for you

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Amen and said perfectly. I, too, know that I loved my son endlessly, still do, despite the separation he chose and alienation from me and his dad. I don't let his insanity control my life either. We all deserve to continue living the best we can, like you said knowing it is out of our control and nothing we did in the past, and nothing we can do to change it.

As always, prayers for all parents going through this and my sincerest hope for all for a better future with these lost souls. I wish they would all return.

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Thank you! We are similar. Hugs to you. Stay strong and keep praying!

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Fantastic, a Nietschean super woman!

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Your attitude is right on

I'm in awe of your emotional strength and deep love for your son

You are indeed an amazing mom and you deserve the best life has to offer

Everyone makes mistakes and has disagreements. That's called being human.

But no amount of it can legitimate the sadistic trans vitriol thrown at you.

It's my prayer that your son will desist, my strong belief that he eventually will and a relationship can be rebuild slowly if it's your wish.

In the meantime, I wish you a wonderful new year, receiving the love and the respect you deserve and giving to others the abundance of love in your ❤️

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Helene thanks for responding. I needed to hear your words of wisdom. I decided to stop and my sons and daughter in laws yesterday with a beautiful plant. Ran door bell 3 times and no answer. Went to garage and I know the code so I opened the door and both cars were in garage, knocked on door 3 times and they ignored me. Left plant and shut door and walked away.

Sent a text 2 hours later, saying I don’t understand why they are ignoring me. But I’ll keep praying the Dear Lord works on their hearts as their family loves them and missing them. A mother knew forgets her child. Love mom. They haven’t responded so I continue to pray. Hate the cult. Wish they’d see the light.

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I waited on my son's dad's porch for an hour. Hugs.

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I'm so terribly sorry.

That's so horribly nasty

Shame on them

They are not the people you knew. Their mind is not their own. They have been captured by an evil demonic deception that turns its victims into cruel, vicious, arrogant and self righteous trolls.

Your beautiful gift of unconditional love was a symbol of life.

Their response was one of inner death. Your hope is not vain as the angel Gabriel said to Mary, nothing is impossible to God.

I believe they'll wake up of their trans living death. In the meantime, you don't have to subject yourself to the abject emotional abuse of their willful indifference. Surround yourself with people who are receptive to your love and are capable of reciprocating. Pray for them and then leave it to God who is watching over you and doesn't miss a beat in every single 's person's life. The One who gives every person their every breath doesn't sleep and doesn't tire. But we do. Don't wait for them.

Choose happiness and peace. Joy and serenity in the midst of adversity and suffering are magnetic traits. They attract. Big time. Especially those who fake freedom and stability and whose entire lives are one big not-so-subtle masquerade.

My prayers are with you

PS just a yearly reminder that you are the sane one in the story in case you would ever doubt

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The Serenity Prayer:

May I have the strength to change the things I can,

the willingness to ignore the things I cannot change, and

the wisdom to know the difference.

This is also a Stoic belief, and is part of Buddhism.

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I am trying to find wisdom amid my relentless nightmarish ambiguous loss of my son, but it's elusive, dare I say not possible, to ignore my broken heart.

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Of course. I have nothing but sympathy. Although my son is not in this cult, he has destructive beliefs of his own, and is mired in a directionless existence. I reach out and get little back.

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Thank you so much for expressing what so many of us are experiencing. My daughter is also caught up in this difficult situation, and I’m working on setting boundaries while not allowing her actions to mistreat or define me. What has been truly helpful for me is channeling all the love I have into supporting other young people who are far from their families, as I live in a college town. I lead a group of young dancers and teach tango in our community, which has been a healing and fulfilling way to connect and give back. May the love we show ourselves and others continue to inspire and motivate us all to keep moving forward.

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It’s so sad that we have to remind ourselves of this. What a horrible, unnecessary waste.

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Thank you for your thoughts. It has taken me 3 years of this to come to that place and love myself again. Peace to you and prayers for your son and mine. We are in the same boat just different paddles. Take care

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You write about you, and about me, and about many of us. In so doing, you help make me stronger. Thank you

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We all need to read this inspiring story - every day, if necessary. I love this passage:

"Until then, my child still lives within my heart, but no longer controls my mind. I refuse to accept the altered reality he resides in, nor will I allow him to alter my memories of him and/or my parenting. I am a great mom (not perfect). I am a great mom who deserves to love herself and is worthy of being loved by others."

Yes. Bravo. I'm working on doing this same thing.

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Yes this resonated with me too, a dad...

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Know thw feeling

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I am entering this phase myself. It helps that my daughter finally moved out of home a few months ago so I’m not faced with her changes on a daily basis. She is figuring out life now outside our influence. I text her a few times a week. Sometimes she does not respond but I will keep that line open for as long as I can.

Thank you for the beautiful and hopefully writing.

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