Psalms to break evil strongholds will help us to develop spiritually strong walls against every flood of evil thoughts rising against God's will and purposes for our life. Daily usage of Psalms 71, 25, 28, 3, 34, and 54 will ensure that we break away from every evil pattern in our life that the devil and his cohorts have been using to tie us down from enjoying the fullness of God's blessings in our life, especially as we adjust our daily living to align with the word of God. God bless you all as you listen.

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As a believer, this is frighteningly accurate.

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The devil did grin

For his darling sin

Is pride that apes humility

~S. T. Coleridge

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Evil is in plain sight. It doesn't need to hide when it has the support of the media, our schools, our medical providers, and our government.

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This is spot on! I wish you could make this kind of info go viral on tic toc or instagram. One of my biggest wishes is that kids who get sucked down the trans rabbit hole on the social media sites get fed some of this truth. I wish somehow that someone could break into the algorithms and these kids get fed some truth (or a lot of truth). I just don’t know how to do it (need some cleaver technology person to do the right memes). Right now they are bombarded with lies from the father of lies.

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What a stark and exact summary of this diabolical program. as a psychologist, I have a long been ashamed of my profession for acquiescing to this agenda. Heads in the sand.

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I just wish I could get the cocksure idiots on CNN and MSNBC to read this. It might just open a few minds to reality.

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Thanks for this, brilliant piece.

I was a lapsed Christian for decades but returned to the faith when I saw what was happening to my son and what these monsters are doing and I realised that SATAN IS REAL.

This thing is pure evil and the existence of devilish forces was the only way I could make sense of the evil behaviour by some, and the indifference or collusion on the part of most of the rest!

The Christian idea that we are all fallen is playing out in real time. People just carry on with their lives, or stare uncomprehendingly while children and youths are literally mutilated before their eyes.

I fight this in the real world, but I also pray hard everyday, it is the only way I can cope with the grievous bodily harm being done to my beautiful, autistic, mentally ill son.

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My son‘s principal groomer was an open Satanist and follower of Anton McVey.

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“On every side the wicked prowl, as vileness is exalted among the children of man.”

‭‭Psalm‬ ‭12‬:‭8‬ ‭ESV‬‬

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Definitely from the devil .

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I agree with others who liken this wonderful essay to C. S. Lewis’s Screwtape Letters. The devils there, Screwtape and Wormwood, were diabolical and hiding in plain sight, just as today’s medical “professionals” are openly practicing a diabolical form of “healthcare” and receiving accolades for it - - not to forget a bunch of cash. So, my prayers are with the Supreme Court justices today; I am asking God to give the Justices eyes to see and ears to hear what’s really going on so that they can firmly repudiate the horrors currently masquerading as “gender affirming care” for our youth.

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This cult is the most dangerous idea for our children and future. They will all be left without body parts or important hormones forever. So sad.

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This is a textbook scenario I believe most of here could repeat in our own circumstance with a loved one. It mirrors the exact process, step by step.

As the parent of a trans son who immediately started disowning his family when he started his transition and has done so completely now, I have to ask when is the psychiatric community going to be held liable for supporting this ideology and even encouraging it? When are the medical professionals supporting these cross sex hormones and monstrous surgeries going to be held liable? How many children and adults will have their lives completely ruined by this ideology, physically and mentally?

I lost a kind, sweet, gentle soul of a son, who loved his parents and his entire family, who is now a mean, awful trans activist who hates everyone. But especially his parents who don't buy this persona and any relative who feels the same. Not one relative has been other than kind to him, but because we do not encourage it and he knows we don't approve, he hates us.

There is good and evil in this world, and I am a firm believer this whole movement is an evil force. No one can change my mind. If you're a believer, pray hard for these people and their families. Pray for our nation, heck, the entire world that is currently in a chaos like I have never seen in all my years.

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Agreed it is 100% evil. So, so sorry about your son. Mine hasn't fully estranged so far but medicalising while we watch helplessly as he is an "adult." Most of them seem to be kind, sweet and gentle. Is yours autistic?

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No he isn't, but was diagnosed with mild ADD as an adult. He's 42, transitioned officially at 40. We had no clue, it was like a bomb dropped on us. There was never anything growing up or even as a young adult that indicated he had issues. I feel for you, and am so sorry for you as well.

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You forgot the conclusion: "There’s one final thing I want…your soul."

That's the goal here. It's been the goal since the Garden. Atomize people. Destroy familial love since it mirrors divine love. Separate people from love of each other to separate them from the love of the God. Satiate their senses to distract them from what they've lost. And then wait.

I respect that many here come from a variety of spiritual traditions, but this recipe would be seen as evil by almost every major religion in the world.

For those in the Abrahamic traditions, Satan's original sin was placing his own desires before God's. That's called Pride.

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