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A lot of evildoers out there and some with no backbone! My birth country sounds like the worst place to live with Trudeau running it into the ground and legalizing hard drugs. Wouldn't you know it, Australia has followed suit and legalized hard drugs. God help us, and when Christ returns, it should be interesting!

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It should also be acknowledged that many of the most forceful proponents of gender identity in schools are often single and childless. The maternal instinct becomes mimetic to compensate for the genetic hole.

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Although you're in Canada, the exact same things are happening in Washington state!

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And sadly, Australia & Germany.

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I know you are in Canada but wondered if you had seen this?


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I don't know anyone that wasn't confused during their teen years. NOT one person. I am so sorry for your plight and that of others that have to sit by while the powers that be change the entire course of not only your family but the whole world.

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The media is disgracefully culpable in the rise of gender ideology. People will always fall for dangerous new fads and be lured into corrupt practices, it’s the job of the media to objectively investigate and explain what’s going on. In this case they’ve been utterly complicit in harming kids and stripping away women’s rights.

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We have to form our owns organization and groups too. Here in USA Dr Miriam Grossman, a psychiatrist is doing a lot and fighting back the system, maybe you want to reach to her. And Pray and pray and pray because these are demons working underline as predators and we have to treat them as what they are, not mercy but under the commandments of our Lord always not by ourselves.

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Yes, I've been in touch with her. She's doing good work.

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Aug 9, 2023·edited Aug 9, 2023

Public education is a huge part of the problem. I pulled my son 2 years ago after girls were dressing in down to binders and underwear in the BOYS locker room next to my 13 year old in his boxers. A group of boys went to the teacher to say they were uncomfortable and she told them they are boys and will be sent to the office if they have anything more to say about it. Pull your kids. It is scary to do. Sacrifice and make the jump for them. I now wish I would have done it sooner. My family member was captured at the University by the way. Horrible.

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Good for you for not letting that continue. That is just crazy how everyone else has to be made completely uncomfortable and put into wholly inappropriate situations so that 1 or a few feel more comfortable.

The boys knew/know there was something wrong happening there and they were/are forced to go along with it.

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Much the same happened in the UK to both my daughters: the sadistic school nurse, form tutor, staff, and social services that left my youngest daughter with her schizophrenic 19 year old sister only because the latter identifies as trans. I was also violently repressed as transphobe and other unproven crimes which police didn't charge me for.

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Sounds like a nightmare. Hope you are through to the other side. Perhaps you can write your story and submit.

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I did, just waiting for it to appear. Thank you.

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Wow! I can’t believe what has happened to Canada! I always thought it was an amazing, awesome country-I’ve obviously missed something. Have you been infiltrated by Aliens from another Galaxy? Why have your government and public officials, universities, schools and preschools become so anti-human? Why destroy the health and future of your youth and ultimately your population? China is in serious decline demographically and it looks like Canada is heading the same way. What are they thinking? Human beings create societies, countries, infrastructure, food, culture, art. We have nothing without our children renewing the future for themselves and us. Good Luck Canada you’re going to need it.

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Still a great country day-to-day but our Liberal government has aggressively pushed everything so far left that people are starting to push back. The over-correction probably won't be pretty, and that will be sad as well.

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I’m sorry you had to experience multiple betrayals! I’m practicing psychotherapy in Ontario and it’s absolute madness what is happening to my profession. There is a better chance to find a private practitioner who practices good old neutral therapy but institutions are gone.

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I feel like I should be wearing one of the Truman Show buttons that asks “how does it end?” Aren’t we at a breaking point yet? The pendulum must swing back.....

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infuriates me to a point of such internal rage that i have to suppress as there is nowhere to turn. That last point with the quotes beggars belief. What the actual f***!!??? How can ANYONE with a brain cell NOT SEE that this is absolutely INSANE, complete madness, total indoctrination, totalitarianism, Tyranical, shameful, nonsensical, twisted and dystopian... all this shows without a shadow of doubt that to endorse this level of insanity void of logic and reason and facts, PROVES it's corruption to the 1st degree. Who will be held accountable??? When will this madness end???? We have to speak up!!! We cannot stop fighting!! It's completely insane.... what a sad world this has become 💔

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They are all hoping someone other than themselves end up taking the blame. The whole thing will be denied and buried under the "time will heal" piece of s*t advice. I am also absolutely furious.

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Shocking. Horrible. Unfair. Evil. I am sad you have had to deal with all these people who claim to be professionals - they are all guilty of brainwashing your child and destroying your family. I shake my head in disbelief that these “experts” are encouraging this facade and that you are being punished for not playing along with their sick ideology. Your daughter will end up paying the ultimate price. This trans-cult is breaking the hearts of decent, loving parents who are being accused of harming their own children by not affirming a lie. My own sister has lost her son to this cult and he has “no contact”with them as he has been made to believe his parents want to harm him - when all they ever wanted to do was to protect him. Just like you, and all the other parents connected thru this site - we are bound by the saddest unimaginable reality: our children are being taken away from us. I hate it! I am so angry sometimes and I feel so helpless at other times. Thank you for sharing - unfortunately you are not alone, but fortunately we have each other.

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While there is a huge profit to be made from "gender clinics" in the U.S., Canada's system (as you likely know) is not the same. So that angle doesn't seem to fit for Canada. Like Biden, Trudeau is completely captured with this cult, as are so many Liberals. Here are links to Canadian detransitioners. If you're on Twitter, you can also follow detransitioner Duchess Lois (Lois Cardinal), an Alberta man who took cross-sex hormones and had genital surgeries. He talks extensively about the terrible complications he suffered. He actually applied for MAID, assistance in dying, because of his continued suffering. It seems he has decided not to pursue this. He has just set up a Gofundme account to represent himself at the next PRIDE parade with a non-trans flag. See link below.


Story from 2021 about another Canadian detransitioner, referred to as "D" by her mom in this article.


Two stories about Michelle Z:



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Those clinics gotta buy those drugs, etc somewhere. Easy money, even if it comes from the gov't.

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