Treating a child like an adult, and allowing them to make Adult decisions - is child abuse

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"creating lifelong customers of the biggest industries in the nation." This. This is exactly it. 'Gender affirming care' has become a massive industry, companies are falling over themselves to use trans people in their advertising to demonstrate how 'inclusive' they are, big pharma loves the sudden skyrocketing demand for cross-sex hormones.

Follow the money. It's always about the money, the reputation building, the chance to be the 'medical expert' in a field - all at the cost of our precious, irreplaceable children.

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It’s the only piece of history I have to relate it to. The Medical “profession” has a lot to answer for.

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I read that no studies are happening and it's business as usual. I wish I could remember where I read it. It is very encouraging that Springer published this article on detransitioners' however (looking for light wherever I can find it). https://link.springer.com/article/10.1007/s10508-023-02716-1

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Today, I am reading 137 comments and it would be so great if Ohio could get 100 proponent testimonies for HB68, The Ohio Safe Act and Save Women's Sports Act. These two have been combined and there is testimony Tuesday, so they need submission by Monday. Your testimony can be written and sent using a pen name to protect your identity. Please consider doing this!

Here is the bill and past hearings: https://ohiohouse.gov/committees/public-health-policy/bills/hb68

Here is the current committee: https://ohiosenate.gov/committees/government-oversight

Watch the hearing here: https://ohiochannel.org/video/ohio-senate-government-oversight-committee-11-28-2023

Need help? Visit www.CardinalSupportNetwork.com

Submissions can be sent directly to: nilanijawahar@ccv.org

Thank you. As you can see, the opposition is full of parents transitioning their own kids that are making money off of being affirming therapists, plus we have 6 gender clinics in Ohio freaking out that power will be given to detransitioners for malpractice. Thanks!

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Thank you for voicing these questions, some if which are my own... gone unheard, unanswered, unsupported. I know I am not alone. I know I am not crazy. I know that speaking up is necessary.

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100% correct. What can we do? That’s the question that really needs to be worked on.

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dentons report "only adults" reveals a lot. it shows from the start gender ideology is a carefully crafted campaign to erase child safeguarding which cant be done without a full attack on parents

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You are right on point. Sadly, it's purposeful. For most of my life I did not believe in the existence of evil. Only in the past few years have I been exposed to what should be the unmentionable. Unadulterated evil in action (with an increased speed).

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I suspect all of us reading these questions already agree on nearly 100% of the answers that common sense would dictate. Unfortunately, in the world of incentives (money, power, votes), common sense is not usually the deciding factor.

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I just despair of humanity at this moment in time when evil seems to be flourishing everywhere ! All we can do is keep truth reality and decency at the forefront of our minds and resist society's attempts to corrupt us !! I pray to God that I live long enough to see a return to sanity and common sense and to see this demonic cult vanquished forever !! Keep the Faith 🙏🙏🙏🇬🇧🇮🇱

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Keep bringing the perspective on medicalization of adolescent mental and/or emotional conditions or just good ol' puberty. This modern-day lobotomy frenzy isn't going to end unless and until enough people confront the insanity.

Doctors can spot true hermaphroditism. An adult of sound mind that wants to change their body, let them at it. Slicing up and bombing kids with unnatural hormones - nope.

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So many questions. So many seemingly normal people out there straining logic to try and say the 'correct' PC thing that won't invite The Trans-affirming Mob to try and destroy them.

Watched a very popular podcast the other day and the interviewee said he had an experience with a production company about whether or not the company would work with his more conservative-minded company. The rep for the other company said, 'we have no problem with your conservative stance on Gun Control, or Abortion, or Border Control. That's all fine with us. But you have to drop all criticism of Trans.'


Hearing that was deeply chilling for me. I used to think Abortion was the Most Controversial of all topics. But no. Abortion pales in comparison to the supreme importance of Trans in these extremely strange and disturbing days we are living through.

I am such a single issue voter on this. I will ONLY consider voting for political candidates who denounce Trans.

We all know Trans is a giant raft of lies. But slowly people are waking up. And I think once people are awakened by this most disturbing of issues, they STAY awakened. And they STAY focused on it. I know I have. I think it was the start of the pandemic when I started Galileo's Middle Finger by Alice Dreger. That started me down this massive rabbit hole on Trans, it's been 3.5 years and I'm still very focused on it.

I keep thinking I want to start a sticker campaign, maybe a simple message like:

'Autogynephilia: google it. And brace yourself.'

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Yes! Do it! I want that sticker!!

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I keep reading that the tide is turning, but in England, since they stopped offering puberty blockers “except in study settings,” the number of kids obtaining PBs has increased, not decreased. Is the tide really starting to turn, or is it just wishful thinking?

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The term “except in study settings” means that now there is a record of the numbers taking puberty blockers and somebody somewhere might say they are doing some research. Could be true, but I lost the ability to trust pharmaceutical companies to do unbiased research. Where are these “study settings? “ We will not be told anything but lies and more lies.

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I wonder the same myself. I don't see much changing. We still need to work very very hard.

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Yeah I don't want to peddle false hope, and I don't want to say anything that could be seen as leaning towards complacency. I do have hope though. Our side is still growing in strength. Part of me believes that the evil actors focusing on *cough* 'expanding children's rights' secretly are hungry for War. Either that, or they actually have no idea how you can profoundly radicalize parents against trans madness when you threaten the well being of their living legacies.

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Yes Will that’s it. My child is my contribution to the continuity of the human race and these forces are trying to steal that from her and all of us Parents.

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Well said!

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Tough questions. The answers are simple, but no one wants to listen to the truth. Allowing any child to have unsupervised access to anything is dangerous. Allowing a child to have their own way is setting up a serious negative outcome. Allowing a child to make adult decisions is why we are in this horrible trans-cult nightmare. Too many adults who are in an authoritarian position are taking advantage of the system, flaunting their power, and controlling the lives of other people's children. How did we get here? We need to take back our power as a parent, grandparent, aunt or uncle to rescue and save these children. God help us. Please.

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These are all good questions but how did we get to the point where it is even necessary to ask them? What a dire situation! Why isn't the whole world exercised about it?

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“Does it actually cause trauma and harm to not give a child what they want when they want it?”

At age 12, my son started to believe that not being given what he wanted when he wanted it constituted abuse. He said it was parents’ job to make their kid happy. I was sure this kind of thinking would pass by age 13 or 14 and his formerly wonderful personality would be restored. You can guess the rest.

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My daughter started with the depression/suicide crap when I would have to occasionally punish her. I kindly told her that she wasn't depressed.....she was upset that she had to suffer consequences for her bad behavior

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That was a good response. When my daughter was depressed I failed to see that the reason might have been the school was punishing her for bad behaviour. As the school was not telling me much, I had to guess. Might have been bullying. She did not tell me why. The psychiatrist just said there were “dark thoughts”. I found out she had been watching horror movies at her friend’s house. That friend was a big influence. When my daughter left home to stay with this friend, the mother and social worker were on their side. I remember my anger well. This friend supported gender fluidity. The mother had known about my daughter cutting her arms and had never told me!

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See! This is another aspect of what ethical, moral, loving parents have to deal with: useless activist parents who undermine us deliberately.

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My mother said that a parent's job is to raise adults. Sadly, most parents are raising children who never become adults.

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