Prayers that the enemy of her soul and body won't destroy either but she will bow before the King of Kings who created her to be the wild warrior than she can still be .

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What thoughtful advice you give for others. Perhaps it will resonate with even one of these troubled young people. It’s shocking how powerful this is. I still can’t get over how it triumphs absolutely everything. Healthy bodies turned into sick bodies, insane. And in your case, a beautiful body. I think I’ve heard it all now. Sorry for your pain

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Please don't blame yourself for the outcome. We parents of transID kids (myself included) often look back and think we could have prevented this, if we had just done this or that differently.

It is not so. This evil, wicked thing is so big, so well funded, so entrenched in society, that parents have an uphill battle to save their kids. We need to be kind to ourselves, and blame the evil forces which have infiltrated society, rather than ourselves. This is easier said that done though, as I know very well.!

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Yes, I blame myself sometime for what is happening to my daughter. What did I do while I was pregnant with her? What did I do wrong while raising her from an infant to now? Was it my fault we moved (I was active duty, military) when she was barely four years old? Did I choose the right school for her? Did I choose the right counselor when she was 17 when this whole madness/her depression started? Looking back now, I don’t have a good feeling about that counselor. She started this craziness, I believe; fueled the fire!

Lots of questions in my mind. I could’ve done better, etc.

This whole situation has been heartbreaking and devastating!

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Thank you 🙏🏼

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Too right. It seems to me that this evil movement has set out to destroy the female body ,especially our reproductive capacity, and , what's even more mystifying, is that so many women are supporting this and even celebrating young girls having double mastectomies !! None of this is the parents fault ,excepting those parents ,espevially mums ,who deliberately trans their own child for " clicks " and "likes "!! That is pure EVIL. My heart goes out to you and everyone caught up in this mess and I long for the day when the proponents ,supporters and enablers of it get their comeuppance !!God Bless x

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Does anyone else ever get the feeling they’re screaming at us without verbalising it? They seem so angry!🤦‍♀️

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I woke up this morning wondering if my TI daughter who is 19 (and announced her transness at 171/2) was ever SA as I have just found out that a male family member (by marriage) has recently assaulted a female cousin (my neice). This has horrified me and I wonder how prevalent this is with young women.

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I know my daughter was treated badly by men. My husband had his own issues but it was mainly online and in school where she became radicalized. Between the porn online, the Epstein insanity, the boys being aggressive, the censorship of dissent, the propaganda, the insane doctors teachers … her depression, and her autism, Then she brought it home and tortured us. She’s fully indoctrinated.

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I would call the place where she is getting T from and ask them if the will pay for all the damage done to your daughter when this whole thing comes crashing down!?

My son bought the stuff illegally online so I have no-one to call, but I've called a friends daughter Dr and warned them we will come after them for recompensation one day and I called the state run "benevolent" counselling program that pushed him firther down this path and told them if they realize they are training the gay away and pushing a religious agenda on kids who just need someone to hold space for them while they are going through a mental health issue. They freaked out, the guy on the phone had never ever considered this (he was gay so I appealed to that)...

If its in your power and you k ow what Dr etc she has been seeing, maybe call around and warn them.

Get her off T and she would wake up quickly. It's basically a drug, it's what will continue the male thinking.

Oh my dear friend, whatever comes of this, I am so so sorry. I pray your daughter wakes up. This is a rough ride... I know all too well... and it's terribly frightening and depressing and dystopian and nefarious. My heart goes out to you, be kind to yourself. ❤🥺

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It is banned in sports because it is a drug. Barry Bonds and Roger Clemens and the East German women's Olympic teams will never live it down.

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And then there’s the IOC letting XY’s into women’s sports. Nightmare

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If we were able to read the future - we could still get things wrong. I think you are right that it is important to give a balanced appreciation of our children's bodies. But honestly I think a lot of this is a combination of peer influence and the disembodiment of the culture. Where people are externalitizing their consciousness onto screens.

I think getting kids into activities where they learn to connect and value their bodies is more important than ever. Sports, dance, hiking, yoga, Meditation. Time in nature and with animals. Encourage solitary talent development like drawing or playing an instrument or singing. Acting is also a great activity that teaches kids that one can BE any number of people without having to actually change one's body.

If we show and teach children the joy of living a healthy life in a healthy body - making huge changes to it - would seems more weird than normal.

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I agree with everything you have said and my daughter did gymnastics, learned piano, dancing and acting, is a decent snow skier, has pet dogs, lots of friends, a “normal” nuclear family (Dad, Mum and an older sister). Having said all that she is now 19 (18 months since the “announcement”) has still turned to the Transgender Ideology and is currently taking testosterone (since December’23).

I tend to agree with the comment above of “externalising their consciousness onto screens” with the resulting cognitive feedback.

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It is so frightening to feel so out of control regarding all of this. How the transactivists act is very similar to how addicts in the throw of addiction behave. With all the happy-happy-it-saved-my-life-transactivist propaganda anyone under 25 - not fully mature

mentally or emotionally, can get hooked into the fantasy of being able to escape their misery by transitioning. And with trans being both a coping mechanism for pain/confusion AND an identity - it becomes deeply entrenched in a person's psyche. It is a marriage from hell - Addiction + Identity = ideology that is roach-like in its persistence to thrive in hostile environments and circumstances.

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The odds are 100% that the indoctrination has been going on behind your back for quite a while. I'll bet for at least 6-12 months she was very secretive about what she was doing online, and if you're in a blue state, was coached to transition at school, out of feeling "not safe" at home.

For the longest while I wondered why doctors would fall for the same scripted language from every kid that comes in, and then the WPATH files hit, and Levine's leaked email about profits, and the leaked video about profits from Vanderbilt.

They are well aware of what they're doing.

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You are completely correct. How naive I was yo think that people are basically good. Another lie served to me through the machine. Evil yo the core.

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Don't blame yourself thinking if only I said or did x or y. There is nothing you could have done short of keeping your daughter in a cave. I feel the same way.

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And it is likely you also see all the other accusations and names the Left calls the Right. E.g., fascist , nazi,racist etc. But, those are Leftist projections. Take fascism for instance. A Conservative in the US cannot be fascist or nazi. They are for limited government. They are for individual liberty and individual responsibility. They are for abiding by the US Constitution. Yet the Left is for centralized government with more control. It is more likely the left is projecting their evils onto the Right.

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I agree, the only American fascist right womgera to be afraid of are the WEF bunch with their weirdo beliefs and forced centralised "intelligence"

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My daughter did the same at 18 and now she’s horrifying to look at because I know the truth and because this is insane. The endocrinologists, therapists, nurses and doctors are all facilitating this. It’s so wrong. She blames me. She hates me because I can only take so much and then I tell her what I think and she blocks me. I’ve returned to faith in God and try to go to church when I think I can handle it because I burst into tears so much. I can’t believe this is happening. Please help. How can they do this to our children?

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I’m in the same boat with my 19 year old it’s like she has deliberately set about making herself into an unattractive person so much so that my older daughter who has just become engaged won’t be having bridesmaids or groomsmen at her wedding because she doesn’t want her “trans” sister in the photos. Not because she doesn’t love her sister but because she thinks she’ll change her mind one day and the photos will be a disaster either way.

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It’s so devastating. I’m so sorry for you and your other daughter. It ruins everything involving family and it’s meant to do that. When you listen to the twisted language, the demands, the rigid rules… it mimics Christianity but hates Christianity because it’s the exact opposite. I believe it’s meant to destroy and replace Christianity. I grew up in a Christian school and rejected it. I know a lot about being born again through Christ. Born in the wrong body sounds a lot like Trans language. I hope things turn around someday for all of us. 🙏🏼

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The doctors don't see a person there. They don't see a patient. They see an insurance billing code.

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This is so frightening to me. I was that girl growing up and at 19 I cut off all my gorgeous long hair and dressed like a boy. And it was JUST A PHASE. A place for me to explore being me without needing to feel beautiful. A place to defy the image of woman that culture and men thrust on me. I would absolutely have been sucked into the trans-cult. 18-24 is such a vulnerable time for young people. I’m so sorry to hear about your daughter. 😢

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It doesn’t sound to me like you did anything wrong in raising her. I spent my preteen to teenage years marinated in the idea that men were all potential sex criminals - an ideology that came from books, not my parents - and now I have a hard time socially interacting with men. I don’t know if I’d be married if I hadn’t met my husband in high school and instinctively realized that he’s a more essentially nice person than I am. If you’d raised her to a “a fighter,” you might have ended up with a whole different set of problems, not an absence of problems.

Don’t be so hard on yourself.

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Wow. What a statement. "men were all potential sex criminals". I realize that there is relentless stories out there demonizing men, and telling women horrible "cautionary tales". Is that what led to your worries about men? How can better stories be told?

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There are plenty of better stories - the problem is, they can’t erase the worse ones. To put it in a ‘90s movie framework, you can watch “Titanic” every week, but it won’t erase “The Silence of the Lambs.”

I do think it was helpful to be exposed to more stories about men who seek out emotionally fulfilling sexual relationships and feel vulnerable about sex. Not “is she going to think my penis is too small” vulnerable, but vulnerable in the sense that they see sex as a human connection between two people, not just a means by which to ejaculate, and they want sex to mean something.

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I'll just suggest taking a tour of things like Disney's direct to consumer streaming TV shows or whatever the movie was that made the undeserved confidence of a white man and so on. Since at least 2020 straight white men are the corporate approved comic relief idiot or villain. That doesn't change the lived experience of women and girls. But if you're a white autistic male it can be a mind fuck. "Are we the baddies?"

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Yes, I think the "friends with benefits" attitude is the worst thing FOR WOMEN that has happened. Sex between lovers is a wonderful thing. Sex as recreation between persons who have shared popcorn is less good. Now, when I was dating 45 years ago, I certainly did not turn down the few opportunities I had in the "recreational sex" category. But dating, committed relationships, and sex in a safe and loving manner are key.

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Better stories can be told when men start behaving better.

During my adolescence and adulthood I was relentlessly harassed, followed and pursued. We (fathers, mothers and the culture in general) need to teach our boys and men to be respectful, kind and safe, then they will be better. But it hasn’t happened yet.

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I’m so sorry that happened to you! I can relate to some of the things you said but my experience growing up with three brothers and a Dad who obviously was a great role model, was that men are not all badly behaved or predatory towards women. I hope very much that I wasn’t just “lucky” to have grown up with kind, respectful and protective males in my life.❤️

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My Dad and brother were wonderful men. But my overall experience with men outside of my family as I moved thru this life has been predominantly predatory and unsafe. I’m happy that you haven’t had these types of negative experiences, but I’m willing to guess that given our patriarchal society, you are in the minority.

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Wishing with all my heart and soul she finds her way back. This insidious cult is full of envy and hatred of beauty. Purely destructive, hold as fast as you can. She will need you when she comes up for air.

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I was a fighter, tried to be a good role model. My modelling seemed to make no difference as my vulnerable child’s autistic nature inclined her to follow a path of her own choosing, seemingly oblivious to me. This could have been partly normal teen rebellion. I could not stop her being captured by a cult.

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