New resource: Center for Mind/Body This was started by Dr. James Gordon, trauma researcher who developed successful trauma therapies. His book is called Transforming Trauma. I highly recommend it and will be writing about it in my blog,
Say that in 1998 you create an organization dedicated to preventing suicide among gay teens. Good.
What sort of people will donate to your organization? What sort of people will come to work at your organization?
Idealists. True believers. "Activists". And pervs. People who want to be close to gay teens. Hmm.
If your organization achieves its goal, does it declare victory, throw a party, and close its doors? Of course not. It moves on to the next goal.
Will that next goal be saving whales in Kazakhstan? No, it'll be some variation on its original goal, probably a weirder variation, a doubling down. "Preventing gay teen suicide is not enough, now we have to promote gay teens!"
RINSE, LATHER, REPEAT for 24 years. And so here we are in 2022, separating parents from children. I am not surprised. Are you?
No, quite the opposite. These agencies ALL endorse unlimited gender choices including ever expansive, ever evolving Sexualities as denoted in all the Calif Dpt of Ed documents and the Calif Dpt of Ed has refused to exempt pedophilia as a future sexual identity after being asked several times to do so. This is no surprise since our Sex Ed standards by Advocates For Youth (funded by CDC) say sexual consent is the fundamental right for people of ALL AGES. And the CDC seeks to normalize YMSM for the sake of “health disparities” YMSM stands for Young Men who have Sex with Men.
John William Money is the one who came up with this notion of “gender identity” and he fully endorsed pedophilia.
It's also important to note that the GSA clubs in our schools, changed their name. GSA does not stand for Gay Straight Alliance. It stands for GenderS, SexualitieS Alliance. This is so unlimited gender choices and unlimited sexualities can be all "inclusive".
Trevor Project also endorses over 100 sexualities and tells kids to just tell their parents they are "bisexual" because they won't understand all these different sexualities. They list many in their article here.
As a public school teacher, when I requested the Calif Dpt of Education to exclude MAP (Minor Attracted Persons) as a future "evolving" sexual identity in their Health Framework and Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, the Calif Dpt of Ed REFUSED to do so. See their "ever evolving" sexualities statement in Ch 3 on page 6 of the Ethnic Studies that will soon become a graduation requirement in Calif.
Here is the quote straight out of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, where all these genders and sexualities are compared to skin color, so if you don't go along with it, you're labeled a racist.
The usage of LGBTQ+ throughout this document is intended to represent an inclusive and ever-changing spectrum and understanding of identities. Historically, the acronym included lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender but has continued to expand to include queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, allies, and alternative identities (LGBTQQIAA), as well as expanding concepts that may fall under this umbrella term in the future.
I feel like such a gullible idiot! I did make a donation to them once, three years ago. At the time I was no aware of transgender stuff and thought that it was a nice organization offering support to gay kids... I really should have done my research.
I’ve looked at their website and receive their emails and each time they ask me for money- which is every time they reach out to me- they use suicide as the reason. It feels so manipulative, a cheap trick using young people as pawns to raise funds…
I was thrilled to see the link to the Erica Anderson article in the San Francisco Examiner!!!!! If you haven’t read it yet… please do. It’s amazing and I can’t believe it got published.
New York Times also just ran an article on the surge in teens identifying as trans - and allowed 600 some comments confirming what we are seeing to stand. I was SHOCKED.
If you want to let these celebrities know you don't support this charity, here are some twitter handles for easy reference: @KimKardashian @GeorgeTakei @TheEllenShow @kathygriffin @andersoncooper @DanielJRad @ActuallyNPH @DiannaAgron @iamjohnoliver @tyleroakley @chriscolfer @DarrenCriss @Alancumming @MileyCyrus @SarahKSilverman @SusanSarandon @ZacEfron @WhitneyCummings @WendyWilliams @rosieperezbklyn
Send this article, everyone, to: Melanie Martinez, Ellen DeGeneres, Troye Sivan, Kathy Griffin, Shay Mitchell, Daniel Radcliffe, Neil Patrick Harris, James Marsden, Chris Colfer, Kim Kardashian, Darren Criss, Dianna Agron, George Takei, Anderson Cooper, John Oliver, Tyler Oakley, and NFL player Carl Nassib. Many more celebrities are listed here.
here are some of their twitter handles for easy reference: @KimKardashian @GeorgeTakei @TheEllenShow @kathygriffin @andersoncooper @DanielJRad @ActuallyNPH @DiannaAgron @iamjohnoliver @tyleroakley @chriscolfer @DarrenCriss @Alancumming @MileyCyrus @SarahKSilverman @SusanSarandon @ZacEfron @WhitneyCummings @WendyWilliams @rosieperezbklyn
I found text conversations between my daughter and a Trevor Project “counselor” that included the offer to purchase a binder for her, information on how to hide things from myself and her dad and hormone replacement. The “counselor’s” qualifications- “I have a brother who is trans.” No conversation about my daughter’s anxiety, depression and home/social situations.
I subscribe to this thread as the ex-wive of a cross-sex ideating man. I feel there are many overlapping interests and observations. I also looked up the Trevor Project independently and saw how captured it was. This is called force-teaming, a tactic the Gender Ideology uses to slip their agenda in where a seemingly related concern is. What I find breathtakingly bizarre is the lack of treatment of the anxiety symptoms and the assumption that wrong-sex hormones and painful surgeries are the answer. They are a project in distraction. The relief will not last. I just came across a photo of me and my husband when I was pregnant with our first child. He looked so happy. None of his current photos show him even smiling. I have a blog for those of us who've been damaged by all the emotional blackmail. Please visit and comment, tell your story.
It is a cult. It is a cult with a sexual component. Ritual conditioning and manipulation are used on them by their groomers, and on us by all involved. The chants, the fake research and lack of bona fide research show it all. For ideas on fighting back, from several ROGD parents and me, a grass widow (my term for trans widow) visit I am developing a following and moderated comments. Please come over and tell your story in the comments. I will collect themes and make posts. I also give updates on a small set of activists from this cohort. Ute
Please do come to my blog, I don't need to monetize, but thanks! We have to get our voices back from this cult. There will be news about a trans widow/parent of ROGD kids coalition forming. We can do this! Stay in your sexed body with both feet on the ground, Lycaerix!
New resource: Center for Mind/Body This was started by Dr. James Gordon, trauma researcher who developed successful trauma therapies. His book is called Transforming Trauma. I highly recommend it and will be writing about it in my blog,
O'Sullivan-Conquest law: any institution that is not explicitly right wing will become left wing over time.
Corollary: any institution not dedicated to normalcy will drift toward greater and greater weirdness.
Say that in 1998 you create an organization dedicated to preventing suicide among gay teens. Good.
What sort of people will donate to your organization? What sort of people will come to work at your organization?
Idealists. True believers. "Activists". And pervs. People who want to be close to gay teens. Hmm.
If your organization achieves its goal, does it declare victory, throw a party, and close its doors? Of course not. It moves on to the next goal.
Will that next goal be saving whales in Kazakhstan? No, it'll be some variation on its original goal, probably a weirder variation, a doubling down. "Preventing gay teen suicide is not enough, now we have to promote gay teens!"
RINSE, LATHER, REPEAT for 24 years. And so here we are in 2022, separating parents from children. I am not surprised. Are you?
No, quite the opposite. These agencies ALL endorse unlimited gender choices including ever expansive, ever evolving Sexualities as denoted in all the Calif Dpt of Ed documents and the Calif Dpt of Ed has refused to exempt pedophilia as a future sexual identity after being asked several times to do so. This is no surprise since our Sex Ed standards by Advocates For Youth (funded by CDC) say sexual consent is the fundamental right for people of ALL AGES. And the CDC seeks to normalize YMSM for the sake of “health disparities” YMSM stands for Young Men who have Sex with Men.
John William Money is the one who came up with this notion of “gender identity” and he fully endorsed pedophilia.
More Neo-Marxists trying to break up the family. These ppl want our kids.
What kind of silly question is that?
It's also important to note that the GSA clubs in our schools, changed their name. GSA does not stand for Gay Straight Alliance. It stands for GenderS, SexualitieS Alliance. This is so unlimited gender choices and unlimited sexualities can be all "inclusive".
And if you read the 2020 National Sex Ed Standards, you will see that the definition of transgender changed to an "umbrella term of a LARGE NUMBER of Gender Identities". Here is a summary of the document.
This document written by Advocates For Youth, was funded by the CDC under DASH (Division of Adolescent School Health).
Trevor Project also endorses over 100 sexualities and tells kids to just tell their parents they are "bisexual" because they won't understand all these different sexualities. They list many in their article here.
As a public school teacher, when I requested the Calif Dpt of Education to exclude MAP (Minor Attracted Persons) as a future "evolving" sexual identity in their Health Framework and Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, the Calif Dpt of Ed REFUSED to do so. See their "ever evolving" sexualities statement in Ch 3 on page 6 of the Ethnic Studies that will soon become a graduation requirement in Calif.
Here is the quote straight out of the Ethnic Studies Model Curriculum, where all these genders and sexualities are compared to skin color, so if you don't go along with it, you're labeled a racist.
The usage of LGBTQ+ throughout this document is intended to represent an inclusive and ever-changing spectrum and understanding of identities. Historically, the acronym included lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender but has continued to expand to include queer, questioning, intersex, asexual, allies, and alternative identities (LGBTQQIAA), as well as expanding concepts that may fall under this umbrella term in the future. /
I feel like such a gullible idiot! I did make a donation to them once, three years ago. At the time I was no aware of transgender stuff and thought that it was a nice organization offering support to gay kids... I really should have done my research.
I’ve looked at their website and receive their emails and each time they ask me for money- which is every time they reach out to me- they use suicide as the reason. It feels so manipulative, a cheap trick using young people as pawns to raise funds…
I was thrilled to see the link to the Erica Anderson article in the San Francisco Examiner!!!!! If you haven’t read it yet… please do. It’s amazing and I can’t believe it got published.
New York Times also just ran an article on the surge in teens identifying as trans - and allowed 600 some comments confirming what we are seeing to stand. I was SHOCKED.
If you want to let these celebrities know you don't support this charity, here are some twitter handles for easy reference: @KimKardashian @GeorgeTakei @TheEllenShow @kathygriffin @andersoncooper @DanielJRad @ActuallyNPH @DiannaAgron @iamjohnoliver @tyleroakley @chriscolfer @DarrenCriss @Alancumming @MileyCyrus @SarahKSilverman @SusanSarandon @ZacEfron @WhitneyCummings @WendyWilliams @rosieperezbklyn
They are willingly captured in exchange for $. They now have a lot of donors that they don’t seem to have had before
Send this article, everyone, to: Melanie Martinez, Ellen DeGeneres, Troye Sivan, Kathy Griffin, Shay Mitchell, Daniel Radcliffe, Neil Patrick Harris, James Marsden, Chris Colfer, Kim Kardashian, Darren Criss, Dianna Agron, George Takei, Anderson Cooper, John Oliver, Tyler Oakley, and NFL player Carl Nassib. Many more celebrities are listed here.
here are some of their twitter handles for easy reference: @KimKardashian @GeorgeTakei @TheEllenShow @kathygriffin @andersoncooper @DanielJRad @ActuallyNPH @DiannaAgron @iamjohnoliver @tyleroakley @chriscolfer @DarrenCriss @Alancumming @MileyCyrus @SarahKSilverman @SusanSarandon @ZacEfron @WhitneyCummings @WendyWilliams @rosieperezbklyn
Thank you! Fantastic!
I found text conversations between my daughter and a Trevor Project “counselor” that included the offer to purchase a binder for her, information on how to hide things from myself and her dad and hormone replacement. The “counselor’s” qualifications- “I have a brother who is trans.” No conversation about my daughter’s anxiety, depression and home/social situations.
The people in the Trevor Project need to be arrested for this.
Unfortunately, it's more likely that we will be arrested for revealing the truth about them.
I subscribe to this thread as the ex-wive of a cross-sex ideating man. I feel there are many overlapping interests and observations. I also looked up the Trevor Project independently and saw how captured it was. This is called force-teaming, a tactic the Gender Ideology uses to slip their agenda in where a seemingly related concern is. What I find breathtakingly bizarre is the lack of treatment of the anxiety symptoms and the assumption that wrong-sex hormones and painful surgeries are the answer. They are a project in distraction. The relief will not last. I just came across a photo of me and my husband when I was pregnant with our first child. He looked so happy. None of his current photos show him even smiling. I have a blog for those of us who've been damaged by all the emotional blackmail. Please visit and comment, tell your story.
Thank you for bringing this to our attention. I can't believe I gave this organization money in the past : ( We must amplify this story.
So well said! Gender Burns everything in its wake. Turning an entire generation into deluded, captured, ideologues… it’s truly so tragic!
It is a cult. It is a cult with a sexual component. Ritual conditioning and manipulation are used on them by their groomers, and on us by all involved. The chants, the fake research and lack of bona fide research show it all. For ideas on fighting back, from several ROGD parents and me, a grass widow (my term for trans widow) visit I am developing a following and moderated comments. Please come over and tell your story in the comments. I will collect themes and make posts. I also give updates on a small set of activists from this cohort. Ute
My thoughts, exactly! Please visit my blog, and comment and tell your story.
Please do come to my blog, I don't need to monetize, but thanks! We have to get our voices back from this cult. There will be news about a trans widow/parent of ROGD kids coalition forming. We can do this! Stay in your sexed body with both feet on the ground, Lycaerix!