As if he isn't depressed now. And a rabid activist anger. Sounds fun. All without the counsel of a psychiatrist I would guess. So sad. I grew up in Seattle. It has lost it. How do activists ruin whole cities, culture, behavior and morals? Because the media loves it. And the administration cheer leads it. Marxism playbook. Or voices have been silenced due to censorship and the word police. Speak up, jump in. "Say, no, that is not true...and you know that!" One of my favorites anyhow! A lot of people will just go along, but when you jump in and are articulate and firm, they start siding with you because you have the truth.

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Eph. 6. [12] β€œFor we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.”

May God Almighty hear your cries and intervene and cast away the demons tormenting your son. In Jesus name! πŸ™πŸ™πŸ™

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It makes me wonder if being married to a bisexual woman with borderline personality disorder might have had something to do with it. If she was attracted to women, maybe he was subconsciously trying to place his wife.

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I’m so sorry. I can’t even blame the devil or pray because it I’m an aetheist so no comfort for me there.

I hope it helps comfort you. It’s just beyond awful 😞

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Why would you think it awful? How do you know he's not right?

I am happy you know it is awful. The whole transgender thing has no parallel in anything. It is a mental issue. That has been obvious to all including many atheists for millennia. That's why it's called Gender Dysphoria. It is state of unhappiness and emotional discomfort.

The three atheist who come to my mind, Richard Dawkins, Sam Harris, and Michael Shermer all denounce the destruction of reality it takes to make trans ideology real. See Shermer's column on it here. https://michaelshermer.substack.com/p/trans-doper

Your atheism has nothing to do with it. There are Christians who believe it. It is your personality and ideology. If a girl weighing 80 pounds goes into a doctors office and declares she is fat, should we accept it? Should we put her on a diet to support this delusion? It is the same species of disorders. Both people believe reality is wrong. Don't forget there are large numbers of people who truly believe they are animals. It's called Animal Dysphoria or Species Dysphoria.

The bottom line is that it's medical and science malpractice to let an 8 year old boy who thought he was batman last week declare he is a woman and be sent down a path of hormone blockers and future surgery because of how he feels at the moment. Europe has gotten the clue and this is getting shut down as it should. We are next, Thank God.

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My heart goes out to you, my son (mid 30Β΄s), also aprox 2 and half years ago announced out of the blue that he had gender dysphoria and was transitioning. It has been and still is the most disturbing and distressing situation I have gone through. The theme totally repeats itself and your son could be my son. He is also in rocky relationship with a supposedly heterosexual female!!! Beats me. I aslo feel I have lost a son, I know my other children also are feeling the loss. Everyday I pray that he wakes up and realizes what an increible and valuable person he is, that we are still here, love him and that until he overcomes his trauma, his internalized homophopia, his deep hate about himself, no clothes,no new name, no new pronouns, no make up, no medications or surgery are going to be a cure for his distress and unhappiness. In the beginning I tried to help, total mistake, I now know that unfortunately this his his journey to overcome and find that little happy and smiling boy and reach his happines as a gay man. I also pray that somehow, someway, he meets a man, that will love hem for who he is and that he can also love back, since II know that the relationship he is in now with is totally toxic. It always helps to write, so thank you for sharing your story and letting us know we are not alone in our journeys of letting go. Take care of yourself

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What are you talking about, Randy? I’m suggesting talking to the child’s mother. I think you read too quickly.

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RemovedFeb 10Β·edited Feb 10
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I'm aware of the risks your raise and the at-risk status of grandparents. I trust the grandmother I'm speaking to, to use her judgment based on the realities of the relationships and individuals she's dealing with. As to "triangulating between marital partners", really?! Are you serious? The message seemed to say that this grandmother had yet not spoken with her daughter about something important. If that's the case, deciding that an instant belligerent response from the SIL declaring these topics off-limits should mean no communication about them with the daughter is problematic, to say the least. The grandmother will need to figure out what's possible, which is why I use words like "perhaps" and I ask things as questions.

As to the book I mentioned it is not a "values" book; it is a book that explains the different body parts people have. When I say "perhaps" it would be possible to have this in her home down the road for grandchildren, I mean again, that the grandmother I'm addressing can assess the circumstances. It is entirely possible, that like so many parents, her SIL would actually have no idea that some of the people he's aligning with, would find helping children know body parts to be a problem. Quite regularly people who consider themselves "trans allies" think I'm lying when I say that reproductive anatomy lessons in schools specifically fail to tell children who-has-what anatomy. To them it is obvious that children need to be given that information, just as they are given information about other parts of the body.

So again, good luck to the woman I'm responding to here, in navigating the path ahead of you. I hope these thoughts are helpful as you figure out things that you, and you alone, will be able to assess. And I feel for you as to the tricky place you're in: wanting to protect your grandchildren, and wanting to not have them kept away from you.

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Addendum: letting grandchildren know that they're not limited by sexist stereotypes in terms of what clothes they get to wear or activities they get to do....should be no problem with the SIL and daughter. In any case, it would be bizarre for a grandmother to tell her grandson that he can't have the pink parasol because its for girls, or to tell a granddaughter to let her brother carry the toolbox because tools are for boys.

And correction to my comment above: I used the term "may be able" as opposed to "perhaps" which indicates the same mindset. The grandmother will need to assess what makes sense.

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RemovedFeb 10
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I don't share your assessment of this woman and her judgment. Nor do I share your assessment of what is needed and what is "needless" regarding Gender Identity issues. My guess is that you are not up to speed on just how egregious the harm being done to children is. That would explain you having so little sympathy regarding the difficult situation grandparents are in....the Sophie's choice presented to us as the result of the Gender Cult being so malicious and so powerful.

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Thank you for sharing, my heart goes out to you.

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I have read your story about your adult son and can’t help but feel your heartbreak.

With each PITT story I read of broken families, trashed relationships, and so many lives ruined, I get ever angrier and more outraged. I know it’s wrong, but I find myself hating this sick, desperately destructive cult.

I also find myself hating the states who continue to give this cult refuge even as the world wakes up to what is being done and turns against it and all its evil doings and wanton lies. We cannot abide this present state of affairs, and there are stirrings of struggles to come. Come what may, let us be resolved that we will bring the end to this dangerous, diseased ideology, this mad, monstrous lie.

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You could just not disown your children.

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Soo so sorry this has happened to your family the disturbing changes in appearance, the anger when not given or told what they want, the complete disregard for anyone else’s feelings even their own children!! This is the most self centred, aggressive, nasty and vicious cult since the 2nd World War. Another dangerous, evil ideology full of sadly weak-minded lost people with severe mental imbalances. The tide is turning, keep safe and pull together with his ex wife and your grand children and weather the storm. We all support you!!

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Thank you all for your thoughtful comments and support. We all need a place to go and tell our story and hear about others, it helps to know we are not alone in this. And no matter how old the person is, they are still ours, our kids who we love and will forever, no matter the decisions they have made for themselves. And just to note, sometimes people lose sight of the fact that these are all human beings who have feelings, too, and can be hurt by unkind words and being called names. It just doesn't help anything. I see it all too often and being the parent to a person who has moved into this lifestyle it hurts me to hear it, even if they don't. The one thing I think about for every parent, is the disruption of the family in so many of these instances. For so many this decision has changed family dynamics forever, and it's so very sad. My heart really does go out to all of you.

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Absolutely devastating. My heart goes out to you. Poor children - how are they handling it and do they even have a relationship with their father?

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They have a good relationship. They are very accepting children because they love their father. Thank you.

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Love is always the best choice, even when your heart is breaking.

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hope you feel better. sorry to hear about your son. my guess is hes unhappy with how his life is going. hes frustrated and mad at himself more than anyone. i suggest giving the man some space. protect yourself. you dont have to put up with abuse from him. its not your fault hes been scammed by quacks and activists.

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He is not gay. He is an autogynephile.

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Admittedly had to look that word up - but not quite agreeing. He is in a relationship with a trans female. So - both males presenting as females.

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That’s just gay. Two dudes have no vaginas and have to do the other… gay. Which is fine- just be gay, don’t know why you have to dress up and pretend to be women.

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That's called "T4T". Autogynephiles often end up dating each other because lesbians and heterosexual women aren't interested in them. And because they share interests and outlooks.

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Very confusing! We want to end this madness. I like your choice of name (EndThisMadness) as we are all deeply hurt by the insanity of gender ideology.

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Same. Same. Same. It is like you’ve written about what we’ve experienced the last couple years. Our son relocated to Seattle almost 3 years ago now when he was 23. We have gradually gone from occasional text responses to, I believe, being blocked. Like you, I came across this group and the same stories of anguish. My heart continues to break.

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Kim, my heart goes out to you and your family.

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I'm sorry you're going through this. It sounds like you had a wonderful son. I understand those looks from other people. It breaks our hearts to see people looking at our sons that way. I became defensive, and also sad, almost pitying. Yes, agree about the mental health "professionals" failing these men, these women too. I had an affirming Dr. of psychology who had experience with trans people and after several sessions with him, at first with my detransitioning son, then just me because my son didn't want to see him anymore, he finally said to me one session, "I think my profession has let this population down. He used to get somewhat defensive, saying he has treated several trans people. Maybe a little progress. But it's too little too late for what our sons have suffered. Take care and thank you for sharing here.

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Thank you - I appreciate the response. I wish more thought like this psychologist. Maybe one day!

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Feb 7Β·edited Feb 9

Oh my! AGPs sometimes go on to transition, but for most of them it is a fetish and they don't want to give up their genitalia. I had no idea how sex-negative this group is. There are REAL transgender people, you know. It's the children I'm concerned about.

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There are NO real transgender people. Only gender dysphoric and autogynophiles and transvestites. Other societies squash this - ours needs to stop being so accepting. It helps no one.

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If by β€˜sex negative’ you mean not wanting people to play out their fetishes in public I plead guilty. I literally could not care less what people do in their own homes but once it is in public it is coercing others to participate.

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What do you mean by β€˜real transgender people’? There have of course always been people who don’t feel comfortable with sex stereotypes of dress or behaviour but that is about not wanting to conform to a narrow bandwidth. The answer is to have an acceptance of a range of expression not a pretence that anyone can β€˜transition’ from one sex to the other.

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real trans? not really. its just that people are too polite to say what theyre thinking. so they let blokes think theyre really trans. its all a lie tho.

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Yup. Why would any procedure specific to a man, taking a man's body into account with all his maleness... Why would ANY of those procedures done on a man turn him into a woman. It's like Chloe Cole coming to the same question and then becoming totally disillusioned and then detransitioning: why would a surgical procedure only performed on women, why would undergoing that female-specific procedure then turn her into a man...

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