So if I'm reading correctly, while your daughter was underage, you willfully kickstarted her off on this journey by allowing her to take hormone blockers and furthered the indoctrination by allowing her to see a "gender specialist?"

Then you solely relied on someone else to inform you of the medication they put your daughter on instead of doing your own research on what she was taking and the implications. Then you express disdain by the gyno wanting to wash her hands from any responsibility of your child while failing to admit where the sole responsibility really lies.

You facilitated, financed, and supported this entire ordeal, and now you're feeling a certain type of way at the results? And you managed to do all of this while being a doctor? Please forgive me, but I'm having difficulty understanding who and what you're really mad at.

Maybe you should take an L on whatever it is you're upset about and just be supportive and empathetic towards your daughter based on what couldn't've been done (particularly at her age) without your help.

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So much respect for you and your mother's strength in the face of such outrageous suffering, one mother to another. If there is anyway you think you could find some solace in helping other parents and children caught in this vile cult, using your unique skills and experiences to set up a gender-counselling clinic or even a podcast to provide a much needed alternative to the knee-jerk affirmation and medicalisation response, you could be a real saving grace in our cruel, corrupt and otherwise graceless times. All the very best wishes to you that your daughter comes back to you soon.

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Every time I hear stories like this -- and I hear them often -- it strikes me, the extent to which this madness is happening because every institution has simultaneously bought in to it. Every institution -- the schools, the health clinics, the mental health providers, the media, and of course the peer groups themselves. Often the families are the biggest cheerleaders of all, "celebrating" this health-destroying denial of biology.

We've lost the message "You can be whoever you are, as masculine or feminine as you wish, without changing your body in ways that compromise your health." Such a basic obvious message. But every institution is proclaiming this "alternative reality" instead, where it's considered healthy and normal --even "necessary" -- to take huge doses of hormones, sterilize yourself, and pretend to be a different sex.

With this madness culturally supported on all sides, and treated as if it's something "real" inside the kids, which requires these extreme "treatments," there is really no way for individual families to fight this with any success. Instead, the individual families, every time, are treated as the crazy outliers. Families who won't go along with it are considered the problem. Each family is thus isolated in this sea of cultural madness and (mostly) doomed to fail in their quest to save their kids from bad medical choices.

That's why if we fight this successfully at all, it needs to be on a higher level than at the family level (although in every heartbreaking situation like this one, you can't help but root for the family to resolve things happily). This needs to be addressed at the highest cultural level -- like the Satanic panic or the belief in multiple personality disorder, this needs to be understood to be a mass sociogenic illness or a culture-bound syndrome.

We need to spread the message that what we're seeing is not "real" in the sense of being "universal" -- teenage girls in every time and place throughout history did not consider themselves gay men and take hormones. That's just us. It's something our culture has created. And it's very maladaptive.

Sometimes I think our institutions won't be shaken out of their cozy cocoons of denial until the lawsuits come rolling in.

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You know what bugs me? When this thing all goes bad, the cheerleaders, including the gynecologist and psychiatrist in this story, will wash their hands of the whole thing. We parents will be the ones nursing our wounded kids back to health.

I'm sorry if I sound like a broken record, but my message is DON'T LET THEM GET AWAY WITH IT. When the time comes, confront the cheerleaders. Expose them. They are not your friends. They never were. They are the enemy. Treat them like a defeated enemy. Leave no doubt as to who the guilty party was. Careers need to end. Institutions need to close. Reputations need to be destroyed. Let justice reign.

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deletedDec 9, 2021Liked by PITT
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