I don't know how many times over the last seven years that I have asked for God's forgiveness for all the times I promoted and encouraged the trans lifestyle back in the 70s and 80s.
Had I known then, how many other poor and innocent kids would have followed me into this pit of hell, I would tried harder to deal with my own gender confusion.
In the seven years since I published Don't get on the Plane, I have listened to hundreds of mothers and fathers cry to heaven over the pain gender ideology has caused their family.
Damn it all to hell.= and God forgive me for adding anything to this trend.
Your letter brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful expression of your love for your child . Each letter I read is such a reflection of my soul and all the other parents out there who have lost their children to this cult. I never dreamt in a million years that I would be going through this . I have written many letters to my son and I have never gotten a response. It is so hard to keep going and have faith that you will see them again , that you will hug them again that you will hear them say I love you again . I heard a quote from a well known pastor who said dont give up hope, think of it as patiently expecting, I have tried to cling to that belief but it is still hard . I have faith and I have a strong belief in God. Still sometimes you want to scream at him why why why is this happening. I want my child back I want my family back. I guess we all need to pray for peace and try to patiently expect that one day they will come back to us .
I have screamed at Him, and He held space for me to fall apart. He loves us enough to allow it, so go ahead and scream when you need to. I have been so hurt, so angry, so depressed by our estrangement, I look ten years older (in a year’s time) from the ordeal. It threw me headlong into menopause immediately, and all sorts of health issues came to the surface to trouble me. I feel as though I’ve been at war, when all I ever wanted was peace.
Now I have it, though the battle rages on around me. I am not a part of it anymore, I’m merely a survivor of it. We are still estranged, but my mind doesn’t dwell in the moment, it’s focused entirely on eternity. And God’s plans for our children are bigger than our own. ❤️
WOW, that is so elevated and out of the box. It is really beautiful and goes against an evil society pushes in the more weak and malleable. Thank you for to have the courage to goes beyond any bad experience and think in what no evil would take of you it doesn't matter the separation, temporary I wish you are experiencing now with your daughter. Evil wants that but you are not playing the game, you are rejecting it and opposing the "values" of a society that is simply sick. It is hard to accept that but once we accept it we can do something to repair it and love is a necessary ingredient for everything we do in our lives while, for instance, transgenderism is not love, affirm your children is NOT love, accept their madness either. But as I commented many times, they are mainly victims, the society is big part of the problem, the doctors and therapits are too, the school, all supported by the interteinnment industry. When Rowlings, the writer said that a person cannot change her or his gender, the roars of the beast almost ate her alive. How she dare!!! Jesus told the women who were crying for Him at the foot of the Cross "Do not cry for me, cry for yourselves, because it would come a time that you will be jealous of the women who are barren". That time is here!
As mothers we are subject to terrible stress and disappointment, Fathers too! It is like run a race to nowhere. We asked ourselves why we got here, to his point of self destruction, specially in the last decade, but this started slowly in the 80 and 90's. I watched a video of that time of a drug queen that went to jail 19 years for killing another drag queen Angel Menendez, but this guy had podscast pushing the drag and gay lifestyle and he had videos that I watched a couple to check the grade of perversion and talk with property, certainty and truth about the topic, and it was a boy dressed as a girl with him an another man in drags and there were talking about Q or K, the boy said that he was doing it in the coach during parties. Later I found out that he was mentioning a drug very popular for partying, and the boy is not more than 8 or 9 years old. Where that boy is now? The damage had started and we were not paying attention.
They are all our children. All the children matter, remember when we had that group set by the UN or UNESCO, singing that song "We are the children, we are the future", now I wonder, where are the children, where is the future? To take care about the environment or the planet had not sense if we don't take care of humans first, specially the younger ones. The Earth is our home but the Earth does not have purpose of its existence beyond us, exists because we exist. It was made for us and we are its stewards and must take care of it, but we also must take care of humans who have been savagely attacked in all fronts. Still we must love and our love has to be immense in these times. We must counter evil with love but still we must speak the truth because truth is love too.
I just wanted to say thank you to all the parents here at PITT whose faith remains unwavering, our love steadfast and long suffering. We have been given a unique insight into how God suffers our own sin and folly, when we exercise our free will in a way that rebels against our true nature, which is a being made in the image of the holy and the divine in temporal vessels made merely of earth and the very breath of the living God. It’s such a privilege to be loved by such a gracious Creator, and our true purpose is to mirror His love to the world, starting with our children. We are the light of the world, the city on the hill that will not be hidden. It is our love that shines the light on the darkness that stumbles our children and leads to their error. Our love is what will guide them home, back to our hearts. At least, this is my hope.
Thank you for holding space for my pain, for publishing my letters, and for helping me to find my voice, and myself, once again. Writing has been cathartic for me, and I realize now that I need to do more of it. I appreciate everyone’s feedback. Merry Christmas to you all! For unto the world, a savior has been born, and I can think of no better reason to join in song with all of creation and say “thank you” with every heart beat. ❤️
Maybe sometime you can share with us about the Divine message you received on Black Friday and how. When you hear back from your daughter, I hope that you will share that too. Maybe it will take her a while, but then again, maybe not.
I do believe I will, in time. I have a message, a song I never heard before in my ears, and I feel the call to share it. I do believe it is unfolding in time. Thank you.
Today I unsubscribed from DNC fundraising emails. They ask why. I responded, that I don't support sterilizing children or Men in Women's sports. I closed with you're not clownfish, just clowns. It just kills my soul that my first born wants to be infertile.
This was so spot on, so perfectly stated. The eloquence of your words is surpassed only by the obvious depth and sincerity of your love. I truly hope your daughter reads this and is touched by it, but, regardless, it is a wonderful thing to have written.
God is with us 🙏. Beloved child of God, Thank you for sharing your letter. The words are very familiar to me. I turned towards Jesus in my grief of losing my only child, my son to the Trans ideology. Unconditional love as our Father God has for us. What a lesson. Hallelujah Hallelujah Amen
Thank you! It’s the only way I could continue to hold space for so much pain. I had to learn to give thanks, in all circumstances. That was something I knew in my head by never had to practice so fully in my heart before now.
My eyes quickly filled with tears and my heart with sorrow as I read the letter. Not only for your family but it’s like you wrote the letter for me to my daughter. And she’s only 13.
I’ve been told and am aware the I’m carrying a very deep grief. Thank you for helping me see that my love is very deep and not what my daughter says.
My help and strength comes from Jesus Christ, saving me and all those who come to him, from sin. I can have peace even among this heartache. Only God is in control and I pray that our children will turn to trust in the one who created them.
Mine is 32. It never gets easier. I try to keep things as uncomplicated as possible by practicing radical honesty. It takes some practice, but it’s worth nurturing.
Mine is 30 & it's only been six months. I am not coping at all. It's the last thing I think about at night & the first thing I think of in the morning. My life is dark & I can't see any light in the future without my baby girl. I live in hope of her seeing the light so we can see it together. Her name might dead but my love for her is forever.
That’s where I was six months post estrangement as well. A few months later, I joined a support group for estranged parents, and it has been a lifesaver for me. It’s been a year and a half for us, and I’ve finally found some peace with what is. It was hard won, but worth the effort. TBH, I was suffering from passive suicidal thoughts because I felt like my whole life was a waste, and I couldn’t imagine ever pouring my heart into anyone or anything like I have into my children, or to any extent really, ever again. I don’t feel that way anymore, I feel blessed and grateful, in spite of the pain that remains. It still hurts like hell, but I can breathe and smile again.
Thank you for the support & encouragement! I am lucky to have a very supportive husband who has no idea what to do or say! My girlfriends are amazingly supportive but aren't able to help me move forward & I don't expect them to. This platform has been a real life raft but also makes me realize the incredible amount or damage, hurt & the extent of the cults reach into our families & our world! I don't feel comfortable contacting local groups because I know how it's a no go topic &Australia is even more woke, left & trans crazy than anywhere else. It is easier that my girl lives in Canada so I am able to deal with the estrangement on a practical level. Christmas was melt down level but it passed. I love all of you wonderful people who are willing to share & be vulnerable on here! Please know that you are all in my heart & I may your life be full of love and happiness!
I’m glad you have your husband and supportive friends. That really helps. If you ever feel like you might want more support from a small, private community, or to join a coaching course to help navigate the grief and the depression, you might want to check out https://estrangedparents.me
Hang on mama, you have her young age on your side. My 14 yr old came out and socially transitioned and is now 16 and fully desisted. We worked hard to show her love, spent time with her (watching a special show together, family game nights and so on. We made things about what we loved about her. Told her not affirming was supportive whether she saw it or not. I left emails from PITT and grnspect on my phone so when she needed to borrow it.... we did lots of things but didn't make it about gender. I let her shave her head, then die it, dress how she wanted but we never wavered. We called her B instead of her 'new' name. Keep loving her and your faith and she has a good chance of getting out. And thankfully the socital tides are turning ❤️
This is beautiful and precious and words I'd like to tell my own daughter. I too am grateful that she made me a mom and that I got 18 sweet years with her.
I pray your daughter's eyes are opened to the blessing she has in you and in her Father. That her heart is softened to the love and grace offered her despite her choices. Thank you for sharing. May the Lord hear our prayers and save our children.
What a beautiful letter to your daughter. This is the ultimate unconditional love from a parent. To be thankful in the midst of a loss that, I believe, only PITT families can understand. May Christmas and the New Year continue to bring you the peace that you so deserve. xxxxx
I don't know how many times over the last seven years that I have asked for God's forgiveness for all the times I promoted and encouraged the trans lifestyle back in the 70s and 80s.
Had I known then, how many other poor and innocent kids would have followed me into this pit of hell, I would tried harder to deal with my own gender confusion.
In the seven years since I published Don't get on the Plane, I have listened to hundreds of mothers and fathers cry to heaven over the pain gender ideology has caused their family.
Damn it all to hell.= and God forgive me for adding anything to this trend.
Rene Jax
Wow Mama: "I have come to see grief as merely love with nowhere to go" best quote about grief I've ever read. Thanks YOU!!
Your letter brought tears to my eyes. What a beautiful expression of your love for your child . Each letter I read is such a reflection of my soul and all the other parents out there who have lost their children to this cult. I never dreamt in a million years that I would be going through this . I have written many letters to my son and I have never gotten a response. It is so hard to keep going and have faith that you will see them again , that you will hug them again that you will hear them say I love you again . I heard a quote from a well known pastor who said dont give up hope, think of it as patiently expecting, I have tried to cling to that belief but it is still hard . I have faith and I have a strong belief in God. Still sometimes you want to scream at him why why why is this happening. I want my child back I want my family back. I guess we all need to pray for peace and try to patiently expect that one day they will come back to us .
I have screamed at Him, and He held space for me to fall apart. He loves us enough to allow it, so go ahead and scream when you need to. I have been so hurt, so angry, so depressed by our estrangement, I look ten years older (in a year’s time) from the ordeal. It threw me headlong into menopause immediately, and all sorts of health issues came to the surface to trouble me. I feel as though I’ve been at war, when all I ever wanted was peace.
Now I have it, though the battle rages on around me. I am not a part of it anymore, I’m merely a survivor of it. We are still estranged, but my mind doesn’t dwell in the moment, it’s focused entirely on eternity. And God’s plans for our children are bigger than our own. ❤️
Oh God, this is beautiful and painful beyond words ... and oh so true
Thank you!
WOW, that is so elevated and out of the box. It is really beautiful and goes against an evil society pushes in the more weak and malleable. Thank you for to have the courage to goes beyond any bad experience and think in what no evil would take of you it doesn't matter the separation, temporary I wish you are experiencing now with your daughter. Evil wants that but you are not playing the game, you are rejecting it and opposing the "values" of a society that is simply sick. It is hard to accept that but once we accept it we can do something to repair it and love is a necessary ingredient for everything we do in our lives while, for instance, transgenderism is not love, affirm your children is NOT love, accept their madness either. But as I commented many times, they are mainly victims, the society is big part of the problem, the doctors and therapits are too, the school, all supported by the interteinnment industry. When Rowlings, the writer said that a person cannot change her or his gender, the roars of the beast almost ate her alive. How she dare!!! Jesus told the women who were crying for Him at the foot of the Cross "Do not cry for me, cry for yourselves, because it would come a time that you will be jealous of the women who are barren". That time is here!
As mothers we are subject to terrible stress and disappointment, Fathers too! It is like run a race to nowhere. We asked ourselves why we got here, to his point of self destruction, specially in the last decade, but this started slowly in the 80 and 90's. I watched a video of that time of a drug queen that went to jail 19 years for killing another drag queen Angel Menendez, but this guy had podscast pushing the drag and gay lifestyle and he had videos that I watched a couple to check the grade of perversion and talk with property, certainty and truth about the topic, and it was a boy dressed as a girl with him an another man in drags and there were talking about Q or K, the boy said that he was doing it in the coach during parties. Later I found out that he was mentioning a drug very popular for partying, and the boy is not more than 8 or 9 years old. Where that boy is now? The damage had started and we were not paying attention.
They are all our children. All the children matter, remember when we had that group set by the UN or UNESCO, singing that song "We are the children, we are the future", now I wonder, where are the children, where is the future? To take care about the environment or the planet had not sense if we don't take care of humans first, specially the younger ones. The Earth is our home but the Earth does not have purpose of its existence beyond us, exists because we exist. It was made for us and we are its stewards and must take care of it, but we also must take care of humans who have been savagely attacked in all fronts. Still we must love and our love has to be immense in these times. We must counter evil with love but still we must speak the truth because truth is love too.
Speaking the truth is in deed an act of love. I wholeheartedly agree. ❤️
I just wanted to say thank you to all the parents here at PITT whose faith remains unwavering, our love steadfast and long suffering. We have been given a unique insight into how God suffers our own sin and folly, when we exercise our free will in a way that rebels against our true nature, which is a being made in the image of the holy and the divine in temporal vessels made merely of earth and the very breath of the living God. It’s such a privilege to be loved by such a gracious Creator, and our true purpose is to mirror His love to the world, starting with our children. We are the light of the world, the city on the hill that will not be hidden. It is our love that shines the light on the darkness that stumbles our children and leads to their error. Our love is what will guide them home, back to our hearts. At least, this is my hope.
Thank you for holding space for my pain, for publishing my letters, and for helping me to find my voice, and myself, once again. Writing has been cathartic for me, and I realize now that I need to do more of it. I appreciate everyone’s feedback. Merry Christmas to you all! For unto the world, a savior has been born, and I can think of no better reason to join in song with all of creation and say “thank you” with every heart beat. ❤️
Maybe sometime you can share with us about the Divine message you received on Black Friday and how. When you hear back from your daughter, I hope that you will share that too. Maybe it will take her a while, but then again, maybe not.
Love it! Merry Christmas to you and your family. You are not alone.
Thank you! ❤️
I do believe I will, in time. I have a message, a song I never heard before in my ears, and I feel the call to share it. I do believe it is unfolding in time. Thank you.
Today I unsubscribed from DNC fundraising emails. They ask why. I responded, that I don't support sterilizing children or Men in Women's sports. I closed with you're not clownfish, just clowns. It just kills my soul that my first born wants to be infertile.
This was so spot on, so perfectly stated. The eloquence of your words is surpassed only by the obvious depth and sincerity of your love. I truly hope your daughter reads this and is touched by it, but, regardless, it is a wonderful thing to have written.
Thank you!
God is with us 🙏. Beloved child of God, Thank you for sharing your letter. The words are very familiar to me. I turned towards Jesus in my grief of losing my only child, my son to the Trans ideology. Unconditional love as our Father God has for us. What a lesson. Hallelujah Hallelujah Amen
Thank you!
A Masterpiece of grace.
A humble work in progress. ☺️ Thank you!
Thank you for sharing…. You said it so beautifully. 🌿
Thank you! It’s the only way I could continue to hold space for so much pain. I had to learn to give thanks, in all circumstances. That was something I knew in my head by never had to practice so fully in my heart before now.
My eyes quickly filled with tears and my heart with sorrow as I read the letter. Not only for your family but it’s like you wrote the letter for me to my daughter. And she’s only 13.
I’ve been told and am aware the I’m carrying a very deep grief. Thank you for helping me see that my love is very deep and not what my daughter says.
My help and strength comes from Jesus Christ, saving me and all those who come to him, from sin. I can have peace even among this heartache. Only God is in control and I pray that our children will turn to trust in the one who created them.
Mine is 32. It never gets easier. I try to keep things as uncomplicated as possible by practicing radical honesty. It takes some practice, but it’s worth nurturing.
Mine is 30 & it's only been six months. I am not coping at all. It's the last thing I think about at night & the first thing I think of in the morning. My life is dark & I can't see any light in the future without my baby girl. I live in hope of her seeing the light so we can see it together. Her name might dead but my love for her is forever.
That’s where I was six months post estrangement as well. A few months later, I joined a support group for estranged parents, and it has been a lifesaver for me. It’s been a year and a half for us, and I’ve finally found some peace with what is. It was hard won, but worth the effort. TBH, I was suffering from passive suicidal thoughts because I felt like my whole life was a waste, and I couldn’t imagine ever pouring my heart into anyone or anything like I have into my children, or to any extent really, ever again. I don’t feel that way anymore, I feel blessed and grateful, in spite of the pain that remains. It still hurts like hell, but I can breathe and smile again.
Thank you for the support & encouragement! I am lucky to have a very supportive husband who has no idea what to do or say! My girlfriends are amazingly supportive but aren't able to help me move forward & I don't expect them to. This platform has been a real life raft but also makes me realize the incredible amount or damage, hurt & the extent of the cults reach into our families & our world! I don't feel comfortable contacting local groups because I know how it's a no go topic &Australia is even more woke, left & trans crazy than anywhere else. It is easier that my girl lives in Canada so I am able to deal with the estrangement on a practical level. Christmas was melt down level but it passed. I love all of you wonderful people who are willing to share & be vulnerable on here! Please know that you are all in my heart & I may your life be full of love and happiness!
I’m glad you have your husband and supportive friends. That really helps. If you ever feel like you might want more support from a small, private community, or to join a coaching course to help navigate the grief and the depression, you might want to check out https://estrangedparents.me
Also on YT: https://youtube.com/@estrangedparents?si=LTIGG6R62lxO-e1O
She developed a 6 week course that I found immensely helpful, and she just started a new session this week.
In any case, be good to yourself, and to your spouse. It’s a rocky road for sure. ❤️
Bless you & thanks for the links.
Hang on mama, you have her young age on your side. My 14 yr old came out and socially transitioned and is now 16 and fully desisted. We worked hard to show her love, spent time with her (watching a special show together, family game nights and so on. We made things about what we loved about her. Told her not affirming was supportive whether she saw it or not. I left emails from PITT and grnspect on my phone so when she needed to borrow it.... we did lots of things but didn't make it about gender. I let her shave her head, then die it, dress how she wanted but we never wavered. We called her B instead of her 'new' name. Keep loving her and your faith and she has a good chance of getting out. And thankfully the socital tides are turning ❤️
This is beautiful and precious and words I'd like to tell my own daughter. I too am grateful that she made me a mom and that I got 18 sweet years with her.
I pray your daughter's eyes are opened to the blessing she has in you and in her Father. That her heart is softened to the love and grace offered her despite her choices. Thank you for sharing. May the Lord hear our prayers and save our children.
Amen, sister! ❤️
What a beautiful letter to your daughter. This is the ultimate unconditional love from a parent. To be thankful in the midst of a loss that, I believe, only PITT families can understand. May Christmas and the New Year continue to bring you the peace that you so deserve. xxxxx
Thank you! ❤️